02 Nov 2007 at 00:48 - 4
I would consider myself a veteran. Been around since prophecies, maxed a number of titles, got a few sets of nice armor, got a nice little nest egg in storage. I'm not hugely rich, I spend a fair bit of time playing on the game, as it's my hobby, but not at the sacrifice of everything else. I know how to play well. I've farmed a little for certain things, but not intensively, and I havn't created a special farming character. I hope to get FoW armor one day by accretation (in this context: the slow accumulation of wealth without trying by playing the game. don't laugh, it works.).
In my opinion (which is personal and may differ from everyone elses), elitists can be veterans too. They have got the skills, and armors, and gold. But, while I would never regard my play style as casual, theirs is a notch up. Elitists would spend hours in a day doing repetitive farming tasks for item n, be it a panda, FoW armor, or some other amazingly expensive item. They view items by their wealth, not their ascetic value (ie: get a panda mini they hate just to show off (I know someone who has done this)). If they want something, they will put the time in, no matter what.
Those are my personal opinions. Feel free to embrace, ignore, reject, or flame them.
And 15k armors often provide greater detail, and a more ascetically pleasing look. I do hate it when people say the only thing about 15k armors is cost. Pet peeve. Yeah, no functionality, but I share Hayda's view that if you're going to be smashing monster brain, you may as well look dashing whilst doing it.