This may sound really stupid but im serious...
where is the access code on the NIGHTFALL game???
i cant find it i wasted 50 dollars all my savings
Help Access Code
i cant play until i can find this code where is it?
Neo Nugget
It should be on this white sheet of paper that says Access key or something, i dont have my copy on nf on me thoughr ight now.
Just look around in your box.
Just look around in your box.
i cant find it omg a white paper
I Just Wasted 50 Dollars Somebody Please Help Me R U Sure Its On A Piece Of Paper
Its a square paper thing you need to tear around the edges.
If its not there, you should go back to the store to get a replacement. Make sure you check the content at the store.
If its not there, you should go back to the store to get a replacement. Make sure you check the content at the store.
this is so stupid i have to go to the store and return everything i hate this im not going to play anymore i just wasted 50 dollars and i saved up for 2 weeks
Replies like that make you sound suspicious.
It's on a credit card sized plastic card, just scratch off the silver foil and the code is under there! First things first though, pick your toys up and put them back in the pram otherwise you'll lose them to! Although, personally I'd wait until you've stopped crying like a baby before you attempt to scratch off it off because I can't imagine how you'd even survive the day if you accidentally scratch the code off.