"The Spirit Guardian"
-Ugh, I already made this but I wasn't able to post it.
Stupid Internet Connection! Okay to the Topic, This is my Avatar CC.
Hope you like it, The Next Upcoming CC would The Alchemist.
The Contents:
- The Background, Tells it's purpose in the GW Lore.
- The Status, Tells what is it's Status and General Data.
- The Attributes, Abilites or Skills which diffines this Class from the others.
- The Strength, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are good at to.
- The Weakness, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are burdened to.
-The Avatar is able to Conjure a Spiritual Being to Aid the Avatar in Battle, Called a Guardian. The Avatar uses the Guardian, Both for Offense and Defense. The Guardian meditates causing an Aura which would affect Creatures way of Fighting. You may use the Guardian to Buff you or Fuse with the Guardian to be a Stronger Being. |
- Guardians, The Avatar is able to call upon a Spiritual Being inside Artifacts,These Guardians posses Spiritual Power which can help one's Party Alot.
- Aura Spells, An Aura is a Spiritual Energy that Guardians give away while meditating, When they are in these trance they sacrifice their Life Force to Support you'r Allies.
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 30.
-4 pipes of energy.
-Starter Armor: AL 15
-Low: Al 30-40
-Medium: AL 50-60
-Maximum: AL 70
-Bonus Armor +15(While Guardian is Alive)
-The Artifact is a Medium which enables you to summon you'r Guardian.
Whenever you Attack you'r Guardian Attacks with you.
Blunt Damage 12-15(req.9 Archeology)
Damage 8-19(Guardian)
Reswing 1.66
Armor +16(req.9 Archeology)
Spiritual Bonds(Primary)
-For each 2 Rank of Devotion, You gain 1 Energy whenever an You're Guardian Activates a Skill.
Pugilist Mastery
-Specializes in Dealing with Hand to Hand Combat and .
Benelovent Bonds
-Specializes in Summoning Benelovent Guardians and Protecting Allies.
Malevolent Bonds
-Specializes in Summoning Malevolent Guardians and Damaging Foes and Buffing Allies.
Skill Listing:
Spiritual Bonds(Primary)
Guardian's Boon
-Empowerment, 10e|3c|30r : For 10-45(51) seconds, You gain +10-41(45) Armor and Whenever you're Guardian takes Damage, 25-50(75)% of the Damage taken is Redirected to you.
Evoker's Boon
-Empowerment, 15r|3c|30r : For 10-45(51) seconds, Your Guardian gain +10-41(45) Armor and Whenever you take Damage, 25-50(75)% of the Damage taken is Redirected to your Guardian.
Artifact Mastery
Guardian Flame[Elite]
-Empowerment, 10e|2c|25r : You and You'r Guardans next 1-3(4) Attacks Deal +5-17 Fire(Caster) and Lightning(Guardian) Damage.
Evoker's Strike
-Artifact Attack, 10e|10r : You deal +12-25(27) Damage to Target Foe.
Guardian's Strike
-Artifact Attack, 10e|10r : You'r Guardian deal + 12-25(27) Damage to Target Foe.
Benelovent Bond
Guardian Serra[Elite]
-Guardian, 10e|3c|30r : Tranform or Resurrect Guardian Spirit into Lv.(1-16, 18) Guardian Serra, For 15 seconds. Whenever a Foe hits you, 50% of the Damage is Redirected to Serra and you Gain +1-12 Damage Rduction.
Guardian Ka'Yeth
-Guardian, 10e|2c|25r : Tranform or Resurrect Guardian Spirit into Lv.(1-15, 17) Guardian Ka'Yeth, For 15 seconds. Whenever a Foe hits you, Ka'Yeth heals you for 15-50(65) Health. Whenever Ka'Yeth heals you lose 5 Energy.
Shrine of Sanctity
-Aura Spell, 10e|2c|30r : For 15 seconds, You'r Guardian is Immobile and gains +10-41(47) Armor and Allies suffering from Hexes and Condition within you're Guardian's Aura gains 1-12(16) Damage Reduction. Whenever an Ally takes Damage you're Guardian sacrifices 1-10(15) Health.
Malevolent Bonds
Altar of Sacrifice[Elite]
-Aura Spell, 15e|2c|45r : For 25 seconds, You'r Guardian is Immobile and Enchanted Foes within the Area of you'r Guardian loses 10-27(30) Health, Every 2 seconds and For every 6 seconds they lose 1 Enchantment. Whenever a Foe takes damage through this, You'r Guardian sacrifices 5-20(25)Health.
Guardian Garuda
-Guardian, 15e|2c|30r : Transform or Resurrect Guardian Spirit into Lv.(1-17, 19) Guardia Garuda, For 25 seconds. Whenever you Strike for +1-15 Damage and deal Lightning Damage, So Does Garuda. Whenever Garuda strikes you lose 5 Energy and 10 Health.
Cementary of Lament
-Aura Spell, 15e|2c|45r : For 7-20(25) seconds, You'r Guardian is Immobile and Creatures within you'r Guardians Area, Move 15% slower but deal 10% more Damage. For each Dead Ally that Creature has, The Percentage of Effects increases by 2.5%(Maximum 25-50% Movement, 15-25% Damage). Each second you'r Guardian sacrifices 7-2(2) Health, If a Creature in effect.
-Spirituality is your Primary.
-Archeology is your Weapon Mastery.
-Evocation is your Summon.
-Relationship is your Buff.
Guardian System
-Guardian are Spiritual Beings summoned through a Medium, most likely the Foci.
Guardians are Pets which follows you for a limited time unlike Charmable Pets.
Some Guardians also have Spells which can affect Creatures around it, cause of their Strong Spiritual Aura.
Totem System
-Totems are Immaterial Beings brought to life. You have a Maximum of 3 Totems, including the Totems augmented to your Guardians.
Totems are Spell Casting Minnions, which instead of Mobbing or Offense these are used to Support you and Allies in Battle.
Totems can be Augmented to your Guardian, When Augmented the Totem disapears but the Guardian gains the skill of the Totem used.
-Coming Soon^^!
-Coming Soon^^!
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Hope you like it^^!