Dunno if this has been suggested before, but an idea I had proved popular in our alliance chat and some people said I should put it up for discussion, maybe Anet might think it over.
While looking at all the Festival Hats I have cluttering up my invents and storage (that I just can't bear to dump and create again, you never know when you need a hat in Tyria!) I thought there could do with being somewhere we could put them all; maybe the Hall of Monuments? Maybe on a hatstand? (LOL)
The other thought I had for Hall of Monuments was some pedestal or similar displaying the Hero's and Dungeon Handbooks, and maybe a way to show them to other players - like the Trade function? - so they could read what you have been up to.
Hope I haven't repeated someone elses ideas... then again, if I have, maybe it's cos they're good ideas!