Ok, I don't pvp as much as I pve. That settled? Good.
When I do pvp I often get locked up in what I should buy with my newly gained balthazaar faction, skills normally. But I still see a bunch of people struggling because they've bought everything. There is nothing new. This isn't a good thing is it?
Here are some new ideas to spend Balthazar faction and get some cool rewards, even some that never really run out.
1. Weapon Upgrades
This is a simple thing; you purchase personalized colors and designs for your weapons and armor. There are some special designs that are only available once or twice during very special events and ones that are only available during Halloween.
2. Special PVP Skills
Some special PVP only skills that cannot stray into the regular PVE environment
Reserve Energy- 2 cast
(Skill) lose half your current health. Regain your energy to max. (You cannot increase energy past the amount of health you lost)
Empty Mind- 5 energy 1 cast 12 recharge
(Enchantment) for 10 seconds you cannot lose more then 15 energy due to any enemy skill.
Quick Reserves- ¼ cast
(Skill) lose half your current health. Gain 20 energy.
Transfer Energy- 1/8 cast
(Skill) lose half your current energy, target ally gains that energy. (Cannot exceed target ally’s maximum energy)
All these skills are miscellaneous, so any class can use them.
3. Warlord Rank
Ok there are ranks between guilds, but what about ranks between individual PVP random arena, and team arena players? Not like the gladiator rank but as in how much faction can you get? Here’s the plan:
Go to a priest of Balthazar and you’ll gain the option to get bonuses or deposit faction. Once you deposit an amount that is higher then anyone else’s, you gain the Warlord rank and your most active PVP character name and amount of points deposited are input into the guild wars site. Whenever you are beaten, you are sent a message saying so (or if you’re logged off at the moment, it’ll send you a message when you get back.)
4. Secret Arena Unlock
Ok this is also inputting a new arena type that has only a few servers and is only available to the top 50 people in the Warlord Rank. This allows you to 1v1 any person of your choice as long as you know their current player name and you’re not on their ignore list.
The rules are as follows:
* It’s a small arena with not many obstacles and no npcs; it’s just a straight battle between tank builds or very strong builds.
* There are no other rules
The rewards are as follows:
1k faction to whoever wins
1 faction per health point the enemy character had (so if you challenge a 55 monk, not my problem)
(The secret arena idea is a little iffy, so I don't know if I even want it inside, that's just thrown in for fun)
Some newer balthazaar faction spending ideas
i liked the weapon idea,its pretty good.
not a fan of pvp only skills as (like in pve) there will be imbalances
the warlord rank is nice enoughm a nice faction sink,
the secret area is bad imo, as 50 people max have access to it, with timezones,play times and interest not sure if they'd be much ever there.
not a fan of pvp only skills as (like in pve) there will be imbalances
the warlord rank is nice enoughm a nice faction sink,
the secret area is bad imo, as 50 people max have access to it, with timezones,play times and interest not sure if they'd be much ever there.
yea, I wasn't too sure about the secret arena after I made up the idea, but I thought I'd toss in the concept just for the heck of it. Also the PVP only skills are there to give these really really addicted PVPers who almost never actually play Pve a chance to get some skills to themselves. That way PVP itself doesn't get utterly boring when you run outta skills and use every last one a dozen times.