Force Reconnects
I'm sorry if this has already been posted (I did a search and nothing came up) and feel free to close if it has.
For as great as reconnects are, I have a problem with my internet connection where if the answering machine picks up, someone picks/hangs up the phone I sometimes lose my connection briefly. I can't use the internet usually for about 20 seconds but then everything restores as per normal; however, GW sometimes gets stuck for upwards of about 5 minutes and it just hangs there in mid-action. It would be great if there was a button where you could forcibly disconnect yourself, if it's even possible. Sometimes disrupting my own connection doesn't work and I lose all progress. Just a thought...
For as great as reconnects are, I have a problem with my internet connection where if the answering machine picks up, someone picks/hangs up the phone I sometimes lose my connection briefly. I can't use the internet usually for about 20 seconds but then everything restores as per normal; however, GW sometimes gets stuck for upwards of about 5 minutes and it just hangs there in mid-action. It would be great if there was a button where you could forcibly disconnect yourself, if it's even possible. Sometimes disrupting my own connection doesn't work and I lose all progress. Just a thought...
Originally Posted by booooYA
I'm sorry if this has already been posted (I did a search and nothing came up) and feel free to close if it has.
For as great as reconnects are, I have a problem with my internet connection where if the answering machine picks up, someone picks/hangs up the phone I sometimes lose my connection briefly. I can't use the internet usually for about 20 seconds but then everything restores as per normal; however, GW sometimes gets stuck for upwards of about 5 minutes and it just hangs there in mid-action. It would be great if there was a button where you could forcibly disconnect yourself, if it's even possible. Sometimes disrupting my own connection doesn't work and I lose all progress. Just a thought... |
Either you have a dial up connection which doesnt allow for multiple phone line connections at once and you might want to concider broadband.
Or you must have alot of phone splitters around your house connecting multiple devices to your phone line and causing certain ones to be cut off.
You need to clean up your connections and check your splitters and see if any are loose or in the wrong places!
You shouldnt really be getting cutt of from the internet if its all set up correctly, and your on broadband.
Personally Im cut off very rarely ingame and when ever I have had to use the reconnect its been fine and it hasnt lagged. I had issues at one point where I was cut off when the phone down stairs was used, but that was resolved by buying a new line and fixing the splitters.
Its more likely your set up at home and/or your internet connection is very slow and/or tempermental.
Kale Ironfist
Use Task Manager to kill the Gw.exe process, wait until your connection stabilises, then open the game and continue where you left off.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
This isnt something that needs fixed ingame, its an issue with your phone connections at home.
Either you have a dial up connection which doesnt allow for multiple phone line connections at once and you might want to concider broadband. Or you must have alot of phone splitters around your house connecting multiple devices to your phone line and causing certain ones to be cut off. You need to clean up your connections and check your splitters and see if any are loose or in the wrong places! You shouldnt really be getting cutt of from the internet if its all set up correctly, and your on broadband. Personally Im cut off very rarely ingame and when ever I have had to use the reconnect its been fine and it hasnt lagged. I had issues at one point where I was cut off when the phone down stairs was used, but that was resolved by buying a new line and fixing the splitters. Its more likely your set up at home and/or your internet connection is very slow and/or tempermental. |
As you wish.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
isn't it ten mins on the reconnect issue? I just do not get this problem ever, so IDK. but I think it is something like that. after the 10 mins you can not get back in to your session, and just spawn in the game normally...
Anyways, yea, I would suggest at the minimum consider getting a second phone line just for your computer. that should help your problem, but I think you will ultimately be much happier with DSL or cable modem if you can get it. I know in some places its still real expensive. I pay $70 a month for my cable modem, and its only 7/365, cause its all we got here ;( But in another area of the country where I go at times in the summer I get a 10/1000 connection for just under $30 a month. so its all a matter of finding the bundle with the best deal in your area, and what you can afford. |
Kale Ironfist
Did you read my post above? It's helped me a lot in getting back to the game quickly whenever I've had disconnect issues.
Originally Posted by Kale Ironfist
Did you read my post above? It's helped me a lot in getting back to the game quickly whenever I've had disconnect issues.
Or... you could get real internet.
Originally Posted by booooYA
I addressed that, I said sometimes when I try to end it through the task list I CANNOT GET BACK TO MY INSTANCE. That is why I wish there could be a button where I could force my own reconnect.
Then you're doing it wrong. Every time I control-alt-delete to kill my GW (not press the X) it allows me to reconnect.
It'd be pretty silly for them to have a force disconnect and reconnect in game. They'd have nowhere to put it, and no one's ever had trouble killing the program to force a reconnect.
Originally Posted by TheLordOfBlah
Or... you could get real internet.
Sometimes if I kill it from the task list, it doesn't register as an abrupt disconnection and therefore I don't reconnect into my instance.
Originally Posted by holymasamune
Then you're doing it wrong. Every time I control-alt-delete to kill my GW (not press the X) it allows me to reconnect.
It'd be pretty silly for them to have a force disconnect and reconnect in game. They'd have nowhere to put it, and no one's ever had trouble killing the program to force a reconnect. |
Mods might as well close this thread, as no constructive conversation is coming from it.
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by booooYA
...(1) For as great as reconnects are, (2) I have a problem with my internet connection where if the answering machine picks up, someone picks/hangs up the phone I sometimes lose my connection briefly. I can't use the internet usually for about 20 seconds but then everything restores as per normal ... |
2. It sounds like your answering machine is not using a filter.
usually the ADSL modem comes with a couple, sometimes not enough to outfit the house.
look at the ones you have, look it up on your providers website or whatever and order some.
Like others said it's from your connection, this has nothing to do with GW, Is that a thread lock I'm hearing?
- Ganni
- Ganni
Originally Posted by booooYA
I addressed that, I said sometimes when I try to end it through the task list I CANNOT GET BACK TO MY INSTANCE. That is why I wish there could be a button where I could force my own reconnect.
This isnt a GWs issue and its not something needs fixed! Ive never heard of anyone having issues before with reconnect. It should usually take you back to the exact same instance or mission you were kicked from, aslong as its within a given time.
The fact that the process is hanging when the game kicks you out is worryin enough. I know your going to reply with some bad tempered atittude, but check for spyware and viruses and defrag your machine if you need to.
The GWs client shouldnt hang at all!
The other issue is (as youve agknowledged) you shouldnt be getting kicked from the game as often as you are and its obviously not a server side issue. That is obviously due to this answer machine and how its connected to your phone line at home. Fix your connections at home and check your machine and fix what ever it is, and then you wont have reconnection issues because you wont get kicked.
/not signed because its purely an issue on your side and Anet doesnt need to change things ingame because of that.
This is why they ask you instore "can your machine meet the correct spec?" before you buy it. It isnt Anets job to make changes to the game to better suit the clients side and players who either have dodgey machines or bad home connections.
Reconnect works fine and it gives you the choice to reconnect if you wish to! What differenc will a forced connection make if the game is hanging on your side?
The reconnects are sketchy at best. I've lost connection, redialed, reconnected to MSN Messenger to make sure I was actually on-line, then clicked Reconnect on Guild Wars, and it would still boot me out of the game half the time.