"The Military Tactician"
-Hi, This is another improvement of an old CC of mine.
The Sage, I changed the name cause it was too short^^.
The Strategist is a battle manipulator, they can manipulate the battle field.
Hope you like it^^!
The Contents:
- The Background, Tells it's purpose in the GW Lore.
- The Status, Tells what is it's Status and General Data.
- The Attributes, Abilites or Skills which diffines this Class from the others.
- The Strength, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are good at to.
- The Weakness, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are burdened to.
The Scholar is one of the major roles a party needs. These Military Tacticians often served as High-Ranking Officials in Wars. Cause they have Uncanny Degree of Intelligence they can Strategize, Manipulate and Dominate their Enemies. The Scholar specializes in Summoning Forts, for Terrain Manipulations and Strategies. Puppets to Assisst Allies or take down Foes. Having them, They can change the Tide of the Battle within seconds. |
- The Forts(Towers, Traps, Walls), The Forts are Items which affects Players, Towers are like Auto-Attacking/Supporting Machines, Traps are normal Ranger Traps, Walls are Obstructs or Shelter.
- The Puppet, Puppets are "Living"-Enchantments or Hexes, They'll be assign to a Creature. Their are puppets who like throwing Sticking Acidic Liquids at their enemies others are Medic Robots who does their best keeping their Assign Target Alive.
- The Flag or Terrain, Flags and Terrains are Things which Affects the Battlefield in Great Ways, While the Terrain hits the Battlefield the Flag hits the Mind and Heart of it's Fighters.
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 30.
-4 pipes of energy.
-Starter Armor: AL 10
-Low: Al 20-30
-Medium: AL 40-50
-Maximum: AL 60
-Bonus Armor +5 (While 1 or more Puppets are Controlled)
Armor +5 (While 2 or more Puppets are Controlled)
Armor +5 (While 3 Puppets are Controlled)
-Bonus Armor +5 (While 1 or more Forts or Flags are Controlled)
Armor +5 (While 2 or more Forts or Flags are Controlled)
Armor +5 (While 3 or more Forts or Flags are Controlled)
Fire/Chaos Damage 11-22 (req.9 Implementation/Instrumentation/Amplification)
Energy +10
" Damage 11-22 ( " )
Energy +12
One/Off Handed
-For each rank of Wisdom, Your Constructions Casts and Lasts 1.5% longer.
-Specializes in Summoning Forts, Puppets and Flags.
-Specializes in Manipulating Forts, Puppets and Flags.
-Specializes in Strenthening and Supporting Defences and Offences.
Skill Listing:
-Stance, 15e|60r : For 10-40(47) seconds, You'r Forts, Flags and Puppets lasts 20% Longer.
Bearer's Stance
-Stance, 15e|50r : For 7-25(30) seconds, Whenever you'r Holding an Item or Flag, The Effect is applied without dropping it. This doesn't work with Items that Harms Foes.
-Stance, 15e|45r : For 15-30(35) seconds, You summon 33% Faster.
Construct Gilgamesh Wall[Elite]
-Construction, 20e|5c|30r : Create a "Gilgamesian Rune", When Dropped, It Summons a Lv.(1-17, 21) Gilgamesh Wall, The Wall acts as an Obstruct to Foes and Nearby Allies gain +10-21(24) Armor, For 10-35(40) seconds.
Construct Arbalester
-Attack Puppet, 10e|4c|25r : Summon a Lv.(1-15, 17) Arbalester, The Puppet deals 20-50(60) Piercing Damage to Target Foe, The Arbalester attacks in Ranged, For 30 seconds.
Fireater Upgrade
-Upgrade, 10e|4c|15r : Upgrade Target Allied Support Puppet with a Lv.(1-15, 17) Fireater, The Puppet redirects all Fire Damage taken by Target Ally to Itslef. This ends after 9-15(17) seconds or when Target Support Puppet dies.
Steal Property[Elite]
-Skill, 15e|3c|60r : Steal Target Foe's Puppet or Fort and it's Remaining Duration, For 5-15(18) seconds, After this skill ends the Puppet or Fort goes back to it's owner. The Puppet's or Fort's Duration lasts 10-20(22)% longer (You can steal 1 Fort or Puppet at a time).
Certificate of Ownership
-Skill, 5e|1c|20r : For 10-40(50) seconds, No Foe can steal your Puppets or Forts.
Assign Support
-Skill, 5e|2c|30r : For 15-25(30) seconds, All your Support Puppets changes to Passive Mode, And Heal 15% more Health and Enchants last 15% longer.
Flag of Alliance[Elite]
-Item Spell, 10e|3c|45r : Create an "Alliance Flag", When Dropped, For 2-10(12) seconds, All creatures within the Area can't Attack, Cast Hostile Spells and Hexes.
Gate Upgrade
-Upgrade, 10e|4c|45r : Upgrade Target Allied Fort with a Lv.(1-12, 15) Gate, Creatures who passes through this Gate is Teleported to the Next Nearest Other Fort. This ends after 9-20(23) seconds or when Target Fort dies.
Gondola Upgrade
-Upgrade, 15e|3c|35r : Upgrade Target Allied Fort with a Lv.(1-17, 19) Gondola, The Gondolo Strikes at Moving Foes within the Area of the Fort, Dealing 25-60(75) Fire Damage to Adjacent Foes. This ends after 7-15(18) seconds or when Target Fort dies.
-Wisdom is used as Buff for you'r Skills.
-Implementation is your Summoning Attb.
-Instrumentation is your De-Buff.
-Amplification is your Buff.
I. Construction:
-Constructions are Skills able to Summon Items or Effects.
Like Forts, Flags, Traps, Terrain, Upgrades and Puppets.
- II. Fort System:
-Forts are Terrestial Obstructs summoned for Defence or Offence. They are good at Terrain Manipulating and Strategies. - II. Flag System:
-Flags are like Item Spells, Which when dropped an Effect is applied to Adjacent Allies or Foes but this one when dropped it summons an Offensive or Defensive Ward, A Mobile Ward for more understanding. But when being hold the effect is not being applied or nothing happens but you'r hands are full and other creature may get the Flag too. - II. Puppet System:
-A Puppet is a Living Enchantment or Hex assigned on Foes or Allies.- III. Attack Puppet:
-Attack Puppets are assigned to Foes, They may spit out a Sticky Liquid once in a while or Shoot Bullets at the Assigned Target. - III. Support Puppet:
-Support Puppets are assigned to Allies, They may Heal or Buff that assigned Ally or assist that Ally in taking down Foes like a Pet. - III. Defence Puppet:
-Defence Puppet are assigned to Allied Forts, They are used as Sentries or Guardians against foes who attempt to Destroy the assigned Fort.
- III. Attack Puppet:
- II. Upgrade System:
-Upgrades don't replace the Target Fort or Puppet but it adds special effects on them, But the Upgrade can be seen with the Target Fort or Puppet these Upgrades may be killed when killed the Upgrade ends.
-You are able to Buff Allies.
-You are able to De-buff Foes.
-Able to Spoil.
-Long Casting Speed.
-Long Recharge Time.
Copyright by Gravity Co.

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Hope you like it^^!