Guild Pannel and Guild Hall Changes
The ATK/SEED/ES Alliance Proposed the following updates for Guild Wars 1:
1. Guild Ranks changes:
add more ranks to the guild panel. The ranks added can be renamed by the guild leader.
2. Throne Room:
Place a throne room in guild hall, only accessable when you are in guild hall (not in gvg, or scrimmage) Leaders/Officers, can buy furniture for room, ex:
Throne Chairs, like 40 different chairs each more expensive than the other
Tables for meeting, Different types of tables with chairs for officers
Chandeleers, Decorations etc.
3.Guild Hall Cutomization:
Add more npcs you can buy (footmen, archers, mages) on gvg you battle guilds with more or less same npcs as your guild.
Add the ability to buy buildings (towers, gates, walls)
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes
Add more lines for announcements
1. Guild Ranks changes:
add more ranks to the guild panel. The ranks added can be renamed by the guild leader.
2. Throne Room:
Place a throne room in guild hall, only accessable when you are in guild hall (not in gvg, or scrimmage) Leaders/Officers, can buy furniture for room, ex:
Throne Chairs, like 40 different chairs each more expensive than the other
Tables for meeting, Different types of tables with chairs for officers
Chandeleers, Decorations etc.
3.Guild Hall Cutomization:
Add more npcs you can buy (footmen, archers, mages) on gvg you battle guilds with more or less same npcs as your guild.
Add the ability to buy buildings (towers, gates, walls)
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes
Add more lines for announcements
Darkended Demise
To elaborate on the Guild Ranks.
Leader ---> Co-Leader ---> Head Officer (s) ---> Officer ---> Key Members ---> Members
Leader ---> Co-Leader ---> Head Officer (s) ---> Officer ---> Key Members ---> Members
Darkended Demise
On the throne room, elaborating...
Allows guilds to proudly display custom trophies for in guild events, monster kills, holidays, etc. Also will let you decorate for holidays.
-The Throne-
The guild leader will get the big chair
. Customize it from many different types. Also, officers and members will get their own type of chairs, customizable as well.
Allows guilds to proudly display custom trophies for in guild events, monster kills, holidays, etc. Also will let you decorate for holidays.
-The Throne-
The guild leader will get the big chair

If you want to make changes to your OP you can always edit, as they may be seen as unnessicary bumps. as in 2 posts consectutive after op in 9 min...
Wouldn't mind seeing this
Thats how i tought GWs would more or elss be before i played, pity, wouldnt mind seeing this either,just not sure how many people would use it
Wouldnt mind seeing this,somtihng small but it should have no effect on GvG or any other pvp,just for show.
as otherwise The rich have a better chance of winning
couldn't hurt i guess.
Originally Posted by count_vidal
The ATK/SEED/ES Alliance Proposed the following updates for Guild Wars 1:
1. Guild Ranks changes: add more ranks to the guild panel. The ranks added can be renamed by the guild leader. |
2. Throne Room: Place a throne room in guild hall, only accessable when you are in guild hall (not in gvg, or scrimmage) Leaders/Officers, can buy furniture for room, ex: Throne Chairs, like 40 different chairs each more expensive than the other Tables for meeting, Different types of tables with chairs for officers Chandeleers, Decorations etc. |
3.Guild Hall Cutomization: |
Add more npcs you can buy (footmen, archers, mages) on gvg you battle guilds with more or less same npcs as your guild. Add the ability to buy buildings (towers, gates, walls) |
as otherwise The rich have a better chance of winning
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes[/B][/U] Add more lines for announcements |
Rinadan Farhunt
If the extra npcs, etc were just for show, there would be no point...
should be able to start PVE challenge mission in your hall where defend your guildlord from never ending waves of monsters (level20+ mobs, randomly selected from all chapters) with a randomly selected boss spawning with every 5th group (or something) all monsters should drop loot as per normal and bosses have the usual chance to drop appropriate green item, there should be corresponding "records keeper" in the hall who will display the best scores/survival time, limited to only the scores of those who used your hall for the daily and monthly, but serverwide scores for quaterly.
For farming teams who dont want to leave the comfort of their hall
For farming teams who dont want to leave the comfort of their hall

Uhh no /notsigned
Have the skill trainer updates so it can learn you more then just core skills.
wu is me
The problem i see with the proposals is that anybody with an oversized ego would go farm some gold and start a guild.(trophies sounds ok, but throne WTF???) Your making the social network of the "guild" much more feudal, and that in my opinion is the last thing needed.
And proposal 3( the first 1..) just eliminates any guild without cash from competitive play, and i really wouldn't like to see that happening. That or it will divide GvG into groups that have cash and don't have cash, and that pointlessly reduces your chances of initiating a match.
And proposal 3( the first 1..) just eliminates any guild without cash from competitive play, and i really wouldn't like to see that happening. That or it will divide GvG into groups that have cash and don't have cash, and that pointlessly reduces your chances of initiating a match.
Do not try to link money and buying stuff for the hall to gvg
I'd like a Hall of Monuments for a guild hall. Such as a panel for Guild vs Guild, for AB, HA, and PvE (and TA). And for some achievements, like the maxed title one so you get a rainbow pheonix, but for a maxed guild, everyone in that guild can get a pet dragon or something?
I like the idea of more guild ranks, and the other ideas, they can't hurt so why not? It can make things a little more interesting in the GH.
No real need for extra guild ranks unless your in a guild where people barely know each other and you like making other feel less then you. Customizing your GH isn't really necessary it would just be a huge gold sink and a waste of their time.
Rinadan Farhunt
atm, buying npcs for your gh is absolutely pointless (weaponsmith, WHY???), the skill trainer gives you prophecies core skills only, the weaponsmith only customises weapons, in fact there isn't any reason not to go to a town. Actually, a town would be cheaper because I don't have to buy the npcs...
Originally Posted by MMSDome
No real need for extra guild ranks unless your in a guild where people barely know each other and you like making other feel less then you. Customizing your GH isn't really necessary it would just be a huge gold sink and a waste of their time.
the more divisions in a guild the way it feels more issolated,
I think their ideas are excellent! I would love to see more ranks and upgradible guild halls would be very interesting.
Oblivious Moose
/signed for basic concept
just as long as it is purely cosmetic, and inner guild workings are changed, nothing that involves money and compedetive play should ever be mixed.
ex #3, extra npc,s cool.. but DO NOT add extra npc's into live gvg
buying towers, gates, walls, sure this would be cool for just chillin in the hall, but should NOT be there when you play live gvg. as it will give one team an advantage of putting towers/fences around their door, preventing teams from being able to enter their side of the hall through the back(or front)gate. in essence gicing the team only 1 exit, whiuch is easy to block off. and prevents ganks completely.
just as long as it is purely cosmetic, and inner guild workings are changed, nothing that involves money and compedetive play should ever be mixed.
ex #3, extra npc,s cool.. but DO NOT add extra npc's into live gvg
buying towers, gates, walls, sure this would be cool for just chillin in the hall, but should NOT be there when you play live gvg. as it will give one team an advantage of putting towers/fences around their door, preventing teams from being able to enter their side of the hall through the back(or front)gate. in essence gicing the team only 1 exit, whiuch is easy to block off. and prevents ganks completely.
Originally Posted by count_vidal
The ATK/SEED/ES Alliance Proposed the following updates for Guild Wars 1:
Originally Posted by count_vidal
1. Guild Ranks changes:
add more ranks to the guild panel. The ranks added can be renamed by the guild leader. |
Originally Posted by count_vidal
2. Throne Room:
Place a throne room in guild hall, only accessable when you are in guild hall (not in gvg, or scrimmage) Leaders/Officers, can buy furniture for room, ex: Throne Chairs, like 40 different chairs each more expensive than the other Tables for meeting, Different types of tables with chairs for officers Chandeleers, Decorations etc. |
Originally Posted by count_vidal
3.Guild Hall Cutomization: Add more npcs you can buy (footmen, archers, mages) on gvg you battle guilds with more or less same npcs as your guild. Add the ability to buy buildings (towers, gates, walls) |
Originally Posted by count_vidal
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes Add more lines for announcements |
Originally Posted by Rinadan Farhunt
If the extra npcs, etc were just for show, there would be no point...
Guild Wars GvG is the backbone, spine w/e of PvP, it needs to be balenced at all costs. Adding more Archers would imbalance the map, giving the richer guild the edge, or more expierenced guild the edge(like buying archers to due GuildRank)
I would like to see different types of GvG instead of what it as now.
For Example:
One guild base has massive defense capabilites, like more archers, gates etc., while the other guild, has trebuchets, ready to fire upon the massive fort. See where I'm going?

The Throne room is nice though, I wouldn't mind it being implemented.
Aera Lure
Additional ranks? Sure. I suppose that would be good. We had an instance in my previous guild where that would have been useful.
Throne Room? A la an officer's lounge and/or meeting room? Sure. I agree we had usually met on vent, but often it was also while we were standing in GH. Sometimes we formed a party in GH to speak on private channels so to say. A room to do this in is nice, but involves skins for chairs, a mechanism to preview and buy them, as well as a proper sit emote on a chair for characters (taking scaling of characters sizes into account, scaling the chairs maybe?). Possibly a bit more trouble than its worth at this point despite it being a good idea.
The other ideas regarding purchasing more NPCs, guards, building parts? No. PvP reasons.
Although I do think the Skills NPC in GH should automatically show you all skills available for a character collected from all campaign Skill NPC locations accessible to said character. That's sort of why it was there originally right? Convenience. Problem is it isnt, as it doesnt have anything...
Throne Room? A la an officer's lounge and/or meeting room? Sure. I agree we had usually met on vent, but often it was also while we were standing in GH. Sometimes we formed a party in GH to speak on private channels so to say. A room to do this in is nice, but involves skins for chairs, a mechanism to preview and buy them, as well as a proper sit emote on a chair for characters (taking scaling of characters sizes into account, scaling the chairs maybe?). Possibly a bit more trouble than its worth at this point despite it being a good idea.
The other ideas regarding purchasing more NPCs, guards, building parts? No. PvP reasons.
Although I do think the Skills NPC in GH should automatically show you all skills available for a character collected from all campaign Skill NPC locations accessible to said character. That's sort of why it was there originally right? Convenience. Problem is it isnt, as it doesnt have anything...
the Puppeteer
we need more ranks ><
Dom Nagarath
I realize this is an old thread, but this is the newest one I could find regarding this. either that or I didnt look hard enough ha.
Anyway, one Idea I had for the guild hall would be Guild Hall Pets. we have mini pets, so why not guild hall pets. buy em just like the services..or have a seperate NPC that you can buy them from. Things such as the Ooze that runs around the 3 major cities, the can have moas, any of the actual pets in the game, even some enemies, and to make sure guilds dont get over run with guild hall pets and create huge lag...a guild hall can only have 3 pets at any given time roaming around, so you can go ahead and buy all of them if you wish, but you can only activate 3 at a time.
some that I'd like to see roaming around mine would be:
Titan(any of em)
and the list goes on
EDIT ok, had another idea, instead of having the creatures go on set paths like the ooze and rat, you can have the NPC give a flag when you buy whatever it is youre getting and just like the Asuran Quest G.O.L.E.M., you can drop the flag anywhere and wherever you drop the flag thats where the hall pet will roam around.
Another Idea I had regarding guild halls and pets..but this time Minis. allow an area where you can set loose all your minis at once.
3rd Idea. also accessible through guild halls, another NPC might be required, Mini pet battles. you can either control or not control the minis, this can even be a new fullfledged PVP venture, instead of just sanctioned to the guild halls that have the ability.
Anyway, one Idea I had for the guild hall would be Guild Hall Pets. we have mini pets, so why not guild hall pets. buy em just like the services..or have a seperate NPC that you can buy them from. Things such as the Ooze that runs around the 3 major cities, the can have moas, any of the actual pets in the game, even some enemies, and to make sure guilds dont get over run with guild hall pets and create huge lag...a guild hall can only have 3 pets at any given time roaming around, so you can go ahead and buy all of them if you wish, but you can only activate 3 at a time.
some that I'd like to see roaming around mine would be:
Titan(any of em)
and the list goes on
EDIT ok, had another idea, instead of having the creatures go on set paths like the ooze and rat, you can have the NPC give a flag when you buy whatever it is youre getting and just like the Asuran Quest G.O.L.E.M., you can drop the flag anywhere and wherever you drop the flag thats where the hall pet will roam around.
Another Idea I had regarding guild halls and pets..but this time Minis. allow an area where you can set loose all your minis at once.
3rd Idea. also accessible through guild halls, another NPC might be required, Mini pet battles. you can either control or not control the minis, this can even be a new fullfledged PVP venture, instead of just sanctioned to the guild halls that have the ability.
1. Guild Ranks changes:
I don't see the use for more ranks. Guilds should be composed by friends, not by a king and different ranks of servants.
2. Throne Room:
Let's forget about that ego stuff, ok?
3.Guild Hall Cutomization:
Having more NPCs would be unfair in GvG
Things to build sounds more like something to make in GW2 or something discarded in GW1.
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes
If more lines where possible they would had added them already.
I don't see the use for more ranks. Guilds should be composed by friends, not by a king and different ranks of servants.
2. Throne Room:
Let's forget about that ego stuff, ok?
3.Guild Hall Cutomization:
Having more NPCs would be unfair in GvG
Things to build sounds more like something to make in GW2 or something discarded in GW1.
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes
If more lines where possible they would had added them already.
Originally Posted by count_vidal
1. Guild Ranks changes:
add more ranks to the guild panel. The ranks added can be renamed by the guild leader. |
Example: Change member permissions to allow them to invite people without being officers.
Originally Posted by count_vidal
2. Throne Room:
Place a throne room in guild hall, only accessable when you are in guild hall (not in gvg, or scrimmage) Leaders/Officers, can buy furniture for room, ex: Throne Chairs, like 40 different chairs each more expensive than the other Tables for meeting, Different types of tables with chairs for officers Chandeleers, Decorations etc. |

Originally Posted by count_vidal
3.Guild Hall Cutomization:
Add more npcs you can buy (footmen, archers, mages) on gvg you battle guilds with more or less same npcs as your guild. Add the ability to buy buildings (towers, gates, walls) |
Originally Posted by count_vidal
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes
Add more lines for announcements |
Good job overall.

Originally Posted by count_vidal
3.Guild Status Tabb Changes Add more lines for announcements |
i /sign that
as for the rest im sorry to say i feel indifferent.
Kendar Muert
I really like the idea of being able to spend gold to increase the power of your guild in PvP- giving it a better fortress and such, as well as the throne room and ranks. I know several guilds that would love to use the throne room :P
GWII eh?
GWII eh?
I would just like to add are you seriouse about this remove the 100 g invite fee from the panel argh.The Hall is Fine except the wood on stairs on Wizards Island.