Full Hero Team.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2007


Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Just a sugestion from a Dedicated Dutch player.
With all the Hero's we own from the nightfall campaign and Eye of the North.
Wouldnt it be great to add them as a full party instead if the poor Hench at
High level places.

I understand that we cant do without the hench in outposts.
But is their a possibility that we can use our hero's as a full team in Hardmode
andin Gwen, as this is only for lvl 20 characters.

We have all those nice hero's, we want to give them armors and nice weapons,
and pets if we want but you only can add 3 a time and have
to add 4 more poor hench to complete your party if you want to vanquish area's
or wanna do missions in regions where its hard to get party's.

So the questions is.. PLEASSE can we add more hero's to the party...
And than only in Hardemode and maybe in Eye of the North.
We have over a dozen hero's please let us have pleasure of al those hero's
in the way we should have.

I dont think Im the only one who would like this Idea.

Cya on the GW fields....

Gali Um Scary

Sleeper Service

Sleeper Service

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



you could have saved yourself the trouble and used search.

post in one of those threads.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007

The Nyktos Guild [win]

Been asked for many times before.

As always, /signed

the Puppeteer

the Puppeteer

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2007



/close thread



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2007


Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


sry for this double thread,
Thought I read carefully enough.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

What a great idea. I wonder why nobody suggested it before.

Onarik Amrak

Onarik Amrak

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2007

Astral Revenants


Originality ftw

dont feel no pain

dont feel no pain

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005


Oh Dear......



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


As always with this




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006




mystical nessAL

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006



Guildwars is a Multiplayer game, if anet will do this, multiplayer is simpley pointless, players would just add full heroes team than waiting / finding players, and sometimes prefer heroes over players. This is sick and Henchies should in my opinion be removed from Missions outposts.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


Sorry to tell you mystical but Anet advertised GW as a game you could play with others or go solo with AI.

This wont stop people who prefer pugging (and guild/alliance/friends) from teaming up.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


A lot more people would stop playing than start if there were no henches/heroes. Every one prefers a silent idiot to a loud idiot.

Spider Pig

Spider Pig

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2007

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]



I know there were a lot of threads like this, but it's the first time i sign.

It will be so great to have 7 heroes!

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by mystical nessAL
Guildwars is a Multiplayer game, if anet will do this, multiplayer is simpley pointless, players would just add full heroes team than waiting / finding players, and sometimes prefer heroes over players. This is sick and Henchies should in my opinion be removed from Missions outposts.
wrong ..those which want to play with others, will still do, but those which don't, but want not to be in the massive disadvantage of not being in a very active guild that where all members are in your time zone ... would be then not anymore in this disadvatage ...

fact is ..mostly henchs and heroes suck in Hard Mode, because

1. they can't use Pve only Skills

2. they are too dumb, to do simples things, like carrying things around, for simple bullshit like these things u need ever real players, because theres no order for heroes, henchs, to let them take items, that lie on the ground and let them drop things, they carry ...

3. they are too dumb again to move in logical effective formations...all what heroes hecnhs can do is following you like dachshunds

4. they are unable to follow simple orders, like attacking concentrated full vs 1 target, because there needs only to charge a Warrior them or they have to stand in an aoE, and the dumb henchs/heroes forget, what you've targeted, they start then more to try to survive, then to follow your simple orders

5. they are too dumb again ,to run out of AoE ...they like to get slaughtered.
When a Charr Seeker fires at your bunch of H/H, do you think, the dumb AI would try to let your henchs ect move to an other formation, so that not all your characters get damaged, when they get hit with the fire shot preparement, that hits multiple targets..there are douzens of other skills, which work with the same concept, and the AI ist just too dumb to react on them, resulting that ever the player has to move manually everyone ...what is time consuming and sometimes it disturbs massively, when u self must concentrate you on something, so that the group can survive ...

6. Henchs seem weaker, than player characters, mostly as if their armors have all no mods/runes, they die much quicker, then heroes and alot quicker, then real players statistically, also henchs get quicker aggro of enemies, regardless of the class.... once monk henchs or hero monks get chased...that game doesn#t look anymore, like a game around fightign and war, no ..GW's fight system looks then, as if we would be in the kindergarten and characters play with monsters "catch me if you can -.-"

7. dumb henchs mostly use only rez signet for rezzing...and are ever only pure professions...., but we fight now finally versus monsters,. that are dual profession skilled ..
Give henchs also secondary professions...

...even with only 3 heroes usable, hard mode has become sick... u have to search for hours, for days, ya even for weeks, until you find a balanced group, that has a good chance to do something in hard Mode, like vanguishing or dungeons in GW:EN especially...
People, which are in very high active pvE guilds, with big sum of members that are all in the same time zone, its no problem to create very wquick groups for something and trying it, until the people are successful...but people, that have not such a a high active guild, thousands of ingame friends, ect pp, they have mostly to play GW so or so ever solo with H/H...think even of guildless players ..should they be in an disadvatage versus powergamers in active high end pve guilds, just because playing HM with H/H mostly ever sucks totally, when you want not to waste consumeables, like the is no tomorrow?, just to prevent, not being kicked, when the whole team got so often fully wiped, that all got -60DP ....

the whole DP shit imbalance is one reason, why casual H/H players will be ever in massive disadvatage versus high end powergamer guilded pve'ers...
there should not exist -60% DP...for the whole game it would be best, when no DP system would exist at all .... or DP only in PvP, where it makes sense...

I also don't see, that any revived monster in pve receives DP...so why should we players ? -.-

7 heroes would improve the gameplay for all casual players and people, which want to play with other players ( for the fun) ..just god damn ignore them...with 7 heroes casual players would have at least a normal chance in any HM of the game...by not wasting consomables to get not DP-Kicked.
Giving us 7 heroe parties, would result simple in the fact, that all henchs (except the prophecies ones) can be finally DELETED, because they got then finally total USELESS, as they are now also, because Heroes can be better skilled and you can command them at least "a bit" in their behavior...

With 7 heroes, as casual player, the HM's would finally make fun and not frustration, because you get nearly permanently only perma full wiped, cause of lots of totally overpowered enemies in HM ..

As if increased Levels, meanign alot more Max HP, better Skills + Elite Skills, when they had none before, better AI,, stronger Attack and Defense ect are not enough ..why the god damn **** have monsters in HM to have ALL ATTRIBUTES at 19-20+!!!

We players can be happy, when we have 1 attribute at 16, 1 at say 13-14 and some others are 1-3 or however, what makes runes possible and then we lose even extreme muhc max Hp fr all that...

Monster in HM get simple permanently all their attributes to 20 for no malus, because the malus would decresase again the HP+, monsters would receive through the additional levels ..but that all makes monsters in HM extreme imbalanced and unfair ...
make them have all attributes 16..but NOT 20+ ..thats way too overpowered..

I'm sure not the lonely one, who thinks, that HM of the games and the add on is in certain things way to overpowered and forces people to play mostly with other players to be successful, because henchs and heroes are mostly too weak for the imba HM, with 7 hero parties it would be still hard, but peopel would have at least a normal chance of success...not a chance of success, that awaits from you to use consumeables for it ..., because thatx the ONLY REASON WHY ANET IMPEMENTED CONSUMEABLES, BECAUSE OTHERWISE, ESPECIALLY EOTN WOULD BE FAR TOO IMBA AND UNMAKEABLE....

We see it atm now ...unless you play not certain builds with certain group builds, you just stand no chance to make something in HM ..this sucks, to get forced to play certain things, only to have a slight chance for success, wherfore ha this game thousands of different ksills, when the players get for success forced to use only like 10% of them ...
This enforcement is called "Meta Game" ...a terrible word ....

signed ..

give us finally 7 hero parties, for the sake of this game ...
wtf cares about, what certain people think an Online Game has to be played like ..

when i want to play solo in an online game, then i want to play solo, there has nobody to tell me, how i have to play.... I payed for the games, i decide how i want to play. When Anet ever wanted to create a Party-MMO, where every player should be too weak to do anything by itself, then Anet would had never implemented H/H into GW and the system around the game ..the concept would be, that players can make only parties with other players everywhere in the game....
Then players would have no problems in finding groups, because all players would find automatically to each other, to make groups ....

But anet wants that casual/solo players are not in disadvantage ..to they implemented first henchs and later with the suggesion of the community heroes (commandable henchs, nothign else are heroes), but when they start a work. they should make it CORRECT!!!
and correct means, that they give us 7 hero parties and useless delete henchme, or make out of henchmen all heroes, especially for example the prophecies ones, because they are a special part of the game....



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005


Simple put: Why should I have to use crap builded henchmen when I've paid to rune and equip 25 heroes?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2006

/signed, as always

And again, for the record, if Anet doesn't do this sooner or later hard mode (certain areas of it anyway) and elite areas will be become completely worthless as the game ages and the population thins even more.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007




Mhenlo with LoD nerf is useless in EotN. Besides, henches are too dependable on skill balances, same with some mobs - for example Outcast Assassins will never use Exhausting Strike, because they usually go Lead -> Offhand attack, which prevents using of ES. Or make it possible to change builds of henches...

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by Abedeus

Mhenlo with LoD nerf is useless in EotN. Besides, henches are too dependable on skill balances, same with some mobs - for example Outcast Assassins will never use Exhausting Strike, because they usually go Lead -> Offhand attack, which prevents using of ES. Or make it possible to change builds of henches...
change builds of henchs = heroes ...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006




Is it really necessary to make a goddamn thread like this every goddamn week.

/signed anyways.

And now we await the thread lock of dewm

Sleeper Service

Sleeper Service

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


every few days this crops up. Theres no doubt that theres a very real demand for this option....




Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Theres no doubt that theres a very real demand for this option....
And there's no doubt that ArenaNet isn't going to do it.