why do our(chinese Player) id so easy to get...
谁动了我的帐号/...who use my accounts???
why do our accounts are easily get?
the reasons are the following:
1)关于游戏网络延时问题收集帖 (中国大陆运营商的要求)
the threads about lag problem(requested by the9)
here, player are requested to be registered....
2) sighed up, The 9
during this signed up activity, chinese GW player want The 9 knows that they want to play GWs, and they need a better company to run this business.
we have a much detailed list of the signatures of our GW players.
二件事情都有非常复杂的因果关系,第一个因素由于中国网络分为电信区和网通区直接导致的网络不通畅.第二个 因素由于中国大陆的代理商对于游戏运营的不善导致游戏内的玩家十分萧条.
2 things is here are very complicated. 1st of all, there are 2 different district in chinese servers(CNC, and the other 1 i forgot, i was in CNC when open beta)that cause a lot of lags.2nd of all, beacuse The9 didnt take its responsiblity to taken care of chinese GW server business, many players there has left the game.
在中国大陆,盗号十分猖獗,我们都懂得自我保护,如果不是在迫不得已的情况下,我们是不会公开自己的帐号相 关信息...
In mainland china, account hack is well knowned, we know how to protect ourselves,we will not populic our account user names unless they are requested.
Thanks undeadgun
why do our accounts are easily get?
the reasons are the following:
1)关于游戏网络延时问题收集帖 (中国大陆运营商的要求)
the threads about lag problem(requested by the9)
here, player are requested to be registered....
2) sighed up, The 9
during this signed up activity, chinese GW player want The 9 knows that they want to play GWs, and they need a better company to run this business.
we have a much detailed list of the signatures of our GW players.
二件事情都有非常复杂的因果关系,第一个因素由于中国网络分为电信区和网通区直接导致的网络不通畅.第二个 因素由于中国大陆的代理商对于游戏运营的不善导致游戏内的玩家十分萧条.
2 things is here are very complicated. 1st of all, there are 2 different district in chinese servers(CNC, and the other 1 i forgot, i was in CNC when open beta)that cause a lot of lags.2nd of all, beacuse The9 didnt take its responsiblity to taken care of chinese GW server business, many players there has left the game.
在中国大陆,盗号十分猖獗,我们都懂得自我保护,如果不是在迫不得已的情况下,我们是不会公开自己的帐号相 关信息...
In mainland china, account hack is well knowned, we know how to protect ourselves,we will not populic our account user names unless they are requested.
Thanks undeadgun
why do our accounts are easily get?
the reasons are the following:
1)关于游戏网络延时问题收集帖 (中国大陆运营商的要求)
the threads about lag problem(requested by the9)
here, player are requested to be registered
sighed up, The 9
during this signed up activity, chinese GW player want The 9 knows that they want to play GWs, and they need a better company to run this business.在这里有更详细的帐号列表...
we have a much detailed list of the signatures of our GW players.
二件事情都有非常复杂的因果关系,第一个因素由于中国网络分为电信区和网通区直接导致的网络不 通畅.第二个 因素由于中国大陆的代理商对于游戏运营的不善导致游戏内的玩家十分萧条.
2 things is here are very complicated. 1st of all, there are 2 different district in chinese servers(CNC, and the other 1 i forgot, i was in CNC when open beta)that cause a lot of lags.2nd of all, beacuse The9 didnt take its responsiblity to taken care of chinese GW server business, many players there has left the game.
在中国大陆,盗号十分猖獗,我们都懂得自我保护,如果不是在迫不得已的情况下,我们是不会公开 自己的帐号相 关信息...
In mainland china, account hack is well knowned, we know how to protect ourselves,we will not populic our account user names unless they are requested.
that's all i can do there, a little bit better of understanding. i am sorry that my english is not that great as well, but i just want to let Anet or NC soft see that chinese GW players do want to change a better partner, The 9 is really failed.
why do our accounts are easily get?
the reasons are the following:
1)关于游戏网络延时问题收集帖 (中国大陆运营商的要求)
the threads about lag problem(requested by the9)
here, player are requested to be registered
sighed up, The 9
during this signed up activity, chinese GW player want The 9 knows that they want to play GWs, and they need a better company to run this business.在这里有更详细的帐号列表...
we have a much detailed list of the signatures of our GW players.
二件事情都有非常复杂的因果关系,第一个因素由于中国网络分为电信区和网通区直接导致的网络不 通畅.第二个 因素由于中国大陆的代理商对于游戏运营的不善导致游戏内的玩家十分萧条.
2 things is here are very complicated. 1st of all, there are 2 different district in chinese servers(CNC, and the other 1 i forgot, i was in CNC when open beta)that cause a lot of lags.2nd of all, beacuse The9 didnt take its responsiblity to taken care of chinese GW server business, many players there has left the game.
在中国大陆,盗号十分猖獗,我们都懂得自我保护,如果不是在迫不得已的情况下,我们是不会公开 自己的帐号相 关信息...
In mainland china, account hack is well knowned, we know how to protect ourselves,we will not populic our account user names unless they are requested.
that's all i can do there, a little bit better of understanding. i am sorry that my english is not that great as well, but i just want to let Anet or NC soft see that chinese GW players do want to change a better partner, The 9 is really failed.
Divinus Stella
Isn't there a chinese fansite to discuss all of this on?
I don't think theres anything anyone can do about chinese servers, not even any of the dev's which visit this forum as they are all working for the European guildwars and nothing to do with asian affairs.
I don't think theres anything anyone can do about chinese servers, not even any of the dev's which visit this forum as they are all working for the European guildwars and nothing to do with asian affairs.
Originally Posted by Divinus Stella
Isn't there a chinese fansite to discuss all of this on?
I don't think theres anything anyone can do about chinese servers, not even any of the dev's which visit this forum as they are all working for the European guildwars and nothing to do with asian affairs. |
十分感谢 UndeadGun...
呵呵 -,-
thank you very much
呵呵 -,-
thank you very much
Because of these reasons, our accounts are exposed to the public.
Nov 7th 2007, Beijing time(+8), upon server's abnormality, the exposed accounts were looted completely.
在北京时间(+8)2007年11月07日,服务器异常的时候,泄露的帐号中的物品以及人物都 彻底被洗劫了 。
Nov 7th 2007, Beijing time(+8), upon server's abnormality, the exposed accounts were looted completely.
在北京时间(+8)2007年11月07日,服务器异常的时候,泄露的帐号中的物品以及人物都 彻底被洗劫了 。
Thanks so much you guys for keeping us all updated on what's happening. I know there's a language barrier but we appreciate that.
Originally Posted by chinagw
This two cause leads to our open account number presentation format state. In Beijing time (+, 8) article and personage in the account number that the server discloses on November 7 , 2007, when abnormal, have been looted all completely.
这二个原因导致我们的帐号呈现公开的状态。 在北京时间(+8)2007年11月07日,服务器异常的时候,泄露的帐号中的物品以及人物都 彻底被洗劫了 。 |
Nov 7th 2007, Beijing time(+8), upon server's abnormality, the exposed accounts were looted completely.
I am sorry for you guys, all I can say is that its time you see the truth about the9 and move on.
Originally Posted by Saphrium
Because of these reasons, our accounts are exposed to the public.
Nov 7th 2007, Beijing time(+8), upon server's abnormality, the exposed accounts were looted completely. |
Originally Posted by tongling
I am sorry for you guys, all I can say is that its time you see the truth about the9 and move on.
China in general has never been too keen on security. They lag significantly behind most of the west as far as countering common exploits and attacks. Shanda, NetEase, The9, Optisp, Kingsoft, SINA, and Sohu are basically all they have and each is equally bad at security. They will never release figures on just how many times their systems have been penetrated but if the hacker forums are any indication these places are a free for all.
Honestly there is nothing they can do. they could switch to another partner but all are equally vulnerable. Considering that China requires you to have a license before operating any sort of server on their little neck of the internet woods and that the licensing process is not only ridiculously expensive but prohibitively full of red tape I doubt that a company like NC Soft or A net really has the funds to break into that market, at least not with a feasible ROI. So until the chinese government slacks up on internet regulation the gamers there are stuck with what they have and none of it is good.
Interesting side note that last phrase may have just impacted the Great Firewall of China and put guru on the blocked IP list.
Honestly there is nothing they can do. they could switch to another partner but all are equally vulnerable. Considering that China requires you to have a license before operating any sort of server on their little neck of the internet woods and that the licensing process is not only ridiculously expensive but prohibitively full of red tape I doubt that a company like NC Soft or A net really has the funds to break into that market, at least not with a feasible ROI. So until the chinese government slacks up on internet regulation the gamers there are stuck with what they have and none of it is good.
Interesting side note that last phrase may have just impacted the Great Firewall of China and put guru on the blocked IP list.
Originally Posted by undeadgun
thx Saphrium for the translate