- Log into GW, and shortly after game play, the characters on screen freeze. The sound is intermittent, as is mouse movement, and either eventually, your PC locks up or you're unable to minimize GW to get back to your desktop
- Log into GW, and immediately the characters on screen freeze, sound is intermittent, as is mouse movement, and again, PC locks up.
Last night, I attempted to play GW, and as soon as I'd log in and get to the town my character was last in, I'd experience a lock-up. I'd love to blame this on my video card (nVidia Ge-Force 7600 GS), but I experienced the same thing on my ATI Radeon 9800, which is why my sister bought me a new video card.
I've updated my video and soundcard drivers (Creative Audigy), cleaned my HD, yadda yadda, and I still have the same issue.
The reason for my posting is this - as soon as I got into GW today, I made the window smaller, so that it's running basically as another application on my desktop. Granted, the graphics are skewed like this, but the game has not locked up YET. If there's anyone reading this who have had the same issues, I'd like to see if you'd try to play GW in a smaller window and see if it still locks up on you, and post here.
I have no idea what this implies, if it implies anything, but I haven't been able to play much for months, and no one has been able to provide me with a reason why that has applied to me and my machine (which I built myself). GW is the only game I play that I experience this problem with so that leads me to believe it's game specific. I requested help from PlayNC, and that got me no where so here I am again. Looked for the thread someone else had posted who had the same problems as I did, and it's apparently gone.
So... if any of this applies to you, and you're able to get the game to run in window mode, please let us know.