Aussie Trolling Crew [ATC]
That's right. I want you. Tired of your crappy skill-less guildies? Feel like playing with people who actually understand the game? ATC wants you. You don't have to be Australian, hell, you don't have to be a troll. But those two points are preferred. You all know who we are. Now is the time to step up and join.
a) UAX. Don't have it? Don't bother.
b) Ventrilo. A must. If you don't have it, you are out of luck.
c) Mic. Refer to point a.
d) At least rank 6 in HA, and at least 250 GvGs in the top 1000.
e) Over 750,000 Balthazar Faction
Other requirements are basically not to be too much of an ass.
Note; We are a casual guild, not 100% competitive. So don't cry if we aren't top 50 or anything.
Contact: Here or in game, IGNs are to the left.