We need to be able to uncustomize weapons
In alot of cases, you outgrow weapons or the build you used the weapon for gets nerfed. If its customized your only choice is to merch it or salvage all the good mods and then merch it. It would be very nice to be able to uncustomize a weapon and be able to sell it or even just be able to give it away. I'd pay as much as 500g for the service of uncustomizing.
I'd say - 1k per uncustomising and it's okay.
Diddy bow
its been this way forever, and it would proberly be too much of a sudden influx of weapons if this happend, i still want to see account customisation though
. Part of the point of customisation is that you cant sell it or such after, one of the gold sinks.
its been this way forever, and it would proberly be too much of a sudden influx of weapons if this happend, i still want to see account customisation though

There is a cost when it comes to Customising. That cost is it is yours FOREVER.
There have been many many other threads on this topic, here is just one:
Given the fact this has been discussed many times before, I'm locking this one down.
There have been many many other threads on this topic, here is just one:
Given the fact this has been discussed many times before, I'm locking this one down.