Give two more functions to heros...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Please give two more functions to heros...

1. Spread... man this will help a lot to avoid AeO spells...

2. Hold... let them stay closer this help with wards...



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Yeah, I hate when they move when I want them to stad their ground completely, or when they leave wards, wells, sanctuaries and capture areas.

So I had this Idea long time ago:

Please, take a look at it. It adds in one single step both your options, allowing a quick precise setting with a single gesture.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Jay To Much [SrE]


ok, i will say /notsigned to this idea.
I have found ways to spread heroes while fighting and it adds difficulty to PVE. Making a spread feature would make PVE a lot easier than it already is. Remember, that there are people out there who can vanquish almost any zone with heroes and henchmen and the things they would be able to do with those features..


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Jay To Much [SrE]


lag sry double post



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Flying Gophers


Originally Posted by noneedforclevernames
ok, i will say /notsigned to this idea.
I have found ways to spread heroes while fighting and it adds difficulty to PVE. Making a spread feature would make PVE a lot easier than it already is. Remember, that there are people out there who can vanquish almost any zone with heroes and henchmen and the things they would be able to do with those features..
I disagree. I think that a "spread" feature should be incorporated, since, well, normal people don't let their team get wiped by AoE creatures. At least, people with brains don't. And just because people CAN clear areas with current features doesn't mean it wouldn't be NICE to have a button that helps with BASIC strategy.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006



Maybe it could be added when they put 7 heroes in? *cough*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2006

Just add a toggle "loose formation" and "tight formation." In tight they'd stand and stay close to the flag, not being easily pulled off. In loose they'd spread out and have greater freedom of movement.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006


Making a spread feature would make PVE a lot easier than it already is.
I wouldn't qualify the behavior of henchman as "difficulty", I'd qualify it as "irrational". They behave in nonsensical ways much of the time. Anything to negate that is, IMHO, good.

there are people out there who can vanquish almost any zone with heroes and henchmen
Not many. And people who are at the tippy top of PvE skill shouldn't be the reference point for game behavior anyway. It makes no more sense to define the difficulty of the game around them than to define it around people who can't get out of pre without getting killed multiple times. I'll bet the middle spread of players probably find henches and heroes to be thoroughly frustrating for their bizarre, often game-ending behavior.

At least, people with brains don't.
People with brains? Do they keep them in the same place as the unicorns and greys?

Sleeper Service

Sleeper Service

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


it would be nice but its going against Anets current policy of "gently shoving" us into each others loving arms.

brains? this is GWG!

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007



If the enemies can intelligently avoid aoe or stay in their wards, heroes should too.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand



This would also link into the fact that hero's sometimes follow you when you are pulling even though you have the flagged well away. To many time Zhed has ruined my pulling plans




Join Date: May 2007


death strikers


i just want my heros to pick up my crap for me i'm too dam lazy to point and click