Grinding is a repetitive action that yields a small reward each time.
and when you get X small rewards you receive a larger reward.
like X amount of experience to gain 1 level
X amount of gold form farming to buy Y that you want
X amount of <small title step> to get Y level of title
thats what grinding means, grinding away on something, getting a little closer each time.
arcanemacabre actually contradicts himself in the post.
Grind is not subjective at all. It is repeating an activity X times or for X amount of time in order to obtain Y reward. That's it.
And then compare it with tetris.
In tetris you don't do the same thing X amount of times to get Y reward
you start form the beginning each time you play. so you do it 1 time, with no reward guarantee, and then you do it another time again with no guarantee. etc.
some titles are grind, some aren't. the protector titles for instance aren't grinding. you start from scratch each time you try a mission. and either you fail and get nothing or you succeed and get a point. but if you do the same mission again you don't gain anything else. thats why it isn't grinding. its not a reward obtained through a repetitive action.
cartographer isn't really grinding either, each .1% is unique, and you can not get another .1% by doing the same thing again.
Farming is grinding, whether you farm for items, skill points, faction (balthazar too)
grinding doesn't inheritly have anything to do with requirements.