A New Party Re-Ordering System


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Quality Control [QuCo]


I've always found it tedious to have to kick and reinvite people in a specific order to re-order my party. I suggest that a new party ordering system be implemented in the way of a click and drag system that would only be accessible to the party leader. I'm sure everyone has utilized a system like this before at some point: You select somebody's name, hold down the mouse button, drag it down to somebody else's name and release, allowing the two names to switch positions within the party. I know that most (if not all) of the organized PvP teams have their characters in specific party slots for a reason, so this would make the burden of re-ordering the party much alleviated.

It's not that the current system is a big hassle, this system would just work better in my opinion.