Guide - In Game Buying & Selling



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


You can get a temporary game ban for the following:
Using ‘All Chat’ channel for selling or buying, (always use the Trade Channel).
Excessive spamming, repeatedly posting WTS or WTB, (post once and wait awhile before posting again).

Used in game when buying and selling.

WTS = Want To Sell
WTB = Want To Buy
WTT = Want To Trade
g = gold
k, (Plat) = 1000 gold
Req. = This relates to the item requirement
Damage Modifier = For example, 15^50, 20<50, 15 Enchanted, etc………..
Skin = this relates to the type of weapon, shield, focus etc… For example, different sword ‘skins’ are, Long Sword, Brute Sword, Short Sword, etc…

The 'Party Search Panel' is a useful tool for buying and selling, (Press 'P')
For further details on the Party Search Panel see:

Item Value
It is very important to know the value of the item that you want to sell or buy. Ask too much and you will not be able to sell it, ask too little, albeit you can sell fast, you will loose out.
If you do not know the value of a specific item then ask on your guild or alliance chat for assistance.
Failing that you can post for a price check on Guru:
Or look at the Guru Auctions for a price guide:

Some items you can check for yourself in game, (Runes, Dyes, Materials, Rare Materials, Runes, etc…).
Go to the specific NCP in your Guild Hall or a Town. For example ‘Dye Trader’. The value of any Dye will be somewhere between the trader buy/sell price.

Variables that affect Values
Many variables affect that value of items, notable one’s outlined below:

Some weapon skins are desired more than others based on rarity and aesthetics. For example, a Gold Req 9, 15^50 Short Sword will be worth say 3-5k whilst a Gold Req 9, 15^50 Celestial Sword will be worth say 100k+.

Damage Modifiers
There are 2 types of weapons in the game:
Inherent damage modifier. These relate to ‘Prophecies’ and’ Factions’ weapons. These damage modifiers are ‘inherent’ to each weapon and cannot be salvaged or changed.
Inscribable damage modifier. These relate to ‘Nightfall’ and ‘Eye Of The North’ weapons. These damage modifiers can be salvaged and changed.

Weapon Damage Modifiers, (showing Maximum):
+15% Always, Unconditional, (these do not drop in game anymore)
+15% While Health is above 50%
+5 Energy
+15% (-5 Energy)
+15% While in a Stance
+15% (-10 Armour while attacking)
+15% While Enchanted
+15% (Health Regeneration -1)
+15% (Energy Regeneration -1)
+20% While Health is below 50%
+15% Vs Hexed
+20% While Hexed

Listed above generally excepted as most desirable. This is not always the case, as some players maybe looking for a specific damage modifier for a specific build.

For example, a non-maximum, Gold Req 9, 14^50 Short Sword will have no value, whilst a Gold Req 9, 14^50 Celestial Sword may still be sellable due to the rare skin, (although value greatly reduced).

Weapon Maximum Damage
Swords 15-22
spears 14-27
Axes 6-28
Scythes 9-41
Hammers 19-35
Bows 15-28
Dagger 7-17
Staffs, wands, rods 11-22

The above shows weapon damage for each weapon type. Anything below that shown will greatly decrease the value. The same applies for shields and offhands.

For example, a Gold Req 9, 14-21 Short Sword will have no value, whilst a Gold Req 9, 14-21 Celestial Sword may still be sellable due to the rare skin, (although value greatly reduced).

Weapon Requirement
Generally the value of an item will decrease as the Requirement increases.
This relates to the attributes points required to gain maximum benefit from the weapon/item. For example, a Req 9 short sword will require 9 in Swordsmanship to obtain the maximum damge for that weapon, (or defence/energy bonuses from shields/offhands, etc…)

List of item requirements:
7 (very rare)
8 (rare but dropping more in game now)

Some rare desired skins with a high requirement may still be of some value as ‘Caster weapons’, (+5 Energy).

Weapon Drop Types
Weapons that drop fall into 5 colour coded categories:
White: generally sell to merchant
Blue: generally sell to merchant, although maximum inscribable one’s can drop, and with low requirements.
Purple: Can be maximum and low requirement. Can have a value but is greatly reduced compared to same comparable Gold item.
Gold: Perceived as most desirable. Not all Gold’s will have maximum damage or damage modifiers, (see above).
Green: Maximum damage and stats, (although some lower level Bosses drop non-maximum items). Unlike the other items these cannot be upgraded, salvaged or dyed.

Upgrading Weapons
DO NOT upgrade weapons before selling.

Example 1
You have drop a Gold inscribable Brute sword, (Req 9, 15-22)
Base value of sword is say 25k
You add the following upgrades:
15^50 inscription (value say 4k)
20/20 armour penetration (value say 20k)
+30 health (value say 15k)

The value of your sword is NOT 25+4+20+15=64k

You have just added upgrades to the value of 39k but have possibly only added say 10k to the value of the sword. Potential buyers prefer, in many cases, to add their own weapon upgrades. Example, your potential buyer is seeking a Req 9 Gold Brute sword but wants to have +5 Energy and 20% enchantments, he does not need the upgrades you have just added and will not be willing to pay for them.

Example 2
You have drop a Gold inscribable Brute sword, (Req 9, 11-22, 15^50, 20/20, +30).

This sword sold, with these upgrades, will be worth say 35k

Now, using a ‘Perfect Salvage kit’ salvage all the upgrades. The sword and upgrades can now be sold separately.

Base value of sword is say 25k
15^50 inscription (value say 4k)
20/20 armour penetration (value say 20k)
+30 health (value say 15k)

The value of the sword and upgrades when sold separately = 64k, netting almost double from this one drop!

Selling or Buying Locations
Go to locations that maximise your potential chance of a successful sell or purchase. Highly populated towns, or outposts, with plenty of trading taking place are the obvious choice.

Some campaign based notable locations:
Prophecies: Lions Arch, Ascalon, Drokna’s Forge
Factions: Kaineng Centre
Nightfall: Kamadan
Eye Of The North: Eye of the North, Central Transfer Chamber

Some items can be mission based. For example, Hero armour upgrades. The mission base itself may be the best place to buy or sell these specific items.

Selling or Buying – Be Polite and Freindly
Always be polite and friendly when dealing with other players. Saying things like ‘STFU NOOB!’ will loose you potential buyers.

Selling or Buying – Be descriptive
Do not just say ‘WTS Sword’. You are unlikely to inspire much interest.

Much better would be: ‘WTS Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword’

You may also wish to add your price: ‘WTS Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword – 25k’

The same applies to buying: ‘WTB Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword’ or ‘WTS Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword – Pay 25k’.

Another option would be: ‘WTS Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword – wisp price’. This is inviting the buyer to tell you what they are willing to pay.

Haggling is Acceptable
Haggling when selling.
You post: ‘WTS Max, Gold, Inscribable, Req 9 Brute Sword – 25k’
A potential buyer wisps you asking if you would accept 22k for the sword.
Your choice. You have a buyer, or you can hold out for the price you are asking, (although this may take hours or even days to achieve).
Or you can say that you are willing to accept 23.5k
Further Haggling may take place but beware, over haggling may deter your potential buyer.

Haggling when Buying.
If you see a seller advertising an item you wish to buy at say 25k wisp them and politely ask if they will accept 22k. They may agree, or alternately offer the item at say 23.5k. You loose nothing by politely asking.

Be Realistic
When selling.
Posting ‘WTS Minor Vigor Rune – 100k +Ecto’s’ will obviously not generate much interest.
You may decide that your 25k sword you want to sell for 50k. This may well be achievable if you find the right buyer. However, be prepared to spend days, if not weeks, trying.
You may even want to achieve a ‘quick sell’ and offer your 25k sword for 20k.

When Buying.
Posting ‘WTB Req 7, 15^50 Platinum Blade – Pay 2k. You will have a very long, unsuccessful wait.
If you see a seller advertising an item you wish to buy at say 25k, you wisp them and offer 2k. If their initial asking price was fair, then at best, you will be ignored, and rightly so.

It’s your time, you decide
How long you spend trying to sell an item for the price you want, and how flexible you are prepared to be, is entirely your decision.
If you are set on achieving a specific price for your item then prepare to spend some time in doing so. It is counter-productive to spend 2 days being belligerent to get an extra say 10k for an item when you can farm that difference in 1 hour!
The same applies when buying. Spending 2 days trying to save 10k is just not worth it.

The Actual Process of Trading
The majority of the Guildwars community are fair, honest and a pleasure to deal with.
However, unfortunately there are those that are out to ‘scam’ you.

Some useful tips, (these may seem obvious but some can be easily missed if you are not careful).

When buying check that the item being offered is the same as that which was advertised.
Example: A player advertises to sell a Req 9, 15^50 Gold Brute Sword. He actually offers in the trade window a Req 9, 14^50 Gold Brute Sword.

2 players collude together.
Player 1 will advertise to sell item ‘X’ at an inflated rate, say 80k.
Actual value of item ‘X’ is say 40k.
Player 2 will post – WTB item ‘X’ – 100k +10 Ecto’s
You see a potential to buy item ‘X’ at 80k and quickly sell on for a good profit.
As soon as you buy from player 1, players 1 & 2 disappears.

When selling carefully check the payment amount being offered.
A player places 40 gold in the trade window instead of 40k.
An update made this somewhat easier to spot.
40k will be now displayed in the trade window as ‘40,000 gold’

Beware buyers who wish to go outside town to trade.
It is acceptable if a player asks if he can see the weapon outside town equipped on ‘YOUR’ character.
DO NOT drop the weapon on the floor for them to view.
DO NOT just hand over the weapon so they can see what it looks like on their character.

If you are suspicious of a player’s intention whilst trading then take screenshots of the trade, (chat, trade window, etc…).

If a player attempts to, or actually does, scam you then ‘REPORT THEM’, (hence the need for screenshots).

A more comprehensive list of known scams can be found here:

You cannot use weapons that have been ‘Customised’ by another player.

You cannot equip another player’s armour, (all armour is customised for that character only).

Simple Trading Rules

Be polite and friendly

Be cautious

Take your time and check, re-check, then check again before pressing that ‘Accept’ button.

If you decide that buying and selling in game is not for you then you may find the following Guru links useful:

High End:



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


I initially prepared this guide for our alliance website.

Please highlight any errors or post useful additions.

Many thanks



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Feb 2007

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] | Ex-Officer [TAM]


Nice guide for players new to trading


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


Nice guide!

There are more "Weapon Damage Modifiers" the vs enemy ones like: vs Undead, vs Plant, vs Skeletons, vs Charr, vs Dwarves, vs Tengu, vs Demon, vs Giants, vs Trolls, vs Dragons, and vs Ogres all have a max +20 damage to respective enemy.


I have a buying tip; I tend to stay away from the WTS XXXX PM me!, or Offer me! type sellers especially when you PM them and they refuse to give you a price just want you to offer.

I think this is more often than not just the seller trolling for someone who does not know better to offer far more than the item is worth.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006



There is something i noticed. You seem to have forgotten to put in the max damage of spears (14-27). Other than that, a good guide.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


Originally Posted by Lukarnus
There is something i noticed. You seem to have forgotten to put in the max damage of spears (14-27). Other than that, a good guide.
oops thanks


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007


Originally Posted by Cobalt

I have a buying tip; I tend to stay away from the WTS XXXX PM me!, or Offer me! type sellers especially when you PM them and they refuse to give you a price just want you to offer.

I think this is more often than not just the seller trolling for someone who does not know better to offer far more than the item is worth.
Tbh that can work the other way around too. I know myself, when I first got GW and started trading I had no idea what the value was for many items. As such I would advertise WTS ______ item and not include a price. Then when someone pmed I would get them to offer and hope they knew the value of the item and offered a fair price for it. Obviously I got ripped off sometimes but looking back, generally the community was fair.

Although it is true, those who don't include a price sometimes are just looking to catch someone offering too much for said item.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


very nice guide, thank you for sharing your exp for those who are new to trade

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by baz777
Upgrading Weapons
DO NOT upgrade weapons before selling.

Example 1
You have drop a Gold inscribable Brute sword, (Req 9, 11-22)
Base value of sword is say 25k
You add the following upgrades:
15^50 inscription (value say 4k)
20/20 armour penetration (value say 20k)
+30 health (value say 15k)

The value of your sword is NOT 25+4+20+15=64k

You have just added upgrades to the value of 39k but have possibly only added say 10k to the value of the sword. Potential buyers prefer, in many cases, to add their own weapon upgrades. Example, your potential buyer is seeking a Req 9 Gold Brute sword but wants to have +5 Energy and 20% enchantments, he does not need the upgrades you have just added and will not be willing to pay for them.

Example 2
You have drop a Gold inscribable Brute sword, (Req 9, 11-22, 15^50, 20/20, +30).
Nice guide... but surely you mean 15-22?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Vier Reiter [Vier]

This is a great guide. but shouldn't it be in Ventari's?

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by baz777
Potential buyers prefer, in many cases, to add their own weapon upgrades.
While I do not further mod my items for sell, there a lot of players who turn you down simply because they refuse to further mod their own weapons. Believing that mods justify the price of the weapon.

Originally Posted by baz777
Now, using a ‘Perfect Salvage kit’ salvage all the upgrades. The sword and upgrades can now be sold separately.
Personally i think that if they are already on, you should sell them like that. I WOULD suggest this if you find a good mod in an odd place i.e. a 15^50 on a spellcasting staff. This happen so many times on me.

Originally Posted by baz777
Some campaign based notable locations:
Prophecies: Lions Arch, Ascalon, Drokna’s Forge
Factions: Kaineng Centre
Nightfall: Kamadan
Eye Of The North: Eye of the North, Central Transfer Chamber
Great places, but i would say where all the trades happen are in Kamadan, Lions Arch, and Kaineng Center(if even). They are easy to get to places and you can travel around and check who is selling what or buying what. A lot of those places have run dry and don't really have sales often. The GW:EN places IMO have nothing except buying the things for armor and onyx gemstones.

Originally Posted by baz777
Selling or Buying – Be Polite and Freindly
Always be polite and friendly when dealing with other players. Saying things like ‘STFU NOOB!’ will loose you potential buyers.
That is true, but i would like to say to future power traders that many people are rude to you as well. Buying and selling can sometimes be terrible since arguments tend to burst A LOT on disagreements. Ive been ignored a few times due to people who refuse to compromise or believe i am a "noob".

Some things i would like to add that you did not mention is the party search option. Although not all people have their WTB or WTS posted there i would say at least 75% of them are on there as well as from all of the districts there.

What i do to sell is map travel to the different continents Main trade place daily (LA, KC, and Kamadan) and see who wants what, paying attention to the WTBs on party search. Of course there are a few people who want to buy something you miss on party search, but its pretty good IMO.

Also don't spam to sell items unless they are REALLY worth it. you will probably spend hours before someone looks to buy it. So spam to sell a req 8 or 9 niced skinned sword or something, but not a req 13 sword. People online are usually vague on what they want to buy and some of them just want cheap golds to use for a while. They are more likely to buy if they themselves post WTB so and so. So i generally keep a huge amount of cheap items that i sell whenever someone comes along and wants something.

Also the most important rule: BE PATIENT, if you become desperate YOU WILL BE SCAMMED.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Nice guide... but surely you mean 15-22?
I indeed did, revised and thanks



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


Sorry to Mods for initially posting in wrong place

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Excellent guide, you covered just about everything!



GW Retiree

Join Date: Nov 2005

Sg Unknown [KATE]


Would certainly be a great help for beginners

You Look Grim

You Look Grim

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ecnegilletni Laicifitra [朔mud]

i found this helpful (=
two thumbs up

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Trading in Ascalon? bit iffy that one. Ascalon is ok for ~5k items, but nothing bigger. Drok's is pointless unless you're trying to sell materials.

Use international districts. Many wealthy people in Inter waiting for their gold to be delivered.