Hello guys, i wanna know what do you think about making headgear, such as blindfold, etc dyable !
There is just no point in making un dyable ! In addition you pay more than 100k to have a "cool" looking thing that doesn't fit with your armor ? meh !
In addition, things such as dread masks and chaos gloves are dyable...
Crystal Of Eternity
Make collector's headgear Dyable !
Fluffy and cute
The Bard
I think that this was answered before by Gaile (might have been someone else but whatever). The blindfold doesn't work as other headgear, if you've noticed all headgear (except tattoo's and jewels) replace your hair, the blindfold does not. There's something with the game mechanic that won't let you dye it because it doesn't work as normal headgear. I think that if they could have made it dyable and stack with your hairstyle they would, there's no reason not to. But now that's something they can't do much about i'm afraid

Diddy bow
Yea gaile posted somwhere that it was undyeable for w/e reason. Shame that they never made it dyeable though.
Mask of Mo Zing dyes, but dyes very oddly so it's hard to match with any armour. Don't know about others. Wouldn't mind fixing the mask. Think is cos un-dyed it's not actually grey
This threads title is extremely misleading. I've had no problem dyeing headgear on non-GWEN collector armor. *lol* I saw a guy recently who dyed his armor to match his destroyer gauntlets. It pwned pretty hard. I suggest you do the same or just learn to deal with the non-matching.