New Profession Idea!
Lady Raenef
Well, before you flame me, read!
I thought about this for a while, I was thinking about a ranged character, who can buff team mates, using things like shouts or chants. I have an idea of using adrenaline along with energy, sort of like the warriors. Instead of a bow, they can use a spear, but with less range, but quicker offense.
As for what they'd look like, let's give them shields. Make them leader quality, so their armor would be fancy, you know? I'd want them to resemble well...angel quality. In fact, when they use some skills, they should have wings appear off their back as they gently hover in the air.
They can resemble...excellence, an ideal of their kind.
Let's call them...PARAGONS.
WHY are you not focusing on them ANet? Did they do something wrong?! You've nerfed them beyond what seems reasonable. They're hardly ever used, because you goofed up so badly. I love paragons, more than dervishes, but you've made them so worthless, they're not worth playing. Some players struggle to make builds that seem to be effective, only to have them be nerfed within the next 24 hours. Do something about this! I see mesmers now, floods of them, compared to how it used to be, and you never saw mesmers. You fixed them, now fix the damn paragon!
They shouldn't be part of the game unless you have plans for them. I know I'm ranting, but it's been months since the damage has been instilled. Fix them, please! We've waited patiently, too long! It's time to bring Paragons back to life!
I thought about this for a while, I was thinking about a ranged character, who can buff team mates, using things like shouts or chants. I have an idea of using adrenaline along with energy, sort of like the warriors. Instead of a bow, they can use a spear, but with less range, but quicker offense.
As for what they'd look like, let's give them shields. Make them leader quality, so their armor would be fancy, you know? I'd want them to resemble well...angel quality. In fact, when they use some skills, they should have wings appear off their back as they gently hover in the air.
They can resemble...excellence, an ideal of their kind.
Let's call them...PARAGONS.
WHY are you not focusing on them ANet? Did they do something wrong?! You've nerfed them beyond what seems reasonable. They're hardly ever used, because you goofed up so badly. I love paragons, more than dervishes, but you've made them so worthless, they're not worth playing. Some players struggle to make builds that seem to be effective, only to have them be nerfed within the next 24 hours. Do something about this! I see mesmers now, floods of them, compared to how it used to be, and you never saw mesmers. You fixed them, now fix the damn paragon!
They shouldn't be part of the game unless you have plans for them. I know I'm ranting, but it's been months since the damage has been instilled. Fix them, please! We've waited patiently, too long! It's time to bring Paragons back to life!
master koa
Fix them in what area?
I support you on the underpoweredness (that can't be a word) of paragons though.
I support you on the underpoweredness (that can't be a word) of paragons though.
If you've ever seen a decent paragon you'd know they're not underpowered, they're just misunderstood *and very few are really suited for the support shout build and try to take with them like morons*
Paragons aren't that underpowered, if you've ever watched a GvG with a Cruel Spear paragon, you'd know they pump out way more dmg than a warrior if used right. They're shouts are practically nerfed into oblivion (besides anthem of flame). Aggressive Refrain is still decent, but you have to play the class differently.
crazy diamond
Underpowered? You have no idea what you're talking about.
mazey vorstagg
Exactly, how is a paragon underpowered. there are loads about and I know one in particular who's got My GH "smells of rich mahogany" rank 5 with pretty much only H/H. Underpowered?
Lady Raenef
I went to the Random Arenas for a good six hours, and I only saw three all day. I did however, see an Assassin/Paragon, and two Ranger/Paragons. Hell, I even saw one Warrior/Paragon.
They lack skills to be even remotely useful. Their chants hardly do any buffing whatsoever. Their skills practically kill the Paragon itself in use, to make them obsolete. How many Paragons use "The Power Is Yours!" I haven't seen a single one. Let's not forget the nerf of "Incoming!" "It's Just A Flesh Wound." Really, who is going to use that often? Aggressive Refrain was horribly nerfed. It's just not as good as it should and can be. A lot of the skills are completely useless beyond usage.
I just want skills to get some "life" into them, if you will. I want to see more Paragons out there.
They lack skills to be even remotely useful. Their chants hardly do any buffing whatsoever. Their skills practically kill the Paragon itself in use, to make them obsolete. How many Paragons use "The Power Is Yours!" I haven't seen a single one. Let's not forget the nerf of "Incoming!" "It's Just A Flesh Wound." Really, who is going to use that often? Aggressive Refrain was horribly nerfed. It's just not as good as it should and can be. A lot of the skills are completely useless beyond usage.
I just want skills to get some "life" into them, if you will. I want to see more Paragons out there.
crazy diamond
You played Random Arenas for six hours. Surely the ideal spot and more than enough time to develop a rock solid understanding of the class.
sickle of carnage
Paragons? Underpowered?
/fail alt+f4 uninstall
/fail alt+f4 uninstall
Lady Raenef
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
You played Random Arenas for six hours. Surely the ideal spot and more than enough time to develop a rock solid understanding of the class.
I want to see more Paragons. And yes, I was thinking builds, new builds for my Assassin, since I am trying to gather up a decent Damage/Survival build.
I have tried making builds for Paragons, some of which work, but they could be better. The supportive buffs, don't give enough of a buff to make them worth something. The elites, like I have pointed out, don't do really...anything useful.
crazy diamond
You have a poor understanding if you think the majority of their skills offer no value to you or your teammates.
Sounds to me like you just want them to do something else that they weren't designed to do.
Sounds to me like you just want them to do something else that they weren't designed to do.
Lady Raenef
Paragons were meant to lead a party, but all I see them doing is hauling ass a mile behind the group. I would just like to see more of their skills have more of a purpose. In all the professions, in my opinion, they have the least amount of useful ones. I'd just like to see some things like chants, be more effective.
Woop Shotty
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
How many Paragons use "The Power Is Yours!" I haven't seen a single one.
Lady Raenef
I use Unyielding Aura to piss people off in RA. Res them, and kill them. Haha...
Kale Ironfist
There is something wrong when you're basing your opinion of Paragons on RANDOM ARENA, where you can't get the most out of your skills due to limited team size, and more than likely, won't have all 4 within earshot of you.
That, and most players I've seen that give their bars tend to focus too much on Motivation and not enough on Spear Mastery. When you've got better base DPS than Sword Warriors, and the best IAS in the game, why the heck are you NOT using them?
That, and most players I've seen that give their bars tend to focus too much on Motivation and not enough on Spear Mastery. When you've got better base DPS than Sword Warriors, and the best IAS in the game, why the heck are you NOT using them?
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
I use Unyielding Aura to piss people off in RA. Res them, and kill them. Haha...
Originally Posted by Kale Ironfist
That, and most players I've seen that give their bars tend to focus too much on Motivation and not enough on Spear Mastery. When you've got better base DPS than Sword Warriors, and the best IAS in the game, why the heck are you NOT using them?
Paragons have the ranged damage dealing, where the ranger is a ranged interrupter and conditioner(but quite capable of DPS though, unless the foe is non-fleshy but that is probably my limited skill as a ranger).
Adrenaline Spear attacks and especially burning, make paragons into our ranged assassins
(wait... then what do we have air ele's for?).
But they look nothing like that, they are angels that shout and chant, affecting the team.
Hence the paragon looks like it has a 100% supportive skill set.
So people put 2 or 3 spear attack in their bar, and go "Hey, these are pretty good, I'll be able to deal decent damage while supporting my team"
Then they notice that supporting the team is going to be hard, and go "Omg what a gimp these paragons are"
(then they type /dance and go "OMG I look so gay while dancing")
It takes a pretty big switch in your brain to use the paragon right.
Many people aren't crazy enough to flip their brains around like that; at least not without my special fresh mushrooms.

I actually haven't really accepted this switch, I use(d) Morgan as a dazer and conditioner, not a damage dealer.
I'd have to agree. Aggresive Refrain was what seemed to make good paragon builds, then that was nerfed with cracked armor. Why? It was NEVER overpowered.
Originally Posted by sickle of carnage
Paragons? Underpowered?
/fail alt+f4 uninstall |
Really. They are currently probably the overpowered class.
Kale Ironfist
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
I'd have to agree. Aggresive Refrain was what seemed to make good paragon builds, then that was nerfed with cracked armor. Why? It was NEVER overpowered.
Originally Posted by Kale Ironfist
It was a permanent IAS with no drawback. How is that not overpowered?
How is 25 energy on a 20 base energy character not a drawback?
It already reduced armor or health because you had to sacrifice insignia's/runes/inscriptions to even be able to use it.
Now it still reduces what equipment you can use, and further nerfs that equipment by taking 20 armor off of it. (basically forcing you to take a '+15 armor while under a condition' shield inscription)
This isn't a's just a badly disguised rant about something which is simply not true.
If you want to discuss the Paragon, please use the Paragon forum.
"OMG..OMG.. Paragons are so underpowered" debates never end well. So...
If you want to discuss the Paragon, please use the Paragon forum.
"OMG..OMG.. Paragons are so underpowered" debates never end well. So...