Hello one and all!
For a long time Lords of Myth [tom] has been home to some of the best players. We’ve got several members that not only have beaten Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall, but Eye of the North as well. Some of our members are also working higher up into People Know Me titles and beyond. Ranging from Legendary Cartographer all the way to Legendary Skill Hunter, Holy Lightbringer and even more working on Legendary Vanquisher titles. Some of these are no easy feat, some of them take quite some time and lot of patience and hard work. This is what makes Lords of Myth a strong guild, with people that work together and do their best at everything they do.
We are looking for more people like this to expand our guild. We are holding weekly events, as well as some public events where you can join in and group with some of our members to see who we are. Also we are a very mature guild. This means we don’t tolerate unwanted behavior in our chats, guild and or alliance. The one thing you’ll never find in our guild is anyone practicing to become the next foul mouthed comedian. We’re here to have fun and make new friends, not deal with this kind of nonsense.
Of our few requirements, one is that you’re active and come online at leas twice a week. The other is you must register on our website within one week of being invited to the guild, otherwise you will forfeit the invite and be removed after one week. We do a lot of our events scheduled on the site, so people on the site who sign up will always get priority, this is why it’s a must that everyone signs up. Our website is www.lordsofmyth.com.
We have a lot planned and coming up in the near future here. But we need people like you to make this happen. We want and need to add more guilds to our alliance so we can further advance our growth and continue to lead the way as a guild people can truly call home online.
Faction: Luxon
Guild Leader: Eso Aiku
Guild Officer: Rian The Guardian
Guild Officer: Numero Uno Tank
Guild Officer: Phyllis Goldenapple
We have a full blown website, TeamSpeak, well over 70 members active and we’re expanding out from just being PvE oriented to adding PvP Events to our schedules as well. We will be holding weekly, bi-weekly and monthly events and contests.
Also if you’re interested after what you’ve read here, go to our website and fill out an online recruitment application. This will insure that an officer will add you to their friends list and get back with you as soon as we see you on. This part isn’t mandatory just another way for us to help you get into our family faster and a lot more easier than you having to look for us.
With that, we invite you to join us! We’re very open and laid back, and we just want you to know we’re here to have fun first and foremost, while making new friends along the way. So come check us out!!
Eso Aiku
Guild Leader of Lords Of Myth [tom]
Lords Of Myth wants YOU!