Although the Strike Force guild isn't currently recruiting on its own roster, we're currently on the lookout for Euro or otherwise other international based guilds to join our alliance. You'l be in good hands with us, provide public and private alliance forums, and your own Vent channel. We're not a guild going anywhere, as most of us have been together for almost 9 years.
Most of our guilds are PvP based, with leanings towards GvG.
Strike Force [SF] (International - Heavy America)
Sorcerers of Light And Darkness [SoLD] (Euro)
The District Nudists [NUDE] (International - Heavy America)
Eternal Misfits [Efit] (America)
Back Once Again [BoA] (America)
Durance of Fate [DoF] (America)
Infuse the Minions [Ynot] (America)
The Void Alliance [VA] (International)
If interested in checking us out, we're at
Strike Force [SF] (Alliance)