So Here's how I wanted to do my character Setup:
Prophecies Characters:
Elementalist = LDoA title
Factions Characters:
Necromancer = Faster MM build Skills
Assassin = cant start anywhere else
Nightfall Characters:
Dervish = cant start anywhere else
Warrior = fastest to lvl 20
Ranger = fastest to lvl 20
Monk = fastest to lvl 20
PvP Characters:
Ritualist = storage
Not-Using Characters: (mainly because I'll need two PvP Slots Open
Ritualist [PvE] (well I might make one)
So What I wanted to do was have Factions characters made there (to level 20) --> Nightfall (just heroes/skills) --> Prophecies (protector title) --> Factions (protector title) --> Nightfall (protector Title)
Any opinions on what characters should be made in each campaign?