does the game get boring?
just out of noobish curiosity i have to ask one question since there not going to update the game from now till guild wars 2 i have to ask this im am not thinking about quitting or leaving the game in any way but i just wanna know if people think the game gets boring once you finish every campaign and eye of the north,
or is it still fun and cool because i keep hearing that after a few years lineage 2 gets extremely boring and repetetive so i would like to know if guild wars is like that.
ps:im still going to finish the game all the way until i beat all the campaigns wether the game is boring or not after game completion but i would like to know if people still like the game after all campaigns are finished.
or is it still fun and cool because i keep hearing that after a few years lineage 2 gets extremely boring and repetetive so i would like to know if guild wars is like that.
ps:im still going to finish the game all the way until i beat all the campaigns wether the game is boring or not after game completion but i would like to know if people still like the game after all campaigns are finished.
o m g pizowned
for me it did, a few months after i finished all campaigns on 3 chars
not going to beat NF again
not going to beat NF again
Malice Black
Yes. Every game gets boring.
Anyone who preaches "only boring people get bored" should be shot for being a tard.
Anyone who preaches "only boring people get bored" should be shot for being a tard.
It does indeed get boring, but from time to time you find new challenges or things to do to spark your interest again, only to get bored later on etc..
Not update the game?
Then what happened yesterday and last Thursday was a lie?
Then what happened yesterday and last Thursday was a lie?
Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
Not update the game?
Then what happened yesterday and last Thursday was a lie? |
Yes sometimes it gets so boring that it makes me not want to play other games and do nothing but sit and stare at a wall.
Life gets boring thus GW gets boring.
Close topic.
Also for humor.
GW is not boobs, it gets boring =P
Close topic.
Also for humor.
GW is not boobs, it gets boring =P
Originally Posted by ensoriki
Life gets boring thus GW gets boring.
Close topic. Also for humor. GW is not boobs, it gets boring =P |

Does the game get boring? Yes, at times it does.
Ive been playing for over 2 years now, and there are short periods of time where I am very bored with the game. What I do, I take a break for a few days to a week.. go play something else. When I come back, It's not nearly as "boring" as I thought.
Ive been playing for over 2 years now, and there are short periods of time where I am very bored with the game. What I do, I take a break for a few days to a week.. go play something else. When I come back, It's not nearly as "boring" as I thought.
Almost anything will get boring with overuse/exposure and GW is no exception to that. Nice thing about GW is that if it happens to pall for a while, you can play other things or just do other things and it'll still be there when you get ready to play again. Even nicer is that you can take a break and not be left in the dust by the people that continue playing when you are taking a break. I've taken a few breaks over the past 2 1/2 years and the worst I had to do was refamiliarize myself with the controls for a few hours to be right back in the swing of things.
Alas, even boobs lose a little bit of their interest if you see them enough that they become just another body part to the mind.
Also for humor. GW is not boobs, it gets boring =P |

GW is a great game just some updates dont be so great
offtopic on
20+ Minions Necros and old SR NOW
offtopic off
offtopic on
20+ Minions Necros and old SR NOW

offtopic off
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Yes. Every game gets boring.
Anyone who preaches "only boring people get bored" should be shot for being a tard. |
The game will only get boring if you don't have the motivation to find something to do...I had difficulty getting myself to get the Tyrian Protector title on my monk over the entire summer....
right pve....
When Im bored I start a new character.. ...and then 1 week later its level 8...and I delete it because im bored of it.
When Im bored I start a new character.. ...and then 1 week later its level 8...and I delete it because im bored of it.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Yes. Every game gets boring.
Anyone who preaches "only boring people get bored" should be shot for being a tard. |
If you are bored, and you can't think of anything to do, you are boring.
Originally Posted by Corwin_Andros
Alas, even boobs lose a little bit of their interest if you see them enough that they become just another body part to the mind. ![]() |
Try out pvp...GvG has to be the most fun thing in this game
All games get boring eventually. Even guild wars. Once you've done it all, doing it again may seem like a chore and unfulfilling. If you find yourself getting bored best thing to do is take a break. A week, a month or more seems fine. Then come back assuming you still have interest in guild wars or never if you've moved on to another game.
Originally Posted by Personette
It's the old adage: for every beautiful girl in the world, there's a guy out there who's tired of having sex with her.
I like to take month breaks from GW...I took a 3 month break from April----august I believe, I wasn't having fun. And actually I went on wiki everyday to see if there was a new balance update.
Skill balances help to make the game more fun again (Remembers the January big skill balance)
I got bored today so just helped some pugs do Unwaking Waters, Raisu Palace and kill Shiro a number of times. Then I mapped around to a number of places in all campaigns looking at the party search screen for people looking to do something (no, I didn't find anyone looking for a party @ places like DoA, Umbral Grotto & other places near popular dungeons. Where are all the pugs?). Then went to Tombs and formed some pug B/P parties until they made me lost all faith in humanity, and I logged off an hour earlier than I normally do.
Motivated? not really today.
Bored? yes, because of lack of motivation or goal.
Lack of things to do ingame? definitely not.
No matter. I'll log back on tomorrow and do something else. Most likely head to Sorrows Furnace for a change, or start mapping Tyria which I've been putting off for the longest time.
There is always something there to do, it's only a matter of if you want to do it. Unfortunately there's always going to be people saying there's nothing to do. That's never the case and it's only that they choose not to do the things that are available to them.
When in doubt, go help some struggling pugs. You spend all that time building up your character to be something to be proud of... there's your chance to show it off and do a good deed at the same time.
Motivated? not really today.
Bored? yes, because of lack of motivation or goal.
Lack of things to do ingame? definitely not.
No matter. I'll log back on tomorrow and do something else. Most likely head to Sorrows Furnace for a change, or start mapping Tyria which I've been putting off for the longest time.
There is always something there to do, it's only a matter of if you want to do it. Unfortunately there's always going to be people saying there's nothing to do. That's never the case and it's only that they choose not to do the things that are available to them.
When in doubt, go help some struggling pugs. You spend all that time building up your character to be something to be proud of... there's your chance to show it off and do a good deed at the same time.

The question is not "Is the game boring?" Instead, a more useful question is "How long did you play this game before you got bored?"
You'll get a wide variety of answers, based on playstyle, amount of entertainment garnered from the content, etc. Then based on how long it took people, and what they did in the game, you can get an idea of how people feel about the game.
At the end of the day, however, none of that is particularly relevant. Fun is subjective. Something I might find endlessly amusing might make you want to ram your head into a brick wall after 10 minutes, and vice versa.
So play the game yourself. When you get bored, you can look back and say you got X amount of time out of the game. That's really the only measure worth mentioning, as no one's going to be able to tell you that you'll enjoy the game for X amount of time before suddenly getting bored and wandering off to play whatever's hot at that point in time.
You'll get a wide variety of answers, based on playstyle, amount of entertainment garnered from the content, etc. Then based on how long it took people, and what they did in the game, you can get an idea of how people feel about the game.
At the end of the day, however, none of that is particularly relevant. Fun is subjective. Something I might find endlessly amusing might make you want to ram your head into a brick wall after 10 minutes, and vice versa.
So play the game yourself. When you get bored, you can look back and say you got X amount of time out of the game. That's really the only measure worth mentioning, as no one's going to be able to tell you that you'll enjoy the game for X amount of time before suddenly getting bored and wandering off to play whatever's hot at that point in time.
id have to say everyone gets boring, life itself gets boring, sry thats how this world functions, people get bored of doing everything, ur not gonna play gw for 60 years tho, it wont prolly last 10 but w.e the question is how long its gonna take to get bored
Originally Posted by Exhonour
id have to say everyone gets boring, life itself gets boring, sry thats how this world functions, people get bored of doing everything, ur not gonna play gw for 60 years tho, it wont prolly last 10 but w.e the question is how long its gonna take to get bored
Example: Super Smash bros...I just keep coming back!
Another example: tales of series
Final example: Having your family jewels!
Once again I repeat.
When GW gets boring take a careful look for anything that interests, you take a walk through low level pve and enjoy the scenery for awhile. If that does not work, download the Gimp if you do not have photoshop, or a C++ compiler and take up graphics art or programming, another is IRL art.
Also consider playing a different game for a few months/week,
Finally if that does not work...
You must do something scary.
You should go outside of your house...........
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Yes. Every game gets boring.
Anyone who preaches "only boring people get bored" should be shot for being a tard. |
WHAT? no way menz i cant.... its just too harsh world out there, kinda like vermin , eh?
Originally Posted by Exhonour
WHAT? no way menz i cant.... its just too harsh world out there, kinda like vermin , eh?
" Do you understand the words comin' out of ma! mouth!"
I'd say no.
did you post in the wrong topic
Originally Posted by ensoriki
Also for humor. GW is not boobs, it gets boring =P |
Yea it gets boring. I feel like punching babies after doing the legendary guardian thing. And vanquishing does kinda feel like watching paint dry tbh. But I take a break from playing GW occasionally, come back after a few weeks, and it feels fresh and new again. And then it gets boring again.
So, to summarize: If it does get boring, take a break, do some RL stuff, come back, play, enjoy, get bored, take a break, rinse and repeat.
If all you do is play GW you'll probably end up head-butting a bullet.
yes .
Silly Warrior
All games get boring after a point.
Bryant Again
Postin' after Silly!
But seriously: It's a game. Of *course* it'll get boring. If it doesn't than goddam I wish I could be you.
More importantly, it's not a game that's meant to get you addicted. This ain't no MMO, just an RPG.
But seriously: It's a game. Of *course* it'll get boring. If it doesn't than goddam I wish I could be you.
More importantly, it's not a game that's meant to get you addicted. This ain't no MMO, just an RPG.
well after doing the same quests and missions for the 9th time it does indeed get boring, espicially some missions.....Zen Daijun for example, o how I hate that mission.
Yes it gets boring but then I have 4 other games installed so I can go play them
By the time I had finished prophesies once and factions 3times I was bored.
Gave up on gw till NF came out.
Bored again before I finished that
Gave up again till Gwen
Now I am back in Prophesies trying to ascend as a Monk and my interest is rekindled, I am using heroes and henchies as I don't want to show my ignorance of being the party healer on real live players.
By the time I had finished prophesies once and factions 3times I was bored.
Gave up on gw till NF came out.
Bored again before I finished that
Gave up again till Gwen
Now I am back in Prophesies trying to ascend as a Monk and my interest is rekindled, I am using heroes and henchies as I don't want to show my ignorance of being the party healer on real live players.
Chris Blackstar
I will admit, this game has a lot of content, but more and more I find myself playing less and less. As they nref more of the skills and content, it make me evern more less likely to play, now if they start buffing stuff, well the might spark my interest, but for now, time to give it a rest.
Shadowspawn X
The game has a few boring points( ie rep grind) but actually its not a boring game at all. The reason many people get bored is they are too stupid to know when they have finished the game and keep logging on after they have done everything.
Zahr Dalsk
It would be boring except for the online thing. These days I use it mainly for socializing. (And PvP)
Marty Silverblade
No matter how good something is, it's gonna get boring after a while. If you ate the most expensive dinner in the world every night, you're gonna get sick of it sometime. Guild Wars is no different.
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
He means new content, not new nerfs and some of yesterday's were particularly mind boggling
My two pennies.
Lady Raenef
Yeah, I took a break, and we started doing dungeons, so I got more active. Only two left...I wonder how long that excitement will last. Also, I have been working for obsidian, almost gave up, now I'm closer than ever. Once I get it, I wonder what will happen...
Skyy High
Does any game not?
I mean, I've only taken one break from GW in 2 and a half years, but that's the good thing, you can put it down and come back.
I mean, I've only taken one break from GW in 2 and a half years, but that's the good thing, you can put it down and come back.