

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

I'm fairly new to build design, but I had an idea building upon the classic Dragon Slash/For Great Justice! PvE build that incorporates some new Norn skills for massive short duration damage. It was just something that popped into my head, maybe you guys can help develop it or scrap it outright if it's worthless.

The usual outline suggests Swordsmanship of 14+

Dragon Slash (elite)
"For Great Justice!"
"I am the strongest!"
Soldier's Defense

Possibly: "Dodge This!"

My idea sprung from waiting for Dragon Slash to build up using flail, then use "For Great Justice!" and "I am the strongest!" (since Dragon Slash recharges instantly with "For Great Justice!" and 14 Swordsmanship) to make the next 4...8 attacks (which should ALL be Dragon Slash) cause deal +10...20 damage. It could be pretty nasty with a good Norn reputation level.

I suggested "Dodge This!" to ensure a hit on Dragon Slash, but I think it might disrupt the adrenaline building.

Does this seed of an idea have potential for PvE? Help me out here, guys and gals!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


if you realy want to prevent blocking of your dslash chain, i'd advice to look into a dervish or assassin secondary

[skill]guiding hands[/skill] or [skill]way of the fox[/skill] can bypass blocking making sure at least the first dslashes realy hit.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by RotteN
if you realy want to prevent blocking of your dslash chain, i'd advice to look into a dervish or assassin secondary

[skill]guiding hands[/skill] or [skill]way of the fox[/skill] can bypass blocking making sure at least the first dslashes realy hit. Way of the fox seems great for that burst of Dragon Slash, fairly easy to maintain with "I am the strongest!" too, by the looks of it, and cheap cost for a Warrior to manage, though the shorter recharge of Guiding Hands might be even more useful in heavy PvE areas.

Perhaps another alternative would be adding a Conjure Frost/Flame/Lighting.

Then, you're getting the Dragon Slash damage, the additional armor ignoring damage of "I am the strongest!" and the additional damage of a Conjure.

For short bursts, that could be terrific. I'm going to have to try and test it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Feb 2007

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] | Ex-Officer [TAM]


You can always go w/p and put in enduring harmony for an extra 10secs of FGJ, then you can keep up the d-slash spam for 10 more seconds.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Well, I had some success with a build including:

[skill]Dragon Slash[/skill]
For Great Justice!
I am the strongest!
Conjure Frost

and tried a variety of IAS skills (couldn't decide on the most useful right now).

But I was doing 80+ damage on every hit of Dragon Slash against Bisons and Minotaurs in Varajar Fells. I was managing to get off around 6 or 7 Dragon Slashes per burst in a few seconds, for a mighty amount of damage.

The problem was maintaining so many different skills in order to do that damage, and once they're all recharging, the DPS is reduced sharply.

It's a start, but needs serious refining. As of now, there is a spurt of time of around 12 seconds where you do extreme damage.