The PT Incorporated CC-Factory

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007


Ill start this work first by writing down the List of Concept Classes, that will be written and listed here alphabetically by me.
I won't make for each own CC a new Thread...this would end up only in a big cluster of Threads. Each CC becomes an own Posting instead.
This first post should work as Glossary and as Introduction about how this Thread is build up. Each CC will be written in the same style, that means they all follow the same example:

Note: All Concepts are thought for GW2

  • Name of the Concept Class, hyperlinked to itself.
  • Portrait of the CC
  • Max Stats of the CC
  • Description and Lore of the CC
  • Functionality of the CC
  • Attributes of the CC
  • Example Skill of the Attributes
  • Specials of the CC - what is new?
  • CC's Gameplay Description
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Equipment, Rune and Insignia Examples
  • Copyrights

Now to the List of Classes, my factory will "produce"

Fighter Classes
  • Assasin [ Complete ]
  • Barbarian [ Complete ]
  • Berserker
  • Blacksmith
  • Cleric
  • Dervish
  • Gladiator
  • Guardian
  • Knight
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Samurai
  • Soldier
  • Warlord

Ranged Classes
  • Engineer
  • Hunter
  • Minstrel
  • Ranger
  • Scholar

Magical Classes
  • Animamancer
  • Artificer
  • Chronomancer
  • Druid
  • Elementalist
  • Mesmer
  • Necromancer
  • Occultist
  • Priest
  • Psionist
  • Reverant
  • Ritualist
  • Runologist
  • Sage
  • Sorcerer
  • Visionary

Semi Ranged Classes
  • Alchemist
  • Archeologist
  • Dancer
  • Dragoon
  • Harlequin
  • Pirate
  • Puppeteer
  • Rogue
  • Scout

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

_______The Assassin_______
Bounty Hunters quick as the Wind



Maximum HP: > Health Points
Lvl 1 > 100 HP
Lvl 20 > 500 HP
Lvl 50 > 1250 HP
Lvl 100 > 2500 HP

Maximum MP: > Mana Points
Lvl 1 > 25 MP
Lvl 20 > 100 MP
Lvl 50 > 225 MP
Lvl 100 > 500 MP

Maximum LP: > Life Points <- For all Classes same
Lvl 1 > 0
Lvl 10 > 2
Lvl 100 > 20

GW2's Critical System gets improved, so that it makes a Difference, if you land now only a "Critical Hit" or if you land with your attack a "Deadly Hit".
Each time, when a character receives a Deadly Hit, the Character will lose 1 LP. When the LP go down to 0 and the Character loses all its Health, that character can't be ressurected anymore. Your Character must be then rebirthed at a next Shrine of Life and has than 2 LP lesser. LP will get renewed only, when entering Towns. When your Character has absolutely no LP anymore, the Character will "die" and get rebirthedin Dwayna's Temple of Life.
When this happens, your Character has for the next 24 game hours only half HP/MP

Maximum Armor Force:
70+20, when max refined

Armors like Weapons should have in GW2 the Possibility, to be refined, up to 10x.
Armors receive for each Refinement + 2 Defense Power and on Refine Number 5 and 10 Armors unlock their Hidden Powers. Same with Weapons, with each Refine a Weapon receives +1 additional Max Damage, at Refine Number 5 and 10 the Weapon unlocks its hidden Powers.
Each time refined, the next refine will cost more Money at the Refinement Blacksmith NPC. Those Refinements have unlike in RO no Chance of fail, they are 100% Success.

Assassines are deadly very quick Bounty Hunters, people which kill others for Money, for Honor or cause of Revenge.
Assassines are Masters of the Shadows and deadly Arts. Poisoning their Enemies is their greatest fun. Assassines know all kinds of Poisons, from weak ones to absolutely deadly poisons. As Masters of the Shadows, the Assassine is perfect in operating very quick and absolute silent. Their Armors and Suits help them to operate in total stealth, like Shadows in the Night. Assasines have enormous reflexes, which enable to make with their Weapons the craziest martial arts. Their Bodies are soft and agile like Leafes in the Air and that would also be the perfect description of Assassines, when you watch one fighting - like a Leaf in the Wind.
The Homeland of the Assassines is Cantha, the Land of the Dragons. Assassines live in different Clans which have also their own little Clan Wars between each other. The Assassines are very well known overall on the world for the outrageous Abilities as Bounty Hunters with phenomenal Success Rates. Paying an Assassine isn't cheap, and when you can't pay the Assassine after the "work" is done, the pay is then your lost live

The Assassine is from all Classes in Melee the absolute Specialist for 1 versus 1 Fights. In direct Duells there is nothing, that can beat an Assassine in quickness and pure deadly hits to take out very quick single combatants and to disappear after attacks very quick in the shadows, just to attack its foes in a sudden from the backside. There is no Class out there, which can create deadlier poisons, than the Assassine. The Poisons made by Assassines are so powerful, against them look Poisons from Rangers like Childsplay....

Classes in GW2 should be all pure, my Concept goes for 1-Class System, so there is no need for any "primary attributes". Also Classes will have more Attributes, then 4 and will be able to max them All, but Characters will be able only to your 10 Skills in the Skill Bar

Katar Mastery
The Assassins Main Weapon. This Attribute contains Katar Attack Skills, increases the Attack Power of Katars, increases the Chance for Critical and Deadly Hits. Also increases the Attack Speed slightly and the Chance to parry with your Katars Enemy Attacks.

Throw Weapon Mastery
The Assassins Secondary Weapon. Kunais and Shurikens, small flat and pointy Throwing Daggers, which will fly in a direct line, when thrown away and doesn't rotate in the Air and starlike little Blades which rotete while flying for stability. Real Masters of Assassines are known for their deadly Throws, being able to throw more then 30 Kunais/Shurikens within 5 Seconds at one Target. With Kunais/Shurikens the Assassine attacks from Semi Range, when thrown with full force, such a Throw Weapon will fly easily up to 20+ Meters, far enough for semi ranged Combat. TWM increases same factors, like KaM, only not the increasement for parrying Attacks, while using Kunais the Assassine can't parry

Shadow Arts
This Attribute Contains Teleportation Skills, Self Heals and Self Buffs for more Attack Power. This Attribute is very important for the Assassine to become very quick. The Strengh of the Assassine lies in its absolute increadible Agility, not in its Muscles. So quicker an Assassines is, so deadlier is this Class. Also Stealth Skills.

Deadly Arts
This Attribute contains forbidden deadly Martial Arts, which only goal is it, to perform Critical and Deadly Hits. Deadly Arts includes also Assassine specific deadly Traps.

Poison Fabrication
Under this attribute fall all Poison Skills of the Assassine. The Mastery over the deadliest Poisons is one of the biggest Strengths of the Assassine. All kinds of through poison effected Condition Skills are lieing in the Attribute too.

Ninjutsu, the ancient kind of Magic from the Ninja, the origins of the Assassines. A Jutsu is Ninja Magic. This Kind of Magic is no own kind of Magic at all, the way of Casting the Spells is only a specific one. To have not to use Magic Spells , the Ninja uses very quick Hand Signs in a quick row and concentrate their Chi into these Signs to perform the Magic without having to speak any Magic Formula, makign this kind of magic unpredictable, because your enemy won't hear, what a Spell you want to cast. He sees only quick Hand Signs which won't tell him, what you are doing

Disciple of Wind
DoW includes Evasion Skills and Defense Skills, but also skills, which increase in overall the Agility of the Assassin. quicker movementspeed, Quicker Attack Speed. nmatering this Attribute and the Assassin moves, like a leaf in the Wind. Also increses the Reflex Value of the Assassine, increasing chance to parry attacks with Katars. Also includes Counter Skills

Example Skills without MP Cost, CT and RT:

Katar Mastery

Raven Feather Assault
Stealth Katar Double Attack:
The Assassine will Shadow Step into the behind of the targeted Foe. A big black Mist will appear in the Area around the Target making it impossible to see anythin in its near, Whiel standing in this Mist, enemy movement is decreased by 33-66% when suffering on a condition.
The Assassine can attack the enemy that stands in the black mist freely from all sides through shadow steps as long the mist stays for the duration of 15 seconds. Within these 15 seconds the Assassin deals to the target in the Mist 8 consecutive Hits from all sides which do damage.
This Attack can be only performed, while being in stealth.

Dance of Death
Katar Double Attack:
The Assasin will "dance" for 10 seconds, while performing this dancing Katar Attack, the Assasin will hit all surroundign adjacent Enemies twice for every Condition, that lies on the Assasin for damage per Hit.

Soul Ripper
Katar Lead Hand Attack:
The Assasin will shadow step into the back of the targeted foe and attack for 3 concecutive attacks, which do only fixed damage of xx. Has the Enemy more Energy than the Assasin, than will leech each hit up to x-x MP per Hit and the Assassin will gain x-x of the leeched MP.

Thow Weapon Mastery

Splinter Kunais[Master] (new Skill type) > Disciple*Core*, Master and Elite Skills
Kunai Throw:
The Assasin will throw away up to 1-5 Kunais away in the 5-Way Direction, like a fanshape.
Each Kunai will do +xxx-xxx damage. gets a Kunai blocked, then will suffer the next 1-3 adjacent Foes to that foe that blocked a Kunai xxx-xxx damage and will start bleeding for xx seconds

Star of Darkness
Shuriken Throw:
The Assasin will throw 1 special with Darkness enchanted Shuriken into an Area, after the Assasin has jumped into the Air. While being in Air, the Assasin will be surrounded by a dark glowing Aura, which manifestates into the Shuriken, short before thrown away. When thrown away into a group, the Star of Darkness will explode and a little black Supernova will perform AoE damage to all Enemies in near of the Point, where the Star of Darkness exploded. Each enemy in that near will suffer on xxx-xxx Dark Damage. Where the enemies hexed by any dark elemental hexes, then the foes will suffer on additional xxx-xxx Dark Damage and will get interrupted.

Shuriken Storm
The Assasin will throw away Shurikens in a 3-Way throw, hitting 3 Targets at once. Each Shuriken will perform +xxx-xxx- damage. Does this Attack be used only on 1 Target, than has this Skill a 10-20% increased chance of critical hits.

Shadow Arts

Shadow Sphere[Elite]
Repeatable Stacking Enchant:
While being under this Enchant, the Assassin will have for 60 seconds 1 of max 5 Shadow Sphere, which surround him. When enchanted with a Shadow Sphere, the Assasin will receive for each Sphere + 5-10 Defense versus Dark Damage and the Assasin will receive for each Sphere +1 Life Regeneration, for 5 seconds, when ever Hit with Dark Damage.

Blade of Darkness
Weapon Spell:
The Assasin will enchant its Weapon with this Weapon Spell. For the next 20 seconds, the next 1-5 attacks will perform additional + xxx-xxx dark damage. When landing a Deadly Hit while under the effect of BoD, then will receive the enemy also for the next 30 seconds a Defense Malus of 15-25% against Dark Damage.

Twilight Aura
For the next 10 seconds, the Assassin has a 50-75% Chance to block melee attacks and projectiles, when used this Skill at nighttime. When using this Skil at daytime, then the Assasin will get healed for xxx-xxx% of the Skill Cost of Katar Skills, when ever the Assassin uses a Katar Skill for the next 20 seconds

Deadly Arts

Raven's Eye
For the next xx seconds, the Assasin has an increased chance of xx-xx% to perform with your next Attack a Deadly Hit.

Raging Hornet Stinger
Katar Accompanied Hand Attack.
This attack must follow a Lead Hand Attack. When this attack followed a Lead Hand Attack, the Assasin will knock down its foe and directly jump on the foe with its 2 Katars directed to the ground.
This Attack will land on the foe 2 unblockable Hits, that have an increased chance of 10-20%, to land on the knocked down foe a deadly hit.

Wind Slicer[Elite]
Katar Lead Hand Attack:
The Katars of the Assasine will become sharper then the Wind. The Movement Speed while perform this attack is increased by 100%. Within the next 1-5 seconds the Assassin will dash forward, slicing through any enemy, which stands in its way of line, holdign the katars like little wings, when the Attack ends, the Assasin will automatically shadow Step back to its original point. If performing a critical hit to at least 1 Enemy, this attack will get recharged in an instant.

Poison Fabrication

Enchant Deadly Poison[Master]
For the next 60 seconds, your attacks will cause poison to your foes.
Every foe that gets damaged through your poisoned weapons will suffer for the first Hit on -1 to -4 LD Poison. The 5th hit will strengthen the poison by -1 to -3 Life Degeneration up to a max of -7 LD. Once a foe received the 10th Hit, while the Assasin is under this enchant, the enemy will start suffering on Deadly Poison, which lets the Enemy lose 1 LP per every 3 seconds.

Venom Dust Cloud
Ward Spell:
For the next 10-20 seconds, enemies will suffer on -1-4 LD poison, while standing in the cloud of the venom dust. Poisoned Enemies in the Dust will suffer per second xxx-xxx damage, when attacking or moving.

Smoke Bomb
Ward Spell:
For the next 10-20 seconds, enemies standing in the area of the Smoke Bomb, will be blinded and are unable to use Shouts and Songs cause of coughing, they get also slowed down by 15-33% movement speed. When using Smoke Bomb, the Assasine will Shadow Step out of range from all nearby Enemies.


Jutsu of the Shadow Prison
Jutsu Spell:
While using this Jutsu, the Assasine and the targented Enemy become unable to move, as long the Assasine keeps up this Jutsu Spell active. While using this Jutsu, both Sides become unable to block also Attacks and are unable to use any Skills meanwhile. Whenever the targeted foe receives Damage by this way, the Assasine loses xx-xx MP, or Jutsu of the Shadow Prison will automatically end.
This Spell has only half range at daytime, but double range at nighttime.

Jutsu of the Burning Soul
Jutsu Spell:
When using this Jutsu on a target, that suffers on burning, then will the enemy also suffer for the lext 5 seconds on an Energy Degeneration of - 1 to -3. When the Mp of the foe reach 0, the Enemy will suffer on xxx-xxx Fire Damage.

Jutsu of the Dopplegangers[Elite]
Jutsu Spell:
When using this jutsu, the Assassin will create up to 1-5 Dopplegangers of hisself. Their Attacks do only maximal 1-10% of your Character, but each Doppleganger is a 100% clone of the origin Assassin, with same Defense, same HP/MP from the moment of Creation, what means, dou you use this Jutsu at only 50% of your max HP, all dopplegangers will have only 50% of your max HP as their Max HP.
Do u suffer on conditions/hexed, then they will also.
Doppelgangers will automatically disappear, when their HP reches 0, or after 1-5 Hits

Disciple of Wind

Leaf in the Wind
For the next 15 seconds, the Assassin has a 10-20% increased chance to avoid physical hits and moves 33% faster.

Wings of the Raven
As long you keep up this Enchantment, the Assassin will have a 10-20% increased Attack Speed and will autocounter critical hits from Enemies with a Shadow Step attack, that will deal xxx-xxx Dark Damage.

Whirlwind Kick
For the next 8 seconds, the Assassin will autocounter the next blocked physical attack, with a great Spin Kick, dealing to the Enemy adjacent to you xxx-xxx Wind Damage. Was the foe suffering on a Condion, then the foe will also get knocked down for 3 seconds.

Specials - What is new?:

Deadly Hits and Life Points
GW needs a better System around Death Malus, thats imo absolutely clear, the System what GW1 has in the moment simple sucks, so i thought, how to give GW2 a better system, that simple don't decreases the Max Health ever direct, until Characters become to weak for anything. But that System should work active and should also bring people, to play carefully. Also the new System should have some sort of tactical points - there came me the Idea of Life Points..a gameplay System which a know form the PS1 RPG Mini-Series SaGa Frontier 1 and 2
When we talk about HP, then people think ever, this would be the "Life Points", but thats not correct. Hp stands for "Hit Points" or better "Health Points", but HP determines not the Life Force of a Character, what could determine only LP. Then I thought about the Assassins and I got something like an inspired vision, I saw a picture, that got completed like a puzzle, when i looked at the Critical System of GW. Yet our Characters can deal only critical hits, but no theoretical deadly attacks.
That was the point, where everything fitted imo together..give the Game a Life Point System and let characters do Deadly Hits, Skills ect. which will cause the enemy to loose LP and when the LP reach 0, its the same ,as when your whole party would have -60% DP ...DEAD END, but you could fight at least with your full health further, as long you have still some LP.
The last puzzle piece in my mind was then only, to combine these new Systems with a Class for GW, that should be perfect in dealing deadly Hits, and what please fits most best to this role, then the Assassin ?

General: Only posting here for the beginning *includes stuff above*
- As you all can see, my Concept isn't based 1:1 on the old Guild Wars... I give all classes 7 instead of 4-5 Attributes, Classes will be all pure LCasses, so no 2-Class System anymore, no wannabe professions anymore, with pure classes you have NO wannabes...
I increased due to the imagined max level of 100 the Max Health and let also the MP increase per Level, therefore Classes will have no perma Energy Regeneration anymore. The perma Energy Regeneration will change to the kind of Regeneration, like for Health. Energy will then only regenerate, while you are resting and don't fighting. Or the players have to use up Health/mana Potions ...
(What is please a MMORPG without Potions >.>, let a Healer Class never become too important again, like in GW1, where you can do nothing, without Monks/Ritus /bleh )

- Also in my Concept, I give all Classes the possibility to improve Armors and Weapons through a new Equipment Refine System that it should give imo in GW2.

- Instead of Daggers, the Assassin in GW2 will become far more an Assassin based on east european/african *arabic* fight style, mixed with asian martial arts. The Katars fit much better to an Assassin, then 2 simple boring Daggers that can't even be thrown, because it are no Kunais.
Also Katars are a much better Weapon for Deadly Strikes, then small Daggers, because katars have the special abilitly to split their blades through a small mechanism, making them more deadly, when you do this, while the blade is in a body of an enemy

Gameplay Description - Assassin:
The Assassin is a Character, that should fight very active in the front of a battle, choosing 1 target, and then very quick eleminating it through a very quick borbardement of heavy critical strikes, using his powers of poison, stealth and the arts of shadows to support his own physical martial art like Attacks, which should give the player the feeling of playing a Character, which could be an professional Martial Artial Actor, like Jackie Chan or Jet Li from such Martial Arts Movies, like House of the Flying Daggers, Ong Bak and Co.
At the Moment, the Gameplay around the Fight System of GW1 doesn't give the player really THAT feeling, cause of either to boring Skill Effects, our the ever repeating same boring moves, while not usign any Skills and this annoying run away tries of low AL's, which looks as if Characters would play "catch me, if you can", either then fighting, when they get chased ...
Also GW1 has no interaction with the ares, in kind of Fight enviromental destruction ect.
That should be changed imo and the Assasine in GW2 should be the "paragon" of how real entertaining good martial Arts around a real good Real Time Fight System should look like. When I play an Assassin in GW2, i want to have the feeling of playing in a Martial Arts Movie ...same goes for Martial Arts Monks, which fight bare handed for example. What I miss really in the overall Gameplay around the Fight System in GW, what I hope the Assassin will bring to GW2 is Action!!

Strenghts & Weaknesses:

- Very strong in direct 1vs.1 Combats
- Best Class to perform Deadly Attacks
- Good self centered Buffs to make the Assassin become an even more deadlier Dualist

- Not the highest Defense for a Melee Class
- Weaker to Armor Penetration, then other Melee Classes, because of only wearing Battle Suits that are not really heavy armored
- Not the highest Health Points for a Melee Class

Equipment, Rune & Insignia Examples:

Armor Sets:

- Bounty Hunter's Set *also Elite*
- Murderer-Set *also Elite*
- Assassin-Set *also Elite*
- Ninja-Set *also Elite*
- Spy-Set *also Elite*
- Saboteur-Set *also Elite*
- Cantha-Set
- Tyria-Set
- Vaabian (Elona)-Set
- Underworld-Set (FoW)
- Racial-Sets


Burning Katars of Defense(Req. Player Level xx)
Fire Damage 21-51 *due to increased Max HP, weapons can do more damage* > 7-17*3
Lets Enemies burn for 3 seconds (10% Chance)
+15% Damage (while HP ^50%)
+5 Defense
+20% Damage (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)

Vampiric Kunais of Kunai Mastery (Req. Player Level xx)
Piercing Damage 9-33 > in GW1 that would be 3-11
Health Drain +3
Heath Degeneration -1
Energy + xx
+20% Damage (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)

Cruel Shurikens of Fortitude (Req. Player Level xx)
Slash Damage 9-33
Deep Wounds last 33% longer and reduce max HP by 10% more (20%Chance)
+15% Damage (while enchanted)
+xxx Health Points
+20% Damage (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)


Assassin-Rune of Speed
Increases movement speed permanently by xx %

Assassin-Rune of Agility
Increases attack speed permanently by xx % (non stackable)

Assassin-Rune of Evasion
Increases chance of evading physical attacks by xx % (non stackable)

Assassin-Rune of Stealth
Increases your grade of invisibility by 33% while in Stealth (non stackable) without rune, its 66%, with its 99%, then you see only foot steps on the ground ...maybe and your only help are then Detection Skills, which make the Assassin again visible.


- Bloody > + xx HP Heal, whenever you kill someone
- Bounty > + xx % Money Gain, when you kill something
- Chi > + xx Defense, while using a Jutsu
- Wind blessed > + x% movement/attack speed


  • Phoenix Tears
  • Sony Playstation 3 and the Developers of "Assasin's Creed", from which I have the Portrait-Picture

All rights reserved to the Developers of Assassin's Creed in point of the Picture taken of their Game.

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

_______The Barbarian_______
Feared Musculous Warmongers



Maximum HP:
Lvl 1 > 100 HP
Lvl 20 > 625 HP
Lvl 50 > 1750 HP
Lvl 100 > 3500 HP

Maximum MP:
Lvl 1 > 25 MP
Lvl 20 > 100 MP
Lvl 50 > 175 MP
Lvl 100 > 300 MP

Maximum LP:
Lvl 1 > 0
Lvl 10 > 2
Lvl 100 > 20

Maximum Armor Force:
70+20, when max refined, (+10, when wearing Focus Item)

Barbarians are brute primitive Warriors. The Warmongers on the Battlefields, which strengthen theirself and other Barbarians in their near through their very different War Cries and Shouts, which increase the Morale, mental Resistance and physical powers of the Barbarians for short time.
The Barbarians love to fight with Axes and they are Master with them in Dual Wielding Style. Barbarians don't like to wear very much Armors, they believe in the fact, that too much Armor decreases only their fighting Abilities and makes them too slow. The Barbarian train their bodies very very hard, so that their skin becomes very tough. Barbarians in general can resist physical attacks much better, then other Classes, which rely on heavy Armors.
The Barbarians can be recognized by their unique kind of clothes, which are all furs from wild beasts, they have killed. A true Barbarian shows his strength, with wearing the furs of the beats, he/she has slaughtered.

The Barbarian is a Supportive Melee Fighter, which can do different multi tasks, as whatever is wished for Support... either the Barbarian can be played as pure Melee Damage Dealer, giving surronding enemies a heavy thread to deal with, cause of great physical regenerative powers, or the barbarian supports with his Battle Cries the other Melee Characters of the group or also weakens nearby enemies with them by letting enemies and monsters fear you.
As kind of Warmonger, the Barbarians battle Cries and Shouts also motivate other party members and to fight with more proud and courage.


"Dual" Axe Mastery
The Main Weapon Attribute, like al other Weapon Attributes, this one increases the Attack Power from Axes, either if you fight now only with 1, or with 2 in Dual Style. Naturally higher attribute results also in higher chance for critical hits, plus the attack Speed increases slightly per Point,

"Dual" Flail Mastery
The secondary Weapon Attribute, like all other Weapon Attributes, this one increases the Attack Power from Flails and Morningstars, either if you fight now only with 1, or with 2 in Dual Style. Naturally higher attribute results also in higher chance for critical hits, plus the Atack Speed increases slightly per Point.

Bloodlust includes Skills, which will buff or heal the barbarian, whenever he kills something.
These Skills also trigger, when classes like Necromancers in the near of barbarians sacrifice health.
or enemies in general are suffering from conditions like bleeding or deep wounds.

Battle Anger
Battle Anger is the Adrenaline Boost higher the attribute, so more Adrenaline can the barbarian gain through attacks and safe maximum up. Skills include Auras and Stances, which will either buff the barbarian self, or some adjacent allies too

Body Building
Body Building increases the resistance versus physical attacks, also slightly increases the maximal Health points. This Attribute stands for the Defensive Skills of the Barbarian.

Brute Strength
Brute Strength increases the Attack Power through raising the Chance for armor penetrating Attacks.
Also buff skills, which increase Attack Power, increases the Chance to knock down Foes.

War Cries
War Cries are supportive Skills, which can buff all allies in the hear range of them. Unremoveable buffs, which last for some time.

Example Skills without MP Cost, CT and RT:

Dual Axe Mastery

Hurricane Axe
Axe Skill:
The Barbarian will throw his axe(s) to the targets in line. This attack will deal +xx Damage to al foes in the way of line. if the Barbarian wields 2 Axes, then the enemies will receive the damage twice.
is the Barbarian enchanted, while using this attack, then the Damage will be Wind Damage and has 25% armor penetration, but will cost xx% more MP. After usage, this Skill will be disabled for xx Seconds per Axe thrown.

Spinning Chop
Axe Skill:
The Barbarian will turn around hisself to perforn an Attack, that deals +xx Damage to all adjacent foes around him. Weilds the Barbarian 2 xes, then this Attack will hit twice, but costs xx% more Adrenaline

Flying Eagle Slash
Axe Skill:
The Barbarian will toss up its targeted Foe into the Sky and then trow an axe onto that Foe.
This Attack will cause Bleeding for xx Seconds. Does ther foe still suffer on Bleeding, then this Attack will cause instead for xx Seconds a Deep Wound and Flying Eagle Slash will be a Critical Hit.

Dual Flail Mastery

Bone Crusher
Flail Skil:
The Barbarian wil attack the legs of the targeted Foe with its Flail/Morningstar. the attack will cause +xx Damage and will cripple the foe for xx Seconds. When wielding two weapons, damage and cripple duration will be double, but Adrenaline Cost will be xx% higher.

Earth Rift
Flail Skill:
This Attack will split up the Earth. All foes in the way of line of this Attack will receive xx Earth Damage. was the barbarian wieldign two weapons, then this atack will deal instead xxx damage and will knock down attacking foes, but this Skill will cost then + xx% more MP and will get disabled xx seconds per Weapon.

Fallen Star
Flail Skill:
The barbarian will throw his Flail away in a high angle. The Flail will fly very slow and will come down like a little comet. This attack will deal +xx damage and will be unblockable.
Was the Barbarian enchanted, then this attack will do instead + xx Fire Damage and will cause xx seconds Burning.


Blood Bath
The Echant will last for the next 60 Seconds. Whenever the Barbarian kills something, while being enchanted with Blood Bath, the barbarian wil receive xx-xxx HP heals.

Revengeful Blood[Elite]
The Enchant will last for the next xx-xx seconds and additional xx seconds will the barbarian receive, whenever someone of your Allies dies, as long your under this Enchant.
When you are under this enchant, your next x-x Attack will deal additional +xx damage, for every dead ally in your near

Feel your Source of Life
When the Barbarian or any adjacent Ally are bleeding, poisoned, or suffering from Deep Wound, all allies within hear range will gain +x-x Life regeneration and + xx-xxx maximum Health for xx Seconds

Battle Anger

Hate & Love of your Blade
While under this Enchant, you will deal -xx-xx Damage, but you will gain +xx% more Adrenaline.
When this Enchant ends, you will deal for the next x-x Attacks +xx-xx Damage, but you will gain xx% lesser Adrenaline

Give me the Flash Feeling
Adrenaline Skill:
You will lose all your momentanous Adrenaline. XX to XX seconds later, you will receive all your lost Adrenaline through this Skill back. For every xx points of Adrenaline received back by this Method, you will become immune versus blinding for 1 Second

Proud and Honour
This Skill will last for the next xx-xx Seconds, when ever you kill an enemy, while this Enchant is active, the Barbarian will receive a x-x Adrenaline Boost.

Body Building

Strong Skin
This Skill will reduce for the next xx-xx Seconds the Chance for the Barbarian to receive Critical Hits.

I Feel No Pain[Master]
For the next xx Seconds the Barbarian will have +xxx-xxx more Health Points and the Barbarian will receive for each Condition he suffers on xx-xx Damage lesser.

Brain to Muscles[Elite]
The Barbarian sacrifices xx-xx% of his max MP to increase his HP by xx-xx% for the next xx seconds

Brute Strength

Attack Skill:
The Barbarian will attack the next nearest target and will deal xx-xx damage. Each level of brute strength increase the chance of this attack to knock down also the foe by 2%

Enemy Toss
Attack Skill:
The Barbarian wil lift up its next foe on his hands into the air, to throw his foe into another one.
Both foes will receive xx-xx damage and will suffer on cracked armor

Power Charge
The Barbarian increases his attack power for his next xx-xx attacks by xx-xx%

War Cries

You will fear Me!!
Enemies in near of earshot can't block the attacks of the Barbarian for the duration of this Shout

I'll kill you!!
Enemies in near of earshot will receive xx-xx% more damage from the next x-xAttacks of the Barbarian, when their HP are under 50%

On them!!!
This Shout will increase for all nearby allies the movementspeed by 25%. Also Allies will receive for the next 5 seconds x-x Adrenaline per Second.

Specials - What is new ?:

Naturally new is the Dual Weapon Fight Style. Fighting either with two Axes or two Flails (Morningstars). This means naturally not, that the Barbarian can't also fight with only 1 Weapon and weilds then a Focus Item too instead of the 2nd Weapon.
Also new is too naturally the Flail. The secondary Weapon of the Barbarian. While Axes will deal Slash Damage, Flails will deal Piercing Damage or Blunt Damage. Also the Flail is slightly weaker then the Axe, therfore the Flail has a little Armor Penetrating Bonus of 10%

In general is the Barbarian a 3/4 Warrior of GW1, the Barbarian will show most aspects of what People know from the Warrior of GW1 from all Melee CC's here

Health- & Mana Points
As you can see it. Professions in my CC's for a Concept of GW2 will have from Profession to Profession different max values of HP and MP ...
The Classical System, where Melee Classes have more HP, then magicians and magicians have more MP, then Melees...while hybrids are more the Allrounders and build the middle of the system.
This will help to show, which roles are for which professions to give the professions a trustworthy gameplay role ... where melees get played also like melees and don't get transformed into wannabe magicians.

Gameplay Description - Barbarian:

The role of the Barbarian at the Front of the Battle is it, either to tank or to support other nearby Melees. The Strengh of the Barbarian lies also in Group Fight. With its Shouts can the Barbarian effectively support nearby allies at the front, but keep itself also good alive to withstand the strongest enemies and monsters over long time, before they fall.
With the Dual Axes and Flails they can be a heavy thread and shouldn't be better underestimated.

Strength & Weaknesses:

- Good Tank Abilities
- Can Support other Melee Classes well through War Cries
- Universal Fight Style for each Situation

- Not much MP and high MP Costs for its Skills the need MP
- Lesser Defense for increased Damage when using Dual Weapons
- Weak to Elements, receives from Magic alot more damage, then from physical hits

Equipment, Rune & Insignia Examples:

Armor Sets:

- Barbarian Set *also Elite*
- Warmonger-Set *also Elite*
- Northern-Set *also Elite*
- Woodcutter-Set *also Elite*
- Martyr-Set *also Elite*
- Primitive-Set *also Elite*
- Cantha-Set
- Tyria-Set
- Vaabian (Elona)-Set
- Underworld-Set (FoW)
- Racial-Sets


Frosty Axe of Defense(Req. Player Level xx)
Ice Damage 18-78 *due to increased Max HP, weapons can do more damage* > 6-26*3
Slows Enemy Attack Speed down by 50% for 3 seconds (10% Chance)
+15% Damage (while HP ^50%)
+5 Defense
+20% Damage (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)

Zealous Flail of Fortitude (Req. Player Level xx)
Piercing Damage 12-66 > in GW1 that would be 4-22
Energy Drain +1
EnergyDegeneration -1
HP + xx
+15% Damage (while enchanted)
+20% Damage (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)

Master Gauntlet of Fortitude (Req. Player Level xx) (Focus Item)
Energy + xx
Defense + xx
Attribute of the weilded Weapon + 1 (20%)
HP + xx
+20% Defense (Customized to Artemis Gryffindor)


Barbarian-Rune of Vitality
Increases Immunity vs. bleeding, poison and blinding by xx %

Barbarian-Rune of Strength
Increases attack power permanently by xx % (non stackable)

Barbarian-Rune of Health
Increases maximum Health Points by % (non stackable)

Barbarian-Rune of Defense
Increases the Defense Power of the barbarian, reducing the received physical Damage by xx (non stackable)


- Anger > + x Adrenaline, when enemies kill an Ally
- Rage > + x Attack Power, when using Skills (-10 Defense while using Skills)
- Nature > + xx Defense, vs Elements (-10 Defense vs. physical Hits)
- Vital > + xx HP



Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

_____The Berserker_____
Destroyers of the Battlefields



Maximum HP:
Lvl 1 > 100 HP
Lvl 20 > 700 HP
Lvl 50 > 2000 HP
Lvl 100 > 4000 HP

Maximum MP:
Lvl 1 > 25 MP
Lvl 20 > 85 MP
Lvl 50 > 150 MP
Lvl 100 > 250 MP

Maximum LP:
Lvl 1 > 0
Lvl 10 > 2
Lvl 100 > 20

Maximum Armor Force:
60+20, when max refined

Berserkers are the real Destroyers of the Battlefield. Where a Berserker was fighting, there will grow so soon nothing anymore. Their sheer destructive powers are beyond that ones of other fighters of other professions, but their weakness is their lack of defense power. In their berserking rage the Berserker is nearly unable to avoid or to block attacks from enemies. Berserkers don't feel pain - you could chop of a Berserker his right Armm you would hear no cry of the Berserker would slash on you further, as if nothing would have had happened. Their bodies are so full of Adrenaline, that their simplest attacks are capable of breaking bones. Berserkers are Masters of the Art with Two Hand Weapons. A Berserker fights either with big bihanded Great Swords, or with bihanded Great Axes.
Their source of Power its their ultimate Rage, which gets increased through massive hate.

The Berserker has only 1 real function... its total easy that everyone hsould know it, without telling it ... - it's naturally the absolute Damage Dealer. The Berserker has eventually on the first sight less Defensepower, but the Attack Power of the Berserker is so devastating, that it should be normally, that the Berserker kills his enemies, before they had even a good chance to land some god hits on the Berserker. The Role of the berserker is it sure not, to tank or to buff and to support others. No, when a berserker is on the field, everything what you want to do with him is to fabricate a pure mass slaughter.

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