31 Oct 2007 at 21:57 - 80
Also, it is difficult in some cases to translate the concept of original art. The western ideal of original is very different than the eastern. I remember when a Korean instructor was starting on his third column of words we were to use to make original sentences. We had only been in class a couple weeks and did not know many words or grammar structures and he wanted original sentences for each. We, all being American, gasped at trying to be original with so little to work with. To him, being original didn't have anything to do with being Unique/separate/different from everybody elses. We were told in the Orient, if you copy someone's painting it is still your original work/copy and a compliment to the maker of the piece you copied.
That being said, I do think some entries were not completely original in the Western sense of judging art. Inclusion of backdrops, etc. may have been seen as too close to plagiarism (even if they were not) to qualify. I also entered, but I had no expectation of placing or winning anything - I just did it for fun. What I entered did not fully meet the requirements as listed, I created a focus item skin that was Halloween based, using a squash blossom as its inspiration. I did not do a great job in the mixed media - but it has been 25 years since I tried any. So, clearly I was not a contender to begin with. The contest called for cookies, cakes, costumes, etc. Traditional, or classical art, was not really emphasized for this contest at all - and I am surprised any of such placed.
Personal favorite? I like the Minipets, sorry. A Maltese Monk just has to kick ass and take names.