will not launch
is anybody else having a problem loging on i get an error message about a crash which asks if i want to send it to arenanet which i do but thought i would look here to see if anyone else was having this problem also.
Jongo River
I had that once. Try adding -image to the target in the shortcut's properties. That should force a full update. Then remove the -image tag and try again.
I've not had that problem but if you use the -image command as above and it still does not work you may have to re install the game after deleting then use the image command, i've had a friend do this and he said it worked after he did it.
i dont know if i did that wrong but it would not allow me to chang that property line. tried -image + \-image at the end and both came up with an invalid error what did i do wrong?
after .exe type this .exe -image you need a space before the dash and after your command line
i have a copied shortcut with the -image, for updating purposes (i always update the game that way).
this is how you do it :
copy the guild wars shortcut on your desktop
paste on your desktop
rename to (for example) Update Guild Wars
now right click the icon
go to properties
as target, put : "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image (make sure to include the " " ). C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe obviously is the path to your guild wars exe. Incase you installed it to another folder, use that path
this is how you do it :
copy the guild wars shortcut on your desktop
paste on your desktop
rename to (for example) Update Guild Wars
now right click the icon
go to properties
as target, put : "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image (make sure to include the " " ). C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe obviously is the path to your guild wars exe. Incase you installed it to another folder, use that path
Oh i forgot to mention make sure you remove them -image once you are done and follow rotten that mini guide is exactly what to do.
i tried it but i got the same error message.
ouestion if i reinstall gw will i lose game data i already have (i am a level 18 ranger/monk)
ouestion if i reinstall gw will i lose game data i already have (i am a level 18 ranger/monk)
No you won't. Also moved to Technician's Corner.
Might be useful if you could post what the error message says.
no you wont lose any data, its not stored on your computer only the game is there ----the rest (your account) is on the gw site....
thanks for all the help guys i reinstalled the client and everything works great again.