NPC enemies have tendencey to attack particular class?
I've noticed that for odd reasons the NPC enemies will actually sometimes turn away from their attacking enemies and chase me, espicially when I am a Assassin or Monk, are NPC procesed to attack monks and assasins as higher priority or something or is it couincidence?
Crom The Pale
I believe they attack based on a formula of armor + hp + energy + dmg potential. As HP and Energy change they can alter targets, your actions will also help to select the target as they tend to seek certain skills for priority interuption. Hexes/enchants placed upon you may also alter the formula changing your priority. Movement and speed of movemet is also a factor.
While it would be nice to know the exact formula, it would take away from the apparent unpredictablity of the game.
While it would be nice to know the exact formula, it would take away from the apparent unpredictablity of the game.
Onarik Amrak
I've noticed my Necro heroes tend to attract a fair bit of attention from mobs.
Also, my prot Tahl gets hit on more often that my healing Dunk.
But that's not enough evidence to build a theory...
Also, my prot Tahl gets hit on more often that my healing Dunk.
But that's not enough evidence to build a theory...
I believe it's mostly related to your HP. I don't have any problems at all with my Monk, and it's rare that I roll with less than 630. Part of this is because attacks are less threatening when you have a lot of health, but I'm certain that I get targeted less often.
Kos Luftar
In HM, my Elementalist heroes and henchmen are always attacked by every monster, but if Elementalists are not there Necromancers & Monks are about equally targeted.
Hyper Cutter
All I know is that monsters seem to hate Livia...
Zeek Aran
The people talking about necros... I vanquished an area with two friends. I was the warrior, and they were an ele and a necro. The rest were heroes. Luckily, I had Ollie with me, because my necro friend died so much I almost always had a full minion army. When I'm alone, I usually have two necros, SS and MM, and my SS is always the first to -60 DP. If ever I don't bring necros, it's my mesmer. Never me, never my monk.
Do you happen to have a superior Curses rune on your SS? :] The more superior runes you use, the more death penalty gravitates towards you.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Do you happen to have a superior Curses rune on your SS? :] The more superior runes you use, the more death penalty gravitates towards you.
Has nothing to do with Health for me. They only ever attack my Hero Necro/s first. If I have Spiteful, they'll get to them as usually the first or 2nd target. But if I bring Blood Ritual, they're ALWAYS the first target. Always.
Even so, it's nice to have the Necro/s as the only target/s, since the rest of the party get no DP :P
Even so, it's nice to have the Necro/s as the only target/s, since the rest of the party get no DP :P
Onarik Amrak
Hmmm, yes, I noticed Eve tends to get beat up first as well.
I die always first.
Can't an elementalist have superior rune in pve? I'm gonna use it no matter what you say.

they almost always focus the person who aggros first, then go after the person on the team with the lowest max health (DP plays a role in this, and sometimes not even max, like people say, Eve, since she sacrifices all the time)
tested this on shiro many times with his banishing skill, and most monsters, it almost always seems to be the case
go with a friend to fight shiro, have the lower health (even by one point), you will always get banished first
tested this on shiro many times with his banishing skill, and most monsters, it almost always seems to be the case
go with a friend to fight shiro, have the lower health (even by one point), you will always get banished first
Shiro is dumb, I would banish the guy with the highest health. :P
Yes, they seem to love Necros more than other squishies, even if everyone has the same health. Maybe its the thought that their corpses will be exploited...
Yes, they seem to love Necros more than other squishies, even if everyone has the same health. Maybe its the thought that their corpses will be exploited...
Originally Posted by arsie
Shiro is dumb, I would banish the guy with the highest health. :P
Yes, they seem to love Necros more than other squishies, even if everyone has the same health. Maybe its the thought that their corpses will be exploited... |
shiro would target the lowest hp one because he's the easiest to kill. except the skills doesn't kill him at all :/
my ranger is always ignored until the mobs have finished off the monk, the ele and the necro....then they turn their attention to the others in the group. Even my mes/r is ignored when she has a bow in hand (even a short bow so she would be up next to the casters).
I do notice that no matter how much health runes I put on olias he is usually the first to get it, dunky seems to be able to kite a bit better than olias so he gets it next....while the ele heroes are another story altogether! (Zhed has a deathwish and will run into the groups, Vekk wont stay at a party flag and needs to be flagged by himself or he will run off into groups as well, and sosuke feels the need to be a tank sometimes as well....ugh).
I do notice that no matter how much health runes I put on olias he is usually the first to get it, dunky seems to be able to kite a bit better than olias so he gets it next....while the ele heroes are another story altogether! (Zhed has a deathwish and will run into the groups, Vekk wont stay at a party flag and needs to be flagged by himself or he will run off into groups as well, and sosuke feels the need to be a tank sometimes as well....ugh).
When I'm farming in Kurz areas, I always take Danika, Karl, Ghai and Vasburg(?), the mes, along with Koss, Sousuke and Olias.
Vasburg always seems to be the first target, followed by Sousuke, then Ghai, Danika and Karl.
In Melandru's Watch, on the Dredge side, with my rit, the Dredge Guardians and Cutters will run up and start whacking on my spirits while totally ignoring me standing right next to them, but my ~800HP and +6 H regen may have something to do with that.
Vasburg always seems to be the first target, followed by Sousuke, then Ghai, Danika and Karl.
In Melandru's Watch, on the Dredge side, with my rit, the Dredge Guardians and Cutters will run up and start whacking on my spirits while totally ignoring me standing right next to them, but my ~800HP and +6 H regen may have something to do with that.
mazey vorstagg
I normally play as casters and I've noticed that I'm normally the first target of everything. As a monk mobs always go for me first, and on my ele I'm pretty much always the first or second to die if the team is going to wipe.
However, in groups of humans I rarely get attacked. Maybe there is some sort of threat calculation going on.
However, in groups of humans I rarely get attacked. Maybe there is some sort of threat calculation going on.
I play curses with a superior rune and they never go for my Necro.
But Olias with a sup death rune is usually the guy who gets beaten up first. Two Ranger Heroes, Herta, Zho, Mhenlo and Lina is my usual setup.
It is strongly related to health. But no longer as strong as it was in Factions e.g.. The general class (caster or melee char) also seems to play a role, as well as positioning.
BTW, player Paragons and Hero Paragons rarely get attacked at all. They are midline, high health and armor, and the AI does underestimate them like most players, too. :>
But Olias with a sup death rune is usually the guy who gets beaten up first. Two Ranger Heroes, Herta, Zho, Mhenlo and Lina is my usual setup.
It is strongly related to health. But no longer as strong as it was in Factions e.g.. The general class (caster or melee char) also seems to play a role, as well as positioning.
BTW, player Paragons and Hero Paragons rarely get attacked at all. They are midline, high health and armor, and the AI does underestimate them like most players, too. :>
I think it is related to health. I had a lvl 17 hero, and the rest lvl 20 with henchmen at lvl 20. Guess who they went after?
And Cynn.
Those two lovebirds cannot spend five minutes off the ground sometimes before accidentally-deliberately hitting the dirt again. I'm starting to wonder why I ever bring them. ¬_¬
The rest of my party seem to be fairly impervious to aggro. My main himself is practically invisible to the warriors he prefers to wail on, which results in him chasing them all over the map trying to kill them. I believe it might be time to start bringing snares to PvE... >_<;
And Cynn.
Those two lovebirds cannot spend five minutes off the ground sometimes before accidentally-deliberately hitting the dirt again. I'm starting to wonder why I ever bring them. ¬_¬
The rest of my party seem to be fairly impervious to aggro. My main himself is practically invisible to the warriors he prefers to wail on, which results in him chasing them all over the map trying to kill them. I believe it might be time to start bringing snares to PvE... >_<;
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by lyra song
I think it is related to health. I had a lvl 17 hero, and the rest lvl 20 with henchmen at lvl 20. Guess who they went after?
It is related to health....if you want them to avoid your monks for example then go all survivor insignias and minor runes and they will be last to get targeted..if you are a warrior and want them to attack you go all attunement and sup runes, problem is if you are a "tank" and have 400hp then you are not much good because you die too easy so it sucks to be a tank anymore. Loot scale, nerfs to armor stacking, nerfs to defense in general have all served to run lots of people off from PvE. About 3 months ago I would never be in PvP and now it is almowt the opposite for me
Surely you see the benefit if mobs just target the same character over and over. Slap a Prot Spirit and Shielding Hands and let your warriors do the talking.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by prism2525
Surely you see the benefit if mobs just target the same character over and over. Slap a Prot Spirit and Shielding Hands and let your warriors do the talking.
Originally Posted by Keithark
It is related to health....if you want them to avoid your monks for example then go all survivor insignias and minor runes and they will be last to get targeted..if you are a warrior and want them to attack you go all attunement and sup runes, problem is if you are a "tank" and have 400hp then you are not much good because you die too easy so it sucks to be a tank anymore. Loot scale, nerfs to armor stacking, nerfs to defense in general have all served to run lots of people off from PvE. About 3 months ago I would never be in PvP and now it is almowt the opposite for me
The first thing I asked was what his character's health was, and as expected, I was told something high, 540, the rest of his heroes and henchmen basically have about 480 health each (default for characters with no runes/insignia)
Idea being if you have such high health, you will get attacked a bit if you run in first, but not long after the monsters will start turning on your lower health henchmen or party members, especially ones like Eve if they sacrifice health, or others if they have superior runes.
Understanding just a few of the monster AI elements like this will help make playing any character through PvE a much easier and simpler experience. Try making a high HP assassin, you'll have a lot more fun than with a low health one that dies every other fight!
Yes they switch, based on a set of formulas, but you can shake them by moving around and watching positioning on the battlefield. Part of that formula seems to be range from the 'core' of the battle, or something akin to that. Whenever my monk gets the 'Tag, your it' sign over her head I can usually start backing away more than I was, or running past another ally, and shake the aggro.
I use a similar tactic when I'm leveling a character and I have higher level heroes. My Prophesies Mesmer is level 11 with all level 15 heroes (
), so I have to play a lot of positioning games, but done right I can keep aggro on the heroes and off of me.
I use a similar tactic when I'm leveling a character and I have higher level heroes. My Prophesies Mesmer is level 11 with all level 15 heroes (

My Mesmer seems to be top priority in hard mode. Especially when DP is on me. I do run max runes and my heroes do not. Last night I attacked Raptures in Hard mode and I got killed. I was rezzed and instantantly died over and over. The group was on top of my corpse but I could not do a thing they switched on me as soon as I stood up.
My guess is Armor Rating/Health/Class in this order
My guess is Armor Rating/Health/Class in this order
Divinity Coast
I noticed this when coming trough the cave full of Ettins, near Beacon's Perch:
Every time a group attacked my party, all the Ettins came for me (I was a monk)
Luckily I didn't die, and killed everything in the cave..
Every time a group attacked my party, all the Ettins came for me (I was a monk)
Luckily I didn't die, and killed everything in the cave..