UW Farming Problem : Smite vs Smite
Well, I farm UW with a W/Rt, I hadn't noticed this before, but now when I'm pulling more than one group, sometimes they attack each other and don't attack me. They usually end up killing each other (the coldfires sometimes jump in after they start fighting). Has anyone else notice this or have a reason for it?
Happens to various creatures all of the time. It's not new, though it's occasionally convenient =P.
Originally Posted by FengShuiDove
Happens to various creatures all of the time. It's not new, though it's occasionally convenient =P.
Or Inconvenient...
they use Zealots fire. so if another group get to close and a smite casts zealots, the other group will take damage so they will attack.
Sir Pandra Pierva
Which sucks for farmers.
never had that happen, that's quite funny
Always happens. And when I see it, I always burst out in my typical "QQ the ectos are killing each other!!!1!pancake!!"
dont feel no pain
i like when they kill of coldires.. though coldfires usualy pwn them XD, but yeah i generaly find it anoyying and time wasting
there is always one "rouge" group of smites. They will attack anything that comes into their aggro circle. Which usually drags other smites and coldfires into the fray. This group is usually the first one in the zone, so if you can pull it before aggroing anything else you can get yourself that extra shot at an ecto. But usually this group will always die. (And take others with it sometimes)
This is very commen, its been around for a long long time.
The smites on the left(up the hill) and the rest of the smites down below(where the coldfire do that circle potrol and beyond) if any meet they will fight. This can happen alot when you get there as they wander about. Mostly you will only lose 1 group of smites.
The smites on the left(up the hill) and the rest of the smites down below(where the coldfire do that circle potrol and beyond) if any meet they will fight. This can happen alot when you get there as they wander about. Mostly you will only lose 1 group of smites.
xxx wraith xxx
ok ill explain cause i think ive found out: there are 2 kinds of smites wich i call: The Cold lovers and the cold haters.
Now if you see a patrol walking tru a group of smites without fighting then you can agro every smite which doesnt fight with coldfires either too.
If you dont know for sure then DONT pull 2 groups.
Most of the time the first group of smites you encouter=anti coldfire, and the group wich is out of reach of every group (at the far end of the ice waste on the right side you probably know what i mean) is mostly a Cold fire lover group.
With this info you should almost never see youre own pulls fight eachother
Now if you see a patrol walking tru a group of smites without fighting then you can agro every smite which doesnt fight with coldfires either too.
If you dont know for sure then DONT pull 2 groups.
Most of the time the first group of smites you encouter=anti coldfire, and the group wich is out of reach of every group (at the far end of the ice waste on the right side you probably know what i mean) is mostly a Cold fire lover group.
With this info you should almost never see youre own pulls fight eachother
It's usually one group of smites that start the ruccus (2nd to 3rd group in) - overall it doesn't ruin the farming run though which is the important part
Silly Warrior
This is a common problem, and nothing new or out of the blue.