Update - Saturday, October 20, 2007 Bug fixes Fixed an exploit that could be used to crash the game for every player in an instance. Guild Wars Wiki notes This update had a bug which caused many players to be disconnected with "Error 7", and it was quickly followed by a second emergency build to fix the problem. |
It consisted into sending a health ping packet with wrong textrefs, if you try that after this update you get an error 7.
EDIT: I am quoting what Gaile stated on her talk page so that nobody gets any bad ideas.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Guys, I've been asked to let you know that anyone trying the exploit will find his/her account actioned. This would not apply to the person who made us aware of it, and if we can verify any of those test sessions (which I noted in a forum thread) that's also going to be looked at differently. But those who learned of this exploit and attempted to use it after we rolled the build will most likely find the account banned. -- Gaile 00:25, 21 October 2007 (UTC)
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some kind of crash exploit, where someone could cause another person to lose connection. I believe it was quite new, as in today. We first heard of it was this morning and no one has been able to spot its use previously (although I do believe we're going to check into that in greater detail). The exploit was disabled with a correction, as I mentioned, that also puts in place a reporting system that will allow the team to see if anyone tries to use the exploit. (I should clarify: Even if the exploit is closed, trying to use it is still disallowed by the UA, and we take that provision very seriously.) -- Gaile 08:09, 21 October 2007 (UTC)