Gametrailers review seems fair
It's what most people think about it i guess. But notice how the footage they show is largely from Pre sear...
It's what most people think about it i guess. But notice how the footage they show is largely from Pre sear...
I stopped taking gametrailer reviews seriously a long time ago. This pretty much sums my feelings up.
Posted by Suiadan
This "review" is a complete and utter J.O.K.E!
For starters, they showed 2% of footage from the Eye of The North expansion itself, which where part of a preview given out by Arena Net ages before the game came out. All they really showed was them running around with starter character is the starter-areas of the game.
Secondly, how did they miss out on the 18 new multi-level dungeons added and the "few"- meaning, 150, new skills, and 40 new armor sets? Oh right, they didn't play it thats how.
Seeing as the game has been out for months now, and yet they decided to review it- they should've done their job. There's no mentioning the new sound-mechanics, which makes music in-game score to what you are experiencing seamlessly.
Take an example: your group heads off, and meet a large group of enemies. The music scores the scene as nothing yet, because you haven't engaged in battle. When you do, it changes- as in every other MMO/RPG. But, the sound/music-engine also monitors how your group does in th battle. If your having a really hard time beating the enemy, people are dieing and such, the music get's louder heavier. Adding more drums and such, to nail the scene- brilliant!
It looks as if they based their review on basic information found around the internet, and gave it an OK score. (Still can't believe they missed the 18 multi-level Dungeons part tho..)
Everyone, that loves, hates or doesn't have an opinion on this game, should atleast change their view on GT as a gamesite somewhat. To actually release such an unprofessional review on a site that usually get's does a good job on their reviews, is a shame.
I hope I don't e.v.e.r. see this again, do your job!
Posted by Suiadan
This "review" is a complete and utter J.O.K.E!
For starters, they showed 2% of footage from the Eye of The North expansion itself, which where part of a preview given out by Arena Net ages before the game came out. All they really showed was them running around with starter character is the starter-areas of the game.
Secondly, how did they miss out on the 18 new multi-level dungeons added and the "few"- meaning, 150, new skills, and 40 new armor sets? Oh right, they didn't play it thats how.
Seeing as the game has been out for months now, and yet they decided to review it- they should've done their job. There's no mentioning the new sound-mechanics, which makes music in-game score to what you are experiencing seamlessly.
Take an example: your group heads off, and meet a large group of enemies. The music scores the scene as nothing yet, because you haven't engaged in battle. When you do, it changes- as in every other MMO/RPG. But, the sound/music-engine also monitors how your group does in th battle. If your having a really hard time beating the enemy, people are dieing and such, the music get's louder heavier. Adding more drums and such, to nail the scene- brilliant!
It looks as if they based their review on basic information found around the internet, and gave it an OK score. (Still can't believe they missed the 18 multi-level Dungeons part tho..)
Everyone, that loves, hates or doesn't have an opinion on this game, should atleast change their view on GT as a gamesite somewhat. To actually release such an unprofessional review on a site that usually get's does a good job on their reviews, is a shame.
I hope I don't e.v.e.r. see this again, do your job!
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by artay
I stopped taking gametrailer reviews seriously a long time ago. This pretty much sums my feelings up.
Posted by Suiadan This "review" is a complete and utter J.O.K.E! For starters, they showed 2% of footage from the Eye of The North expansion itself, which where part of a preview given out by Arena Net ages before the game came out. All they really showed was them running around with starter character is the starter-areas of the game. Secondly, how did they miss out on the 18 new multi-level dungeons added and the "few"- meaning, 150, new skills, and 40 new armor sets? Oh right, they didn't play it thats how. Seeing as the game has been out for months now, and yet they decided to review it- they should've done their job. There's no mentioning the new sound-mechanics, which makes music in-game score to what you are experiencing seamlessly. Take an example: your group heads off, and meet a large group of enemies. The music scores the scene as nothing yet, because you haven't engaged in battle. When you do, it changes- as in every other MMO/RPG. But, the sound/music-engine also monitors how your group does in th battle. If your having a really hard time beating the enemy, people are dieing and such, the music get's louder heavier. Adding more drums and such, to nail the scene- brilliant! It looks as if they based their review on basic information found around the internet, and gave it an OK score. (Still can't believe they missed the 18 multi-level Dungeons part tho..) Everyone, that loves, hates or doesn't have an opinion on this game, should atleast change their view on GT as a gamesite somewhat. To actually release such an unprofessional review on a site that usually get's does a good job on their reviews, is a shame. I hope I don't e.v.e.r. see this again, do your job! |
"Not a top of the line game, visually" What!? This game has the prettiest graphics I've ever seen in a MMO. Then he follows up by saying that the character costumization is pretty bad... hello? You can't create a new character in this expansion.
I doubt he even played the game, lol.
I doubt he even played the game, lol.
crazy diamond
Nice armchair review.
Yeah the new expansion is all set in Pre Searing, thanks for that terrible review.
Not only was he bad at GW (quick empathy on the dieing enemies!) but he was bad at telling people what GW is about. He simply took what people were saying on forums and put it into a video of pre searing content.
Not only was he bad at GW (quick empathy on the dieing enemies!) but he was bad at telling people what GW is about. He simply took what people were saying on forums and put it into a video of pre searing content.
Exhibit A
I love his line about how GW is all about getting you to Level 20 so you can do PvP, as if PvP was the only thing in GW that mattered. If you want to get to level 20 fast to do PvP, you do a PvP character, which starts there. If you pick a roleplaying sharacter, it's probably because you want to play PvE. The great thing about the PvE skills is not having to worry as much about balance issues. EotN was never meant to have a big PvP impact, and he acted like it was the whole focus of GW.
So many things are going through my head.. but one stands out..
Originally Posted by «Ripskin
So many things are going through my head.. but one stands out..
Couldn't agree more, that was the worst review i have seen/read in a long time
I loved how he said this expansion doesn't add new gameplay just new missions and quests
duh yea its an expansion thats what they tend to do, also i'd call the mini-games and dungeons a new style of gameplay so personally i think its got more than the average expansion gives
mazey vorstagg
He completely missed the point that the main attraction of EOTN is th engaging storyline not the 'grind for loot'. Agreed, what an awful and unresearched review.
Originally Posted by «Ripskin
So many things are going through my head.. but one stands out..
He completely missed the point that the main attraction of EOTN is th engaging storyline not the 'grind for loot' |
That review's hilarious, whatever you think of EotN, I don't see the point in critting the cut scenes and graphics while showing pre-searing.
Someone couldn't be bothered to lvl up to 20 and play it methinks.

Someone couldn't be bothered to lvl up to 20 and play it methinks.
the game doesn't do anything new??? thats so offensive --- the reviewer must be blind.
it looks like the guy didn't even PLAY gw:en. u can see this since A LOT the clips are from the trailers...the ones that belong to him are from the previous games mostly...and mostly from the starter areas. (he was probably trying to get to gw:en from lv zero XD)
man...this just doesnt seem like a fair review imo.
it looks like the guy didn't even PLAY gw:en. u can see this since A LOT the clips are from the trailers...the ones that belong to him are from the previous games mostly...and mostly from the starter areas. (he was probably trying to get to gw:en from lv zero XD)
man...this just doesnt seem like a fair review imo.
I kept laughing at his skillbars and equipped weapons.
Originally Posted by Aera
I kept laughing at his skillbars and equipped weapons.
Then he empathied a dying carrion.
What a fool, anet get out the ban hammer and smite this fool.
1 up and 2 down
Like others have said....
This game has the prettiest graphics I've ever seen in a MMO. |
I love his line about how GW is all about getting you to Level 20 so you can do PvP, as if PvP was the only thing in GW that mattered. |
They tried to get away from that somewhat with some Proph updates, then tried to jam it back down everyone's throats again with Factions, then tried to get away from it entirely with Nightfall. But you still see a nasty legacy of that horrible design decision every time they make a "skill balance" for PvP players: it often breaks legitimate PvE builds because, originally, the only significant reason to unlock skills in PvE was to use them on PvP characters.
He completely missed the point that the main attraction of EOTN is th engaging storyline not the 'grind for loot'. |
The EoTN storyline is not particularly attractive, IMHO (better than Factions though, at least). Furthermore, the complication of moving that storyline along as you get farther on for non-hardcore players is just too frustrating. EoTN is all about the grind, baby. Grind for titles and prestige items, run instances to try and get nifty loot, little more. The "Destroyers" storyline is just a rehash of the Titans storyline from Proph with different characters and less compelling personalities (way to make one of the primary protagonists and the source of the games moniker a whiny imbecile that nobody in their right mind could conceivably relate to).
Anyway, I can't see the review. I use Flashblock on Firefox and when I click the icon to load it, it just goes white. So, fail for crappy flash applet.
What complications of moving through the GWEN storyline? There are 0 title requirements and 0 restrictions to continue any primary mission.
I was a very casual player when I began and finished GWEN, and all this hullabaloo about it being hard for "non-hardcore players" is absolute bull.
I was a very casual player when I began and finished GWEN, and all this hullabaloo about it being hard for "non-hardcore players" is absolute bull.
It'd also be nice if the review actually worked :\
It'd also be nice if the review actually worked :\
There are good things and bad things in GWEN. However, this guy didn't actually play GWEN, so his review is pointless.
Originally Posted by decyx
They already confirmed that it will be. As for my opinion on the game itself, I've been enjoying it a lot. Different strokes for different folks. I played WOW since it was put into beta and stayed on board until season two of arena PVP. That's about three years give or take a few months. Personally, I found GW to be a very refreshing experience. Whereas in WOW you're very limited in build options (a paladin can't be viable in PVP or endgame unless he's holy), GW encourages you to experiment with different specs, attributes, and subclasses.
Both games take skill to play, but GW requires a significant amount of strategy due to its aggro system. In WOW, as long as you have a reliable tank, you should be fine for the most part provided your healers and casters are keeping tabs on their hate accumulation and there aren't any special tricks that come up like in certain endgame instances. Even then, once you get it down, the subsequent runs are usually cakewalk. In GW, the enemy AI is always dynamic. If you spam AoE spells, they'll scatter; if you cast a spell on an enemy causes damage to the other enemies around him, he'll run away to keep them from dying; if you're a caster, you'll be targeted first. If you're used to standing in the back and spamming four or five spells, you'll find GW to be especially challenging. I'll say this right now. WOW is still a good game and it balances a lot of hardcore and casual elements very well. GW does the same and it has some very unique qualities of its own as well. Unless you've played both with the sincere intention to enjoy them based on their own merits, you won't understand what I'm saying. People who enjoy GW do so for entirely different reasons than those who play WOW. As much as I often agree with GT reviews, I have to say that they've really disappointed me with this one. For one thing, they bring up the lack of new character classes as a negative. It's an expansion pack! NCSoft clearly stated that the purpose of GW:EN was to expand the already well established world by adding in new content, a brand new storyline, more spells, items, and gear. You'd only find new classes in a separate campaign, which this isn't. |
But yes, this review sucks monkey-diarrhea-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO (inspired from AngryVideoGameNerd).
What complications of moving through the GWEN storyline? |
Neither is required, of course, and on the weekend I could probably devote the time to doing it with guildies, but it has annoyed me with the ridiculous difficulty (nothing says craptastic level design like two stationary groups of 6-8 level 24 mobs within 1/8 of an aggro circle of each other UP a hill) to the extent that I have no interest in playing GWEN anymore.
GWEN is made of fail and baby tears if you don't have lots of time to devote to it, guildies available at the snap of a finger, or some sort of super-uber skillz the rest of poor "noobs" don't.
In fact, I probably would still try if I thought there was a point. The reviewer mentions grinding for cool stuff... but what cool stuff? Like Hard Mode, the difficulty in GWEN is vastly disproportionate to the rewards. Why should I waste hours grinding through wurms and Stone Summit to get some crappy req 13 gold drop and a gem out of a chest? I could just play normal mode in an original campaign, make much more money in the same amount of time, and buy the cool thing from someone else.
What's really irritating is that there are effectively no significant rewards for playing the storyline. Destroyers are not hard to topple most of the time, so you don't get much out of them. Hooray. I can play the storyline, listen to Gwen gripe until I want to punch her in the nose, and get nothing nifty to show for it except an uninteresting cinematic and maybe something in the as-yet-pointless Hall of Monuments.
Fail. Biggest waste of money since Factions. That's all the reviewer should have said.
The Sender
Originally Posted by Ctb
Frostmaw's dungeon and the Dredge Slaves quest immediately come to mind. I have consistently failed to get through either with heroes/henches simply because they cannot intelligently kite or interrupt.
The only time I ever took significent damage was due to a couple of surprise wurm appearances and when Frostmaw suddenly appears. The rest was awesome and challenging, just as a dungeon should be. I didn't use a consumable the entire way and didn't get any DP.
Seriously, with good teammates, it would have been as easy to beat as a rabbit versus a steamroller.
its 7.2 while I would probably give 7.5-8.2...
There is a lot of footage that isn't from GW:EN...
The guy playing has a crap skillbar such as a warrior with parasitic bond and deathly swarm along with a bow on a Me/Mo.
The GW:EN stuff isn't even live footage (they are stills and clips from E3).
Hall of Monuments doesn't store stuff and sidequests DONT COUNT.
Grinding for loot? Are we playing the same game?
There is a lot of footage that isn't from GW:EN...
The guy playing has a crap skillbar such as a warrior with parasitic bond and deathly swarm along with a bow on a Me/Mo.
The GW:EN stuff isn't even live footage (they are stills and clips from E3).
Hall of Monuments doesn't store stuff and sidequests DONT COUNT.
Grinding for loot? Are we playing the same game?
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by Ctb
Frostmaw's dungeon and the Dredge Slaves quest immediately come to mind. I have consistently failed to get through either with heroes/henches simply because they cannot intelligently kite or interrupt.
Neither is required, of course, and on the weekend I could probably devote the time to doing it with guildies, but it has annoyed me with the ridiculous difficulty (nothing says craptastic level design like two stationary groups of 6-8 level 24 mobs within 1/8 of an aggro circle of each other UP a hill) to the extent that I have no interest in playing GWEN anymore. GWEN is made of fail and baby tears if you don't have lots of time to devote to it, guildies available at the snap of a finger, or some sort of super-uber skillz the rest of poor "noobs" don't. In fact, I probably would still try if I thought there was a point. The reviewer mentions grinding for cool stuff... but what cool stuff? Like Hard Mode, the difficulty in GWEN is vastly disproportionate to the rewards. Why should I waste hours grinding through wurms and Stone Summit to get some crappy req 13 gold drop and a gem out of a chest? I could just play normal mode in an original campaign, make much more money in the same amount of time, and buy the cool thing from someone else. What's really irritating is that there are effectively no significant rewards for playing the storyline. Destroyers are not hard to topple most of the time, so you don't get much out of them. Hooray. I can play the storyline, listen to Gwen gripe until I want to punch her in the nose, and get nothing nifty to show for it except an uninteresting cinematic and maybe something in the as-yet-pointless Hall of Monuments. Fail. Biggest waste of money since Factions. That's all the reviewer should have said. |
Count to Potato
every review only sees fraction of PVE/PvP thats why there bad

Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by Count to Potato
every review only sees fraction of PVE/PvP thats why there bad
![]() |
Skyy High
Originally Posted by Ctb
Frostmaw's dungeon and the Dredge Slaves quest immediately come to mind. I have consistently failed to get through either with heroes/henches simply because they cannot intelligently kite or interrupt.
Neither is required, of course, and on the weekend I could probably devote the time to doing it with guildies, but it has annoyed me with the ridiculous difficulty (nothing says craptastic level design like two stationary groups of 6-8 level 24 mobs within 1/8 of an aggro circle of each other UP a hill) to the extent that I have no interest in playing GWEN anymore. |
GWEN is made of fail and baby tears if you don't have lots of time to devote to it, guildies available at the snap of a finger, or some sort of super-uber skillz the rest of poor "noobs" don't. |
Wow, they just removed their review. The guy who made it probably got his ass kicked.
Shadow Longstem
nice (removal of shitty review)
Onarik Amrak
I'm guessing a written apology for the crap review would be asking too much.
I'm guessing a written apology for the crap review would be asking too much.
Echuu Ishtar
It was a terrible review, but don't blame the reviewer. His name is Brandon, and he's done some great reviews for that site and did a fantastic job with the Final Fantasy and Zelda retrospectives. I would imagine that reviewing an MMO is a lot harder than other genres, since you have to play for awhile to really understand what's going on. I'm going to guess that he didn't even make that video, since his voice over rarely has anything to do with what's on-screen, and that he's just a pawn in some BS attempt to review the game. Judging from his work with the retrospectives (something where he did most of the video editing), I honestly don't believe he would make such a horrible mistake of putting in 80% Factions and Prophecies footage. His skills and weapons are crap but they're just as crappy as Anet's preview for EotN (smite monk attacking with a sword with no sword skills).
This review FTL but Brandon FTW.
This review FTL but Brandon FTW.
1 up and 2 down
Originally Posted by Echuu Ishtar
It was a terrible review, but don't blame the reviewer. His name is Brandon, and he's done some great reviews for that site and did a fantastic job with the Final Fantasy and Zelda retrospectives. I would imagine that reviewing an MMO is a lot harder than other genres, since you have to play for awhile to really understand what's going on. I'm going to guess that he didn't even make that video, since his voice over rarely has anything to do with what's on-screen, and that he's just a pawn in some BS attempt to review the game. Judging from his work with the retrospectives (something where he did most of the video editing), I honestly don't believe he would make such a horrible mistake of putting in 80% Factions and Prophecies footage. His skills and weapons are crap but they're just as crappy as Anet's preview for EotN (smite monk attacking with a sword with no sword skills).
This review FTL but Brandon FTW. |
One more thing, there's a movie by an ANet guy about GW:EN on that site. As far as I could tell, every "video" of "playing GW:EN" in the "review" was cut out of the ANet video.
Originally Posted by unienaule
One more thing, there's a movie by an ANet guy about GW:EN on that site. As far as I could tell, every "video" of "playing GW:EN" in the "review" was cut out of the ANet video.
crazy diamond
I'm sure Brandon is the victim of some bigger conspiracy here. It being the machinations of consumerism makes more sense than it being a random act of stupidity on one persons part.
Someone get Brandon on the phone and lawyer him up!
Someone get Brandon on the phone and lawyer him up!