Unreportable/Unaceptable behaviour
Killed u man
Mod edit: Names removed.
Well, Didn't take out names for an obvious reason, wanted to show that this a REAL example of people taking this game way to serious. What annoys me, is that I CANNOT get this guy banned at all, even tough he, well isn't really breaking the rules? I don't know...
He vent bombed us 2 times yesterday, and he said he's trying to do it again. (I know him, he has no life, believe me, he would pay ANYTHING in real life to get new vent pass)
Why is this behaviour not reportable/bannable? He admits it himself he's ventbombing us, with the intention of CRASHING OUR GUILD WARS....
Prof Of Black
1. No posting names on guru.
2. Some people like to annoy other people.
3. Dont always believe other people.
4. Ban him from your vent.
2. Some people like to annoy other people.
3. Dont always believe other people.
4. Ban him from your vent.
Killed u man
1. Second Acount
2. They need to be banned for that
3. He actually DID it, please actually read the post...
4. Lol, good to see you don't own a vent
2. They need to be banned for that
3. He actually DID it, please actually read the post...
4. Lol, good to see you don't own a vent

get togeather with a Admin and set up the vent safeguards, I run a very popular vent with a few others and we have had the same problem with morons who think screaming into the mic is cool. Vent has a kick/ban safeguard for spaming a channel or chat, as well as dissconnect and reconnect spam, and can be set to ban after 1-3 attemps to do any of the above you can set it for mili seconds and seconds to determin who has a slow connection and who is trying to join and reconnect 504485 times in 1 second just so vent says the left curly bracket right curly bracket crap. make sure a Admin knows the players name who is doing this and he can manualy ban him, or just let him be but MUTE HIM they can not remove this only a admin can and the person will only think they are annoying you. if your not sure how to set up the auto bans and auto kicks I will gladly show you.
Killed u man
Hmm, That would be the "Izzy" way to fix this. The real problem isn't the lack of security on vent. The real problem is NO negative concequences for these, obviously disturbed teenagers... So, wait, Everytime I kick someone out of my guild, I need to full vent/Ip/omfgzorIdon'tknowwhatelse Ban him, so He doesn't spam?
These people can be easily adressed with a 24 Hour Ban, assuming Anet got proof...
These people can be easily adressed with a 24 Hour Ban, assuming Anet got proof...
A better question would be, why are you posting the name of the person here, crying foul over such nonsense?
Ignore should solve that as well.
Um... Ok.
Um... Ok.
I do however own an IP filter.
The irony. He managed to get to *you* so far that you're raging on forums. Why are you taking this so seriously?
1. Second Acount |
2. They need to be banned for that |
3. He actually DID it, please actually read the post... |
4. Lol, good to see you don't own a vent |
(I know him, he has no life, believe me, he would pay ANYTHING in real life to get new vent pass) |
Forgive my lack of knowledge - but I assume "vent bombing" is performing actions against your ventrillo server to make it unusable by some sort of process.
Don't any of those actions require that the person "using" the vent server have the login information (including password)? If so, why is changing the password not an option?
(again if I'm completely out in left field on what a vent bomb is then forgive me!)
Don't any of those actions require that the person "using" the vent server have the login information (including password)? If so, why is changing the password not an option?
(again if I'm completely out in left field on what a vent bomb is then forgive me!)
Kyp Jade
Stop whining about getting ganked in halls, it happens to everyone. When my guild was making 1k fame a week this past summer we've had a lot of people decide to gank us (didnt help when we held an hour after getting ganked and scraping by just to see them again lol). Sometimes you can get around it, sometimes you cant. (ironically, in kill count it was easier to deal with a gank). And no I dont play often anymore since I got my r9 some time ago, I just play for kicks and recently r10. (it means im still an HA scrub)
About the vent bombing, I do have some sympathy for you that the behavior is kinda unacceptable and SHOULD be looked at by support as bannable behavior. It is clear cut harrassment however I seriously doubt Anet will begin banning for this, since ventrillo is an out of game voice chat software. (hint at devs for in game voice chat)
Now, there are some steps you can take after being vent bombed to prevent it from happening again. You need to go to the logs from the webadmin site. Only the person who pays for vent can do this. Search for the names/Ips/Logtimes of people reloging really fast and write those IPs down. Dont quit webadmine yet, you need to do another search of IPs only now, to determine if anyone that uses your vent uses the same Internet service provider. An IP is
you dont want to ban that, because it changes daily for most people, you want to ban
or even
because they have to go pay for a new ISP to get on your vent now. After determining no one else would be affected by the ban(s). Go into the ventrillo client, and log into your admin.
Server Admin
Ban List
Where it says IP address, you need to paste thier IP, and depending on how wide sweeping your ban is, you need to take thier sample IP, say
and change it to
Now, below it, where it says SUbnet bitmask, you need to change that from
and be sure to write a reason so someone else doesnt unban the ISP
Rest assured that person will not be on your vent anytime soon without going through a lot of trouble to get there. (someone elses PC, or just someone else doing it to you is what would happen)
btw, stop whining about ganks in halls, a 3 way match is never fair in any game so dont complain
further guards against the vent bomb (yea ive crashed out of a few games)
Have people that joined to the server go to a lobby channel
Play in a seperate passworded channel
Right Click
Change State
Uncheck Accept Pages
oh and turn those gay binds off where you hear people join server, but its ok to leave them on for when they join channel
Users Connects to Server -> nothing
Users Disconnects to server -> nothing
Stop whining about getting ganked in halls, it happens to everyone. When my guild was making 1k fame a week this past summer we've had a lot of people decide to gank us (didnt help when we held an hour after getting ganked and scraping by just to see them again lol). Sometimes you can get around it, sometimes you cant. (ironically, in kill count it was easier to deal with a gank). And no I dont play often anymore since I got my r9 some time ago, I just play for kicks and recently r10. (it means im still an HA scrub)
About the vent bombing, I do have some sympathy for you that the behavior is kinda unacceptable and SHOULD be looked at by support as bannable behavior. It is clear cut harrassment however I seriously doubt Anet will begin banning for this, since ventrillo is an out of game voice chat software. (hint at devs for in game voice chat)
Now, there are some steps you can take after being vent bombed to prevent it from happening again. You need to go to the logs from the webadmin site. Only the person who pays for vent can do this. Search for the names/Ips/Logtimes of people reloging really fast and write those IPs down. Dont quit webadmine yet, you need to do another search of IPs only now, to determine if anyone that uses your vent uses the same Internet service provider. An IP is
you dont want to ban that, because it changes daily for most people, you want to ban
or even
because they have to go pay for a new ISP to get on your vent now. After determining no one else would be affected by the ban(s). Go into the ventrillo client, and log into your admin.
Server Admin
Ban List
Where it says IP address, you need to paste thier IP, and depending on how wide sweeping your ban is, you need to take thier sample IP, say
and change it to
Now, below it, where it says SUbnet bitmask, you need to change that from
and be sure to write a reason so someone else doesnt unban the ISP
Rest assured that person will not be on your vent anytime soon without going through a lot of trouble to get there. (someone elses PC, or just someone else doing it to you is what would happen)
btw, stop whining about ganks in halls, a 3 way match is never fair in any game so dont complain
further guards against the vent bomb (yea ive crashed out of a few games)
Have people that joined to the server go to a lobby channel
Play in a seperate passworded channel
Right Click
Change State
Uncheck Accept Pages
oh and turn those gay binds off where you hear people join server, but its ok to leave them on for when they join channel
Users Connects to Server -> nothing
Users Disconnects to server -> nothing
Onarik Amrak
I'm pretty sure Anet doesn't ban people for being morons.
Pity that.
Pity that.
didnt you post this in glad arena yesterday? didnt that get closed? stop crying cause you get ganked its a part of HA. in any 3way match one team will get the short end of the stick just deal with it.
like this riverside crowd is gonna do anything about it anyway.
as for vent bombing: yeah its lame, but just ban him from the vent and problem solved.
like this riverside crowd is gonna do anything about it anyway.
as for vent bombing: yeah its lame, but just ban him from the vent and problem solved.
It's like a competition to see who is less deficient. Pure A-grade entertainment!
Kyp Jade
I dont think thread should be closed, would be nice to see a dev or PR post here and state Anets view on vent bombing, but im pretty sure it amounts to we dont care.
as for your whining about ganking,
as for your whining about ganking,
Perhaps I would have sided with you except for the fact that I just read the other thread about "Report for Ganking" in which you were an absolute douche. Cry Moar. (First time I ever said "cry moar", it feels good.)