We really love the game, and appreciate all the game offers.
(just jealous of all the other countries getting promotions)
thank you.
this was my request.
Guild wars fan
Hi , was just wondering if there is any Mini pet special editions for South Africa, or at least planned for South Africa
Its really annoying seeing the US getting all the nice pets and stuff, and you have to buy from them. Especially if you have all four campaigns
And you don’t get any special pets, or nothing
Just wondering?
their first responce.
Thank you for taking the time out to write us. At this time we have not announced any special minipets for South Africa. We are sorry for any dissappointment this may bring. Any future announcements regarding minipets will be made on our website, www.guildwars.com. Thank you for your support of Guild Wars!
The Guild Wars Team
my responce again.
Thank you for responding, the thing is, the Guild Wars playing community in South Africa (the Rugby world champions), only received one mini pet trough a magazine, the NAG magazine, but we see a lot of other adds from other places in the world, and it would be nice if you considered us for a special mini pet as well. We really love the game, and it would be really special to us.
Just think about it.
Big Guild wars fan.
and their responce,
Thank you for taking the time to write us back. We would recommend that you share your idea about mini pets in South Africa on one of our various fansite forums: http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/ as members of our team read these forums daily, and putting the ideas out there for others to comment on allows us to judge feedback on a greater scale. We hope this helps!
The Guild Wars Team