For some reason my game is only running on 10-20 fps MAX when it usually runs on 80-100. None of my settings are changed in-game or on my system, and this only started when guild wars decided to download a few ping is even through the roof from 300-1000. Is this happening to anyone else? I've auto-detected settings, put them all to none/no quality and it still seems to be stuck at 10-20 fps. My FPS in other games are perfectly fine how they should be so it seems to only be Guild Wars related...
Oh I have an ATI x1300/1550 with updated drivers...Dell XPS 400
In-Game Settings:
Full Screen 800x600
Refresh 75
Anti-Aliasing: None
Terrain Qual: High
Reflections: All
Texture Qual: High
Shadoq Qual: Medium
Shader Qual: Low
V-Sync: Off
Enable Post Process Effects
Use Best Texture
Horrible FPS
So nobody else has experienced a huge drop in fps lately? Just me?
Athena Starblaze
Had a similiar problem last night whilst in Alliance Battles with a couple ofmy guildies, lag was so bad it's a wonder I wasn't reported for Leeching, as none of my spells were going off right and when they did I was usually either dead or too down on life to save myself real problem when your an Ele.
Originally Posted by gotztaplay
So nobody else has experienced a huge drop in fps lately? Just me?
Originally Posted by tmr819
I have noticed the same thing as well. It seems to have started after the most recent patches.
Lord Sojar
Funny, my FPS went up with the recent updates. Steady at around 340FPS with vsync off (which is way up from the 290 I was getting, could be the new nVidia drivers though), but... mind you, i Play with vsync on, so 60FPS.
If any of you find a fix please post back...this is just unplayable for me
I have the same problem. A very poor FPS for no reason. So if anyone can help, please do ^^
Hey, the problem fixed itself with the new update
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Funny, my FPS went up with the recent updates. Steady at around 340FPS with vsync off (which is way up from the 290 I was getting, could be the new nVidia drivers though), but... mind you, i Play with vsync on, so 60FPS.
Is anyone else still having this problem, even after recent updates? Because I sure am. My ping stays at a steady 100-500 but my FPS seem to sink to an unplayable 6. Is this a Gw specific thing or should I have my comp checked out?
Tamuril elansar
try running the game with less background programs on.