Originally Posted by Juicey Shake
psh, I got all y'all beat
let's see.. summer of 05 scammed roughly 2-3 million gold? a couple hundred ecto, a shitload of runes etc back when it was all worth something. would do the bait and switch shit, but always mistyping and being all "ah shit sorry how much did you say it was again?" and then putting it in gold instead of plat and being all lol woot. uhmmm.. favorite thing to do was grief RA/AB frequently some guy with a high level character in presearing gave me his account info believing I would help him win a mini rollerbeetle as a friend of mine used two of my spare accts to place in the top 100, I logged onto one and met this guy and after getting his info took all his stuff and deleted his character after a week. then I would go on that account and pretend to be the 'true' owner of the account and talked about how my friend had been using my account and I don't know anything about what happened with him subsequently ruined his name on that presearing.com forum which was kinda mean hmm.. i did that to another account too, I remember stripping an account and deleting all of its characters.. but it was prob in early 06 or late 05 don't even remember where the account info came from.. OH YEAH! that guy nico sharp or something. yeah. got his account info someway or another a few months before factions came out, stripped his account dry but left the characters I believe. hmm.. what else've I done.. buhuhhhssssss I donno, shit. back in like 05 my friend and I would go into missions and pretend to be participating and then just sit at the start and spam spirits and sit in the middle of them and laugh while everyone QQ'd in local chat saying 'oh shit what happened to those two rangers' yeah. a lot of it boredom induced got to rank 8 off IWAY 'cause I didn't feel much like really earning it even though I grinded slowly and lamely to it got rank 5 commander in hero battles by using a fake /roll - a bunch of characters that would show up in the game as a space to make fake emotes that looked perfect, yeah.. would go on my spare accounts and generally just harass / grief people in local chats / RA etc. can't think of much else I'd done- I used to give free runs through the desert everyday back in late 05 and early 06 as a ranger before factions came out and W/Mo stopped being popular, haha. told myself i did that to make myself feel better for scamming so many people but in all honesty i didn't really feel bad ever it was always a good laugh well, yeah. i welcome any and all flames |
I said I was devilishly handsome in RA
I confess that im develishly ugly.
I also confess to calling Luxons Nazi's