Most of PVP is just Kill these (all enemys, Guild Lord)
Some is capture the relic, Shrine.
There should be more styles of pvp,
Such as
Claim Territory. = Pre-set skill bar.
Mark your guilds territory!
Many of the walls would be turned into, targetable items etc.
That when you do it they change color.
You can mark the other guilds territory as well as long as its not already claim'd.
You can claim an already taken area by using 1 of the claim skills on it about 3 times.
At the end of 20 minutes who ever got the most places
With pre-set bars (like Winter-fest, Snowball bars)
This could be more interesting fun form of pvp!
Asuranball: Pre-set Skill bars
Bring the assassin Engineer to your guild hall.
Skill bars would somewhat like
Throw: Throw an asuran at target ally, you must be holding the asuran to throw it.
Catch, stance: duration 2 seconds Catch the asuran ball (must be in this stance to catch it) recharge 20 seconds
Pro Catch: duration .5 a second, catch the asuran ball if you catch it, for 10 seconds you move 33% faster recharge 5 seconds
Nice catch duration 1 second, catch the asuran ball, if you catch it your immune to hexes for 10 seconds.
etc. The Pro catch and stuff makes you have to be good at timing.
If they fail to catch the asuran ball appears Within ear shot of that ally.
first to 21 points, or most points after 25 minutes wins >.>
theres more that can be added, be cool if you added your ideas so we can have 1 big suggestion of pvp types that should be added.
This is just to bring more fun into pvp, as currently theres just alot of (kill all enemies etc.)
More Pvp Styles