I've always liked keeping multiple sets of elite armor, each with a slightly different rune/insignia configuration, but they take up a lot of room - too much room, in fact. Why not have something like the Festival Hat Maker, only for armor? You could make it a new GW:EN feature. Basically, you record your elite armor in Hall of Monuments and then, voila, talk to the Monument Armor Maker and he can create for you a full suit of whatever armor you have on record. Armor created this way, obviously, couldn't be sold or salvaged.
Now that we have Perfect Salvage Kits, runes and insignias are no longer "married" to one suit, so, honestly, I can no longer justify keeping all of these extra suits. Why not let me have it both ways? You could have Monument Armor Maker charge a reasonable fee, and in so doing take some money out of the economy. I, in the meanwhile, get my storage back.