I win for the lowest average fps! 4! No joke my comp sucks!
It is sooo crappy really it is;
Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.93 GHZ
502 MB of ram (its actually 512 but it shows as 502 because my graphics card takes away 10 mb
The crappiest thing of them all, the graphics card! You have probably never even heard of this integrated hunk of junk. I present the Intel 82915g/GV/910Gl
family express chipset.
Yup. That's right. Piece of crap. Oh how i wish i could afford a new computer (or be allowed to play games on my parents.)
And my highest fps, 11! Seeing people with over 1,000 or 2,000 fps makes me shed a silent tear
Erm, in fact my card isnt even supported by Guild Wars, its a miracle it works.