Originally Posted by symbiote
Me, for instance... I have posted allot of ideas on this site NikiWiki and alsow on the GW2 Suggestions Thread here at GW Guru. But every time I post a idea... I have the feeling that its just a waste of time, of course I cant expect that Anet obeys us like some slave... And Im NOT...
- What would you think? Interpreting what community wants has a value, sure, but that doesn't mean a company who is responsible for making profitable products at the risk of bankrupt will heed to every imaginable suggestion.
If you ask community what they want... you will get the response
Mounts, no mounts, flying mounts, underground mounts, space ships, intelligent enemies, multiple enemies, few powerful enemies, primary/secondary/tertiary professions, unlimited skill choices, no skills at all, equippable skills, skills as a reward, characters that start with all skills, swimming as a skill, cooking as a skill, dancing as a skill, improved trade system, removal of gold from the game, auction house, jailhouse, own house, abandoned houses, palaces, taverns, dens, grind, no grind, optional grind.
So basically you understand that you're in position where you can demand anything without thinking of consequences, how much it would cost and how difficult it would be to implement. You don't make people
choose one thing or another and it's bound to fail.