Guild Wars With Gamepad (360 Controller)

t h i n e eyes b l e e d

t h i n e eyes b l e e d

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Finland, Vantaa

Sasquatch Squad [LAME]


This is neat! However, can I get it to work with a GameCube controller or with a Logitech gaming-controller designed for PC?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006


Infinite Omega Negatives


Originally Posted by Jesses Paradigm
how do i get my computer to detect my controller cause when i click edit configuration and you config highlighted it says there is no controller device detected.
Dit your computer notice it at first connect? Something like 'new hardware found'? You might aswell want to check out the control panel for gamepad configurations.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Reach Guild Wars For Christ (WWJD)


Won't work with Gamecube controller since it has no usb. Might try this with my 360 controller..



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



There are various USB adapters available for all the major console controllers, including Gamecube. But you won't be able to use the configuration file in the OP; you'll have to customize the controls for the difference in layout between the 360 pad and whatever other pad you use. Or start from scratch, and make your own.

Jesses Paradigm

Jesses Paradigm

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007


Originally Posted by Flightmare
Dit your computer notice it at first connect? Something like 'new hardware found'? You might aswell want to check out the control panel for gamepad configurations.

yeah it did that, but there is no software to install for a 360 controller, and the light around the X in the middle dont light up


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Does this work with a wireless controller and an XBOX Play and Charge Kit? Because my computer recognizes the Play and Charge kit hooked up to it, but when I try and turn on the controller, it never syncs with the computer, despite being wired into it. Is there something wrong, or something that needs to change?




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by FantomFang
Does this work with a wireless controller and an XBOX Play and Charge Kit? Because my computer recognizes the Play and Charge kit hooked up to it, but when I try and turn on the controller, it never syncs with the computer, despite being wired into it. Is there something wrong, or something that needs to change?

If you have a wireless XBox 360 pad, then you need the wireless USB receiver to plug into your PC.

I don't own that play and charge kit, but it looks like it simply uses the USB port as a power outlet to charge the battery pack.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


Havent been on for ages, anyhow you can use different controllers, as long as they have the same keys. For ex:

You can use this

Which I got for 5$ from gamestop used section. I also was able to use some madcatz bullsh!t that i got for 1$.

However, I cant use this mod anymore since im playing with a 24" screen, and I just dont feel like updating it :P

Melandrus Torment


Join Date: Aug 2008

Originally Posted by MisterB
I don't own that play and charge kit, but it looks like it simply uses the USB port as a power outlet to charge the battery pack.
This is correct. The play and charge kit is nothing more than a charging kit. The controller continues to function wirelessly, not via USB.

mastar of warrior

mastar of warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006




How do i connect a 360 controller to a PC?

Elder III

Elder III

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2007


I Will Never Join Your Guild (NTY)


mastar of warrior - let me answer your question:



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


last time i checked...
pinnacle game profiler is not free, and is only a 30day trial

if ur lookin for free alternatives...
joy2key or xpadder r basically the same thing

i've tried all 3
and i like joy2key the most despite pinnacle being a "professional" product
(xpadder seems popular, but i find heavily bloated wit useless crap)

oh and 360 controller should work as is when u plug it in
but if it doesnt, u can download the drivers/software for it here:

Erik Fox

Erik Fox

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


This is fun to play PvE with, but when I'm monking or PvPing I use a mouse just for the familiarity. Cool find/idea though, it's fun to chill on my bed and play GW


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Is there another program beside joy2key which allows you to use analog sensitivity for run/walk functions rather then a seperate key input?

Not for gw, but I have a number of other games I've been wanting to try this with.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by headlesshobbs View Post
Is there another program beside joy2key which allows you to use analog sensitivity for run/walk functions rather then a seperate key input?

Not for gw, but I have a number of other games I've been wanting to try this with.
You can try Xpadder. Xpadder allows you to adjust sensitivity of D-pads, triggers and sticks in advanced options. I'm not familiar with that program because I haven't used it. Note that development and support of Xpadder has ceased, although it is still available for download. A manual is available online as well.

Edit: Avira gave me a virus warning while attempting to access the download page on Mediafire. It may have been the banner ad.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2008


Hey all, I've got pinacle and my 360 controller all set up.... But I really cant figure out how to make this stuff work!
Are there any decent guides out there? I have no Idea how to change co-ordinates for skills or how to find them or anything.
I'll detail the most complicated stuff I want to achieve here,
I want to set it up so that A,B,X,Y are skills 1-4 and then you hit RB and then A,B,X,Y become skills 5-8 - so its easy to use skills.
Then I want LB to switch between enemy and ally targeting, and the two triggers to target (LT for prev target, RT for next/closest target) - so its easy to play all styles.
Finaly I want the right thumbstick to switch between moving the camera around and acting as a mouse (the switch key being D-pad up)

Thats the most complicated stuff, anyway.
So.. any guides?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by tauntedflail View Post
Hey all, I've got pinacle and my 360 controller all set up.... But I really cant figure out how to make this stuff work!
Are there any decent guides out there? I have no Idea how to change co-ordinates for skills or how to find them or anything.
I'll detail the most complicated stuff I want to achieve here,
I want to set it up so that A,B,X,Y are skills 1-4 and then you hit RB and then A,B,X,Y become skills 5-8 - so its easy to use skills.
Then I want LB to switch between enemy and ally targeting, and the two triggers to target (LT for prev target, RT for next/closest target) - so its easy to play all styles.
Finaly I want the right thumbstick to switch between moving the camera around and acting as a mouse (the switch key being D-pad up)

Thats the most complicated stuff, anyway.
So.. any guides?
Don't use Pinnacle, and don't bother with any of that coordinate junk for skills in the OP. Just substitute the hotkeys for your skills for the buttons directly, and skip all the coordinate mapping. JoyToKey and Xpadder are free, and both can do what you want easily. Try google for download links, and don't forget to scan them with your AV.

Guide for JoyToKey:
It also includes a readme text file.

Guide for Xpadder:
Or, if you want a direct link to the .pdf download page in that topic:


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2008


Originally Posted by MisterB View Post
Don't use Pinnacle, and don't bother with any of that coordinate junk for skills in the OP. Just substitute the hotkeys for your skills for the buttons directly, and skip all the coordinate mapping. JoyToKey and Xpadder are free, and both can do what you want easily. Try google for download links, and don't forget to scan them with your AV.

Guide for JoyToKey:
It also includes a readme text file.

Guide for Xpadder:
Or, if you want a direct link to the .pdf download page in that topic:
Heya thankyou very much for replying. After posting the other day I went back to pinnacle and figured it all out.
The controls are VERY nice now, seriously I can do everything on the game with the controler by just pushing keys on it 0 its like the mouse has become a redundant feature in GW. (I basically created four different modes you can play the game in - one for monking (so instantly targeting any of your party members with a press of a button), one for attacking (picking enemy targets), one for detailed hero playing (including controlling every one of your heroes skills and flagging them around) and one for accessing menus. All of the modes can be easily swapped on the fly with just two button presses, if I ever need to.)

I got it to do lots more, too.
It vibrates accordingly when I use a skill, plays (or will play) sound effects from the game to let me know what mode i'm in, it allows for full mouse control and camera control on the thumbsticks and its got a built in 'click to talk' button for when using vent, so I can use my 360 headset whilst playing.
Best of all (imo) it lets me use every single skill on my bar using the A,B, X and Y buttons very easily. Because of that, my skill when interupting and monking has gone way way up where I can hit any skill without having to move my hand across the keyboard to key them in. Also, my focus when i'm playing the game is no longer on the skill bar because i'm not clicking there - but almost always in the center of the screen. So now I've completely revamped my interface and its much clearer to look at the game, and its just a whole lot more immersive to play.

So whats with all this pinnacle hate? Sure, you only get it for 30 days at first but its pretty cheap to buy. and even then i'd imagine its pretty easy to get for free somewhere (through probs not best to get into that)

I would seriously recommened this to people. I mean really really recommend it. I might upload my profile if anyone is interested in it, so you can do it too - and even do a youtube vid showing how to use the settings and whats so good about it. (its pretty easy after ten mins of playing or so)



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2008


Necropolis Warlords


this seems amazing. I gonna try it tomorrow. I wish I could keep my resolution at 1440x900 though