So, echoes are kinda a pain to keep up on your teammates since there is no indication of whether or not one is still active. Therefore I'd like to put that responsibility entirely on one or two para heroes. Questions is, do they use them intelligently though? Do they attempt to keep them up on several allies without recasting on an ally that already has that echo? Will they ususally cast the correct echo on an ally that needs health/energy/condition removal/etc?
Do heroes use echoes well?
If you're asking if the heroes will use a chant to help keep an echo going, the answer is no. At least not to my experience. I've only ever run one motivation paragon out of my heroes, and he seems pretty good at using his echos. I don't have mending refrain on him right now, I might add it in, but so far, all he's using is finale of restoration and he's using it pretty well.
Kyp Jade
You will need to manually use refrains. And I always chain fall back between me and a hero so I dont need to worry about between battle maintains. And during battles the heroes actually do better than I do with thier skills
oh, I'm not too worried about them shouting to keep the echoes up...i ususally have some short duration shout going myself like ToF. But micromanaging them to just cast the echoes correctly seems like it would be a real pain...
Heroes, unlike us poor humans, are able to determine which ally already has an echo, and will not re-apply the same echo if that ally is affected. They will not use shouts to trigger or maintain them, however, as others have already pointed out.
thanks! thats all i needed to know. now i'm off to track down some skills