Saint Aggro [Agg] PvE Event Guild
Before you read any further, so we don't waste your time needlessly:
Saint Aggro is a European PvE guild, allied to the Kurzicks (we do regularly play AB)
Saint Aggro is a bit of a paradox, being a new guild of veteran players.
Tired of the rustiness and inactivity plagued by many older established guilds, we have come together to reaffirm our love for Guild Wars and continuously come up with new ways of playing PvE.
Yes, there is more (and more fun to be had) than just Tank-Nuke-Heal. And the crazy thing is: it often works a lot better.
We encourage our members to come up with new ideas and organise fun ways to tackle high-end PvE. Fun is always the main factor, though we do expect a certain level of skill (and number of Skills) from our members, as well as being active members of the community.
Our activities are event-based. While everyone is always welcome to be online and form teams for whatever he wants, we come together on a weekly basis (on weekend nights) to play special events. For example: an all-Warrior clearing of FoW or The Deep, amongst many other quirky happenings. We also organise the regular things other guilds do, while trying to keep things interesting with novel ideas.
Many bigger guilds seem to function with a core of highly active members driving a greater mass of moderately active ones (or inactive ones). This is not the case with Saint Aggro, as we want our guild to BE the core. That doesn't mean you have to be hardcore to join us (we're all noobs at heart, even though most of us have been playing for 2+ years), only an active member of the community (and ready to fall in love with Guild Wars all over again).
If you are interested and this load of propaganda has swayed you, we encourage you to visit our forum, read our Mission Statement and contact us in-game.
Lagg Olagg
Leader of Saint Aggro