Thanks very much for any info! If someone could make me one, let me know and I'll PM you my character's pics. hehe
How do you make those sig-like profile pics?
Tender Wolf
Okay I've been browsing the forums for a while and I've found lots of profile pics that are like hand-drawn/computer graphic images of in game characters. I'm wondering where everyone gets those, or if they draw them, etc. Some examples are:

Thanks very much for any info! If someone could make me one, let me know and I'll PM you my character's pics. hehe
Thanks very much for any info! If someone could make me one, let me know and I'll PM you my character's pics. hehe
Unlucky Slayer
They were drawn by someone and then made into avatars.....
Heavenly Messanger
You'd have to catch someone who is doing commissions (see:Commission Central), get in line, and then pay them from an art piece of your character.

They are commissions that people pay for and then they make them into avatars.
If you are looking to get one then check the subforum and get in a waiting list. It's not just a matter of you want one so you post your ign and get one, you have to browse around and pick an artist you are interested in and hopefully they have the time to do a commission for you.
If you are looking to get one then check the subforum and get in a waiting list. It's not just a matter of you want one so you post your ign and get one, you have to browse around and pick an artist you are interested in and hopefully they have the time to do a commission for you.
You can also make them yourself using Photoshop CS2. You can find heaps of tutorials on the net on how to do it.
Tender Wolf
Thanks everyone! I'll look into it right now.

Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by jdaman5
You can also make them yourself using Photoshop CS2. You can find heaps of tutorials on the net on how to do it.
CS3 has been out for a while. Just a tip

for mine, i just got a screenshot and used the sharpen tool. nothing fancy