** Mods, not sure if this should be posted here or in Tech Corner, please move if need be. **
I've been experiencing some strange lagginess lately. The connection dot will fairly predictably dip from green to yellow, then back to green. And twice in the last few days, I've locked up and gotten d/c'd - while in combat, I might add. After last night's d/c, it took a couple of tries before GW would even connect again.
This is naturally even more un-nerving than it might normally be as I'm closing in on my LS title on one char.
I thought at first that it might be that there are lots of instances being run in the same area - Lutgardis, lots of FFFing going on there - that could be slowing things down, but have found that it's happening everywhere and on other chars, too. The d/c last night, for instance, was on Mount Qinkai map in the middle of the night, hardly a hot-bed of activity.
This has been going on for, oh, maybe a week or 10 days now. I'm wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has been experiencing something similar.
experiencing strange lag/connection issues - anyone else?