this is really odd...but you aint going to believe me
Dark Paladin X
Ok, i was farming in HM in gates of kryta for decayed orr emblems and trick or treat bags and suddenly i notice i was taking constant 5 armor ignoring damage. Then I looked the damage indication stuff on the left side of screen and i noticed the life stealing icon you see whenever u get hit by a vampiric weapon in pvp. It turned out that one of the skeleton rangers have a vampiric weapon (and consequently dropped a vampiric dead bow with a vampiric mod). I didn't get the screenshot so i tried doing the run again (and sadly, the skeletons weren't using the vampiric weapon on me again this time). Apparently, this is one the rarest incidents in guild wars where mobs use vampiric weapons like we do (much like 1/100,000). Since I didn't get a screen, no one is going to believe me.
I've seen it happen before, so I believe you.
Sasuke The Betrayer
I'm fairly certain people will believe you. Monsters hold the items they are using, and when they are killed and a weapon drops, its usually the one they were just using as you were battling them. This is noticeable alot with the Sorrow's Furance greens (Like you can tell if Drago is wielding his bow).
Snow Bunny
It's happened to me when I farm. Not often mind you, but I remember farming the undead in the First City as a 105, and i kept seeing vamp damage. After the mob died, one of them dropped a gold sephis axe with a vamp mod.
It's sort of nice actually, it means you're going to get a gold
It's sort of nice actually, it means you're going to get a gold

Zeek Aran
I've seen a screenshot of this. I've also had it happen to me before. :3
Bryant Again
That's pretty cool, actually. I wish you could see things like this more often.
I've seen wierd stuff like this...farming bergen a skeleton sorceror wiedling a Defender shield...dropped it...but I've seen mobs carrying other stuff that they don't normally and that hasn't dropped.
And it doesn't always mean you're getting a gold either.
And it doesn't always mean you're getting a gold either.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by A11Eur0
I've seen wierd stuff like this...farming bergen a skeleton sorceror wiedling a Defender shield...dropped it...but I've seen mobs carrying other stuff that they don't normally and that hasn't dropped.
And it doesn't always mean you're getting a gold either. |
why is it weird when things make sense? ^^
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by lyra_song
why is it weird when things make sense? ^^
Crom The Pale
I've come accross many foes using vamp weapons, though most never seam to drop them for me.
The better question I think is why do the Charr not drop elemental weapons when most of them use a conjure enchantment??
The better question I think is why do the Charr not drop elemental weapons when most of them use a conjure enchantment??
its completely untrue that mobs always drop what they are carrying. like fire imps, carrying shields pretty often, but i rarely have one drop from them
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Viruzzz
its completely untrue that mobs always drop what they are carrying. like fire imps, carrying shields pretty often, but i rarely have one drop from them
I've seen vamp purples and blues.
imperfect vamps (1:1) were blue. Zealous used to be a blue mod as well. There was an update sometime around Factions that made all vamp mods gold.
Originally Posted by Sasuke The Betrayer
I'm fairly certain people will believe you. Monsters hold the items they are using, and when they are killed and a weapon drops, its usually the one they were just using as you were battling them. This is noticeable alot with the Sorrow's Furance greens (Like you can tell if Drago is wielding his bow).
Originally Posted by Viruzzz
its completely untrue that mobs always drop what they are carrying.
pumpkin pie
hehehe, off course we believe you, where else you think vampiric weapons come from? from the monsters in the game we farm !

This happened to me in NM the last time I did the mission. I almost died cuz I got cornered by 2 Rangers with Vamp bows.

Originally Posted by Savio
They don't always drop what they're carrying, but they have a chance to drop the items they hold.
Correct... Too bad the acolytes in NF don't always drop the weapon they are carrying. :/
Wait till you run into mobs with +20% humanslaying mods.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Esan
Wait till you run into mobs with +20% humanslaying mods.
Onarik Amrak
If you just left the Skellie Ranger alone, would he die from the degen?
I Phoenix I
Perhaps, but we all know monsters are weird. Infinite energy comes into mind for me.
I'm disappointed...I believe you, though, because I've seen many monsters do this.
(This is nothing. You should see the stupid BS some people post here.)
(This is nothing. You should see the stupid BS some people post here.)
That is actually pretty common in Bergen.
GD Defender
Had the same thing happen to me farming slave spirits. It dropped and everything.
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Perhaps, but we all know monsters are weird. Infinite energy comes into mind for me.
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Perhaps, but we all know monsters are weird. Infinite energy comes into mind for me.
Had happened to me several times too. Enemies use mods as well as players.
I got a celestial shield drop in Nahpui Quarter, thing was I saw the tengu holding it first =)
The other day.... I came across a Corsair hitting me with a Colossal Scimitar.
"YAY!" I go...
He drops.......... a Purple Tattooed Scimitar.
... Wait what?
I don't even draw correllation between enemies using particular weapons and dropping them any more. I don't bother paying attention to what they're wielding.... nor in fact the red numbers that poke up above my character's head. I'm more interested in the big white numbers that mean I'm doing damage to them.
"YAY!" I go...
He drops.......... a Purple Tattooed Scimitar.
... Wait what?
I don't even draw correllation between enemies using particular weapons and dropping them any more. I don't bother paying attention to what they're wielding.... nor in fact the red numbers that poke up above my character's head. I'm more interested in the big white numbers that mean I'm doing damage to them.
Smile Like Umean It
I noticed that a long time ago. Namely doing UW and Undead runs.
Been there for a good long while.
Been there for a good long while.
Marth Reynolds
Had that myself as well some times, but seen plenty of times that i didn't get that item with the vamp mod as drop (for the record it was during a solo farm)
it's nice to see something that does make sense in gw for a change
it's nice to see something that does make sense in gw for a change

Those would be useful in pvp.
i've seen this a few times.
also i agree with the wielding to drop thing, however in my experiences its not a sure fire thing. there's only a chance they'll drop it, obviously now even less of a chance seeing as many monsters don't actually drop anything.
also i agree with the wielding to drop thing, however in my experiences its not a sure fire thing. there's only a chance they'll drop it, obviously now even less of a chance seeing as many monsters don't actually drop anything.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Esan
Wait till you run into mobs with +20% humanslaying mods.

had that happen 2 me before.. same as Zealous, u see +1 over there heads =D .. and they dropped a zealous bow.
Diddy bow
When a guy uses vamp weap, your team is garuenteed a gold drop. Koss:Hey why are you flagging me away?
Master Sword Keeper
Happened to me 55'ing the other day.
You're not insane.
You're not insane.
Count to Potato
Its worse when u need to have 1 health for builds like mine for my secret farming area oOOooOO and the enemies have 1/1 or 3/1 vamp and that kills u, very annoying....