GW Vanquish & Elite Skill Cap Title Tracker
This is something I threw together to track the progress of my Vanquishing and Elite Skill Cap titles.
Thought I would share it will all who may find it useful.
Something probably exists already. To be honest I haven't even searched for any.
All info was referenced from Wiki. I have just formatted it in a way for easy tracking.
Microsoft Excel is required to view and use these files.
These were created using 2007. The 2007 version has a more appealing view but the functionality resides in both versions.
I hope you enjoy.
Excel 2007 users choose: GW Title Tracker(new)2007
All other versions: GW Title Tracker(new)97-03
Melchior Mauro
Thought I would share it will all who may find it useful.
Something probably exists already. To be honest I haven't even searched for any.
All info was referenced from Wiki. I have just formatted it in a way for easy tracking.
Microsoft Excel is required to view and use these files.
These were created using 2007. The 2007 version has a more appealing view but the functionality resides in both versions.
I hope you enjoy.
Excel 2007 users choose: GW Title Tracker(new)2007
All other versions: GW Title Tracker(new)97-03
Melchior Mauro
ghost of lebanon
dude, i opened your "exel" doc, and got a load of pics from guild wars and other less reputable places....
You Look Grim
what are you talking about?
looks good to me
looks good to me

Nice work!
I have been looking for a simple skill capture tracking spreadsheet, and this is perfect.
Great job! :-)))
I have been looking for a simple skill capture tracking spreadsheet, and this is perfect.
Great job! :-)))
You may want to look up Rohars Roughnecks. It's an official guild wars fan site that is made to keep a lot of the same info. It lets you track elite, heroes obtained, missions and bonuses (in both Normal and Hard mode), areas vanquished, and when you last opened the Nightfall freebie chests.
Rohar Roughnecks rocks ^^
I'll try Pipdreams when I get home
I'll try Pipdreams when I get home

Looks impressive, I have used te Rohar website before and this tool will be helpful for people as well. Thanks for making it.
I really like it, it actually stimulates me too finally finish my elonian vanquisher title

I think I'll find this very useful.
Thanks for the feedback all. I just noticed my post was here actually. These need to be released by an admin before the public could view them & I forgot I even posted it. I am glad it is useful for many of you. See ya in game.
As for...
I am not sure how that is possible. The document is hosted from my personal website & it is a plain Excel file. All Images and links contained in the document came directly from Wiki. Don't know what to tell you but my document or website didn't cause what ever to claim to have seen. You seem to be the only one who had an issue.
As for...
Originally Posted by ghost of lebanon
dude, i opened your "exel" doc, and got a load of pics from guild wars and other less reputable places....
great work bro
hate to revive this but anyone have a copy? the dl links dont work