LFG for final blow quest! lol
Chik N Nuggets
Edit by Malice Black - The Free Service forum is for offering services, not asking for them.
Ghengis Kwell
please readtherules
Chik N Nuggets
i didnt ask for a runner.. i asked if anyone would want to do it with me..
Ghengis Kwell
And as the rules state this is a forum for giving NOT asking
Chik N Nuggets
you are a square.
Ghengis Kwell
A square??? get back to the 60's daddio where you belong.
tbh Ghengis it seems abit rude of you, you should let the mods inforce the rules.
Insulting him like that was uncalled for also
Insulting him like that was uncalled for also
Ghengis Kwell
rude?? I hardly think so , I politely told him that there were rules to be obeyed and he responded by calling me a square lol , so I assume being called daddio is now a rude thing to say is it ? good grief.