Remove useless bounty bonuses.
Mr. Fahrenheit
Enchantment Spell. For 60 seconds, you have +100 maximum Health. When Strength of the Norn ends, you gain 100 Health.
Blessing. For 60 seconds, you gain +4 health regeneration.
It's really disappointing when farming points then getting these bonuses...(Not just the above).
Not to mention 'great dwarf armour', but i suppose that it's just luck of the draw and we're gonna have to accept we get the crap bonus sometimes.
They added those stuff in there so it'd be random, and not have every bonus be another point farm bonus.
Exactly, you can't have every course of the meal be dessert.
If all bonuses other than farm bonuses were removed, then they would simply nerf all the existing farm bonuses into oblivion, so that players were on average still gaining faction at the originally intended rate. In short, you aren't going to get it "for free".
If all bonuses other than farm bonuses were removed, then they would simply nerf all the existing farm bonuses into oblivion, so that players were on average still gaining faction at the originally intended rate. In short, you aren't going to get it "for free".
I'm shure one of those actually saved me from a DP once.
A better change would be for the random bonuses to be party wide instead of everyone getting something different - it's a right pain when someone wants to find a boss, while someone else is on a hunt rampage and yet someone else only has extra armour so dosen't care and uses it as a chance to afk for a drink.
well gotta think of it form a general point of few, i personally dont farm them (yet) so those +4 regen and armour things just give me an extra bonus for a certain time which is always appreited, while my luck uasualy gets me +2 rep points as i walk out of area, so i like the current system.
Wasn't really set in place to reward sole farmers, but HM has madea the title a nice bit easier i would imagine ( comp broke so havent played it yet)
Wasn't really set in place to reward sole farmers, but HM has madea the title a nice bit easier i would imagine ( comp broke so havent played it yet)
Diddy bow
I think it would be nic if they were permenant untill zoning (perhaps nerfed a little to compansate) this would make them accually usful, whereas removing them would just make the bounties kinda boring. Random factior is good imo ^^.
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
I think it would be nic if they were permenant untill zoning (perhaps nerfed a little to compansate) this would make them accually usful, whereas removing them would just make the bounties kinda boring. Random factior is good imo ^^.
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
A better change would be for the random bonuses to be party wide instead of everyone getting something different - it's a right pain when someone wants to find a boss, while someone else is on a hunt rampage and yet someone else only has extra armour so dosen't care and uses it as a chance to afk for a drink.
I like the idea of the bonuses being party-wide personally. It's kind of stupid that each person receives a different reward for doing the same thing.
And plus I bet if Anet removed the "useless" bonuses they would find a way to keep the odds of getting a reputation bonus the same. Like they would make it so you might get the bonus when you hit 25 kills or you might get nothing at all. I'd rather have +20 armor or +100 health or +4 health regen for 60 seconds than nothing at all.
And plus I bet if Anet removed the "useless" bonuses they would find a way to keep the odds of getting a reputation bonus the same. Like they would make it so you might get the bonus when you hit 25 kills or you might get nothing at all. I'd rather have +20 armor or +100 health or +4 health regen for 60 seconds than nothing at all.
Diddy bow
Originally Posted by RPGmaniac
I like the idea of the bonuses being party-wide personally. It's kind of stupid that each person receives a different reward for doing the same thing.
These bonuses are great if you're not running holy trinity.
With usual tank/nuker, these bonuses don't do anything, since either tank takes all the damage, or it doesn't matter.
But for anything semi balanced, the party moves much faster. No need to wait for recharges, everyone is taking damage, and such bonus can easily last for 2 groups - and you get another bonus every 3 groups.
Of course, the underlying note to this is that there should be only point bonuses to make grind-based aspect faster. Sadly, gameplay is really of little concern when it comes to titles, but these bonuses, while short, aren't even remotely useless.
PUGs are a lost cause.
With usual tank/nuker, these bonuses don't do anything, since either tank takes all the damage, or it doesn't matter.
But for anything semi balanced, the party moves much faster. No need to wait for recharges, everyone is taking damage, and such bonus can easily last for 2 groups - and you get another bonus every 3 groups.
Of course, the underlying note to this is that there should be only point bonuses to make grind-based aspect faster. Sadly, gameplay is really of little concern when it comes to titles, but these bonuses, while short, aren't even remotely useless.
Thats another thing the bounties need to do as it is now its more or less "dont PUG guys, H/H is much better" and thats kinda stupid. If they were party wide people might acctually makes PUGs in gw:en... Seriosly! |
Phoenix Tears
this reminds me in the moment of somethign else.
where are all those divine buffs gone, when you kneel at a god's shrine and talk to the god? ...
they had for some time ago all much more different buffs, that you could buy for decent gold. now they give you either only +3 life reg and +25 HP for 50g or give you +2% morale for 100g
imo boring, the old buffs were much cooler.
however in general
where are all those divine buffs gone, when you kneel at a god's shrine and talk to the god? ...
they had for some time ago all much more different buffs, that you could buy for decent gold. now they give you either only +3 life reg and +25 HP for 50g or give you +2% morale for 100g
imo boring, the old buffs were much cooler.
however in general
+100 HP and +100 later on are nothing... they are not skills you can choose and use anytime, they are supposed to be something you are happy to get.
Maybe 200HP and full recover at the end... that's a bonus.
Or +7HP regen for 60 seconds, or +3 HP regen for 20 minutes....
Maybe 200HP and full recover at the end... that's a bonus.
Or +7HP regen for 60 seconds, or +3 HP regen for 20 minutes....
Johnny Madhouse
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
they had for some time ago all much more different buffs, that you could buy for decent gold. now they give you either only +3 life reg and +25 HP for 50g or give you +2% morale for 100g
Oh, and the 2% morale boost in Prophecies is party wide. Totally AWESOME!
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
they had for some time ago all much more different buffs, that you could buy for decent gold. now they give you either only +3 life reg and +25 HP for 50g or give you +2% morale for 100g
i say buff em or leave em cause i rather like them, and with the r8 in all the title tracks its the only thing i get in nm and soo the only thing i would get in asuran areas *im r9 asuran almost r10* so yea no /notsigned....
Susan Katz
I agree with above--make random bonus the same for the party so people don't have opposing needs
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Antheus
They are called blessings.
i think, those blessings should also be in EotN when you talk at EotN God Shrines to the avatars of the gods ...
Nemo the Capitalist
gootta love grind based titles

The Little Viking
I really dont care which bonus i get to be honest, but what i would like to see is the whole group get the same bonus. Sucks when you have the rampage bonus and no one else does. People without really dont want to speed kill when they dont have the rampage as well. (i personally love the speed kills).Yea, I say keep them random, but group random not individual.
Making it last throughout the entire area would be nice.
They need to buff the bonus if it's to be useful. 45-60 secs? And you get what, 20 armour or 3 regen? Useless. Make it last the whole zone for the party or something, as is, when you get it you're just disappointed you didn't get points or a +faction per kill. Make the hunt upgrades priority as well. I'd take that over any bonus except ones that give more points.
Hell, the whole reason you'd even clear a zone would be to get points, so I don't really see I reason to have these useless buffs. It's like opening a coffer and getting an LB scroll.
Hell, the whole reason you'd even clear a zone would be to get points, so I don't really see I reason to have these useless buffs. It's like opening a coffer and getting an LB scroll.
Ivan Aidrann
I like the +100hp norn bonus
Farming in valajar fells... r9 norn (which means +93hp if im not mistaken) + norn hp bonus + symbiosis while prot monks are casting enchantments along with my conjure flame ench = me very
1,200hp+ ftw
60 seconds is a bit short though

Farming in valajar fells... r9 norn (which means +93hp if im not mistaken) + norn hp bonus + symbiosis while prot monks are casting enchantments along with my conjure flame ench = me very

1,200hp+ ftw
60 seconds is a bit short though