Originally Posted by Reason
I am sure they don't, hence why they have said they look back at LOGS, even if there was someone looking at it around the clock they could not monitor ever trade in game.
Note: Dupers exist still, and somehow anet isnt fixing or caring u make the call!
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
What has been done can not be undone, you cant unfire the gun.
Still, this really only affects the highest end stuff, namely a handful of minis, maybe an eternal sword or two. The general economy is largely untouched. So I guess it doesn't matter that much to anyone but the big time collectors.
Bah, if only they could've duped things like Superior Vigors and sell them all to the rune trader to drop their prices. That's what I would've done. For the greater good!
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
The proof is in the pudding.
Xue Fang
ANets goal as of September 2005: Create gold sinks and discourage the idea of gold farming for real world sale.
As of 2007, this goal is becoming more and more of a reality. How, do you ask? Inflation.
Inflation is defined as: the number of dollars in circulation exceeds the amount of goods and services available for purchase; inflation results in a decrease in the dollar's value.
As of 2007, this goal is becoming more and more of a reality. How, do you ask? Inflation.
Inflation is defined as: the number of dollars in circulation exceeds the amount of goods and services available for purchase; inflation results in a decrease in the dollar's value.
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
I was only going to lurk until I read this. What does that even mean?
What I meant by it is: You can say there are duped armbraces still out there, and you can say there aren't, but either way, just saying it doesn't make it true - you have to see these trades for ridiculous amount of armbraces yourself (or at least on the forums, since I have nothing that expensive to offer in-game). You have to taste the pudding to really know what it tastes like, instead of just taking someone's word for it.
There were not 250 armbrace trades before the dupe incident, yet there were plenty, and still are, now.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
and still are, now.
Just because there are lots of armbraces being traded doesn't mean that it's a result of duping.
Originally Posted by Faer
Don't forget that Ursan Blessing is making DoA farming more common, thus increasing the amount of gemstones being obtained, which increases the amount of armbraces in the market.
Just because there are lots of armbraces being traded doesn't mean that it's a result of duping. |
Duped items might still exist, but at this point in time, it might have been laundered so much that nobody can tell the difference. You want to get banned if you find out one of the armbraces you legitamately bought originated from a dupe? What else is a.net supposed to do? I think a.net cares... but there is very little they can do to fix it.
I was gonna stay out of these threads, but might as well give my opinion.
To Max_gladius, I can see your point...kinda. However i'm curious why your so ticked. Yes its cheating, but if you step back and take a look at the whole thing, its JUST A GAME. Don't get me wrong here, i'm not a duper, but for crying out loud what difference does it make outside of GW? Every thread on duping that i can recall was started by known high end traders who were just furious that someone had vastly surpassed their wealth in just a matter of days. The point I see in their posts is "OMG, ban these people they're taking my uber rich status away!!! Oh noess!" Might as well come to the realization that all your collections, stacks of ectos, fow, whatever you prize in gw is a nice collection of pixels, measuring at most a few MB in Anet's servers, with little difference from an account that is filled with junk. And many dupers simply turn around and spend their ill-gotten wealth on their own collections, just changing pixels.
I laugh still when i visit some of the threads in High end these days. Shill bidders, fake bidders, dupers, the whole lot and then some. One current auction, the seller scoffs at 25e bid increases, yet declines to post a s/b or b/o, and claims that real life is "kicking his ass, and he doesn't play anymore, so he doesn't want to keep his rares anymore" (thats a paraphrase btw). I must ask, if you don't play, why are you so greedy for something that does you no good in real life? Unless you want to sell your profits on ebay or whatever, which brings me to my final point.
The root of all these duper threads as I see them is mostly greed, indeed even the duping is simply tied to greed. People who have the "leet collections" or stacks of ectos or w/e don't want anyone else to have stuff like that, the people who don't have it want it, and dupe to get it. I do NOT advocate that duping should be let go, it is a breach of the EULA and should be rewarded with a permaban, but what i'd worry about is not the dumb dupers who invest in collections or other gw stuff (aka bunch of pixels), its the ones who are smart and turn it into cash. The only reason this works for them is because there are a host of fat, lazy goons who will spend real money for some more pixels.
As far as Anet is concerned....I believe they are more interested in building gw2, not worried about gw1's economy. BTW, they already did a prime job of wrecking gw economy, first inscriptions, then killing whatever was left with gwen....duping just tops it off, shooting the truely rare item prices through the roof, making more people stay around long enough to try and get them.
Oh and I could care less how rich you are in GW, i'm not rich at all in pixelland, its who you are in the real world that makes a difference.
** Puts on full armor of +10 vs fire armor, and +10 vs flaming shield **
Also this game was created to be an enjoyment, not an obcessant (sp?). If it really bugs you about some pixels in some servers, you might rethink how much time you play GW, cause you probably have addiction problems
To Max_gladius, I can see your point...kinda. However i'm curious why your so ticked. Yes its cheating, but if you step back and take a look at the whole thing, its JUST A GAME. Don't get me wrong here, i'm not a duper, but for crying out loud what difference does it make outside of GW? Every thread on duping that i can recall was started by known high end traders who were just furious that someone had vastly surpassed their wealth in just a matter of days. The point I see in their posts is "OMG, ban these people they're taking my uber rich status away!!! Oh noess!" Might as well come to the realization that all your collections, stacks of ectos, fow, whatever you prize in gw is a nice collection of pixels, measuring at most a few MB in Anet's servers, with little difference from an account that is filled with junk. And many dupers simply turn around and spend their ill-gotten wealth on their own collections, just changing pixels.
I laugh still when i visit some of the threads in High end these days. Shill bidders, fake bidders, dupers, the whole lot and then some. One current auction, the seller scoffs at 25e bid increases, yet declines to post a s/b or b/o, and claims that real life is "kicking his ass, and he doesn't play anymore, so he doesn't want to keep his rares anymore" (thats a paraphrase btw). I must ask, if you don't play, why are you so greedy for something that does you no good in real life? Unless you want to sell your profits on ebay or whatever, which brings me to my final point.
The root of all these duper threads as I see them is mostly greed, indeed even the duping is simply tied to greed. People who have the "leet collections" or stacks of ectos or w/e don't want anyone else to have stuff like that, the people who don't have it want it, and dupe to get it. I do NOT advocate that duping should be let go, it is a breach of the EULA and should be rewarded with a permaban, but what i'd worry about is not the dumb dupers who invest in collections or other gw stuff (aka bunch of pixels), its the ones who are smart and turn it into cash. The only reason this works for them is because there are a host of fat, lazy goons who will spend real money for some more pixels.
As far as Anet is concerned....I believe they are more interested in building gw2, not worried about gw1's economy. BTW, they already did a prime job of wrecking gw economy, first inscriptions, then killing whatever was left with gwen....duping just tops it off, shooting the truely rare item prices through the roof, making more people stay around long enough to try and get them.
Oh and I could care less how rich you are in GW, i'm not rich at all in pixelland, its who you are in the real world that makes a difference.
** Puts on full armor of +10 vs fire armor, and +10 vs flaming shield **
Also this game was created to be an enjoyment, not an obcessant (sp?). If it really bugs you about some pixels in some servers, you might rethink how much time you play GW, cause you probably have addiction problems
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Then perhaps you can explain why the prices for ecto and shards haven't decreased.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Faer
I could, but my patience Riverside ranting is far too limited for me to bother with it. Either side can say anything they want, without budging the opinion of the opposition even slightly, so in the end, it's pointless to go beyond the "inject opposing statement" phase of things.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
I universally disagree with your points, and insult you personally.
The Dupe issue that I am aware of is EASILY detected. So its all a matter of how Anet put the manpower towards the problem. And since NCSoft is the ones in charge of Support now... I doubt much will be done to stop it except for those that get reported in the process.
I'm sorry but its true... At this point GW1 is retired and approaching abandon-ware. By the time GW2 comes out all that will be left is the cheaters if the trend continues... And that is a HUGE disapointment for many.
personally I have never seen the NEED to be rich... its just not there.
If you NEVER, and I mean NEVER make use of other players to attain your equipment or items.. Guess what? Your never broke... You may have to wait a while to get certain Greens and do some farming for the rare skin you want. But Collector or craftable equivalents are defiantly out there for our needs in the mean time for very reasonable NPC prices, If not Free from NPCs.
Indeed since I have abandoned the use of trade button for any type of commerce I have retained an average of a constant 30 to 40 k at all times for skills armors materials, and equipment over time. Just from playing the game. and trust me I have attained a fair share of greens over all the time playing that have been used on heroes or other characters replacing collector or bonus items over time... I rarely Waste gold on over expensive Armors or crazy optional stuff like minis. Even 1k Kourna armor is the same class and quality as the most prestigious of types... Sure MAYBE someday I will waste a few hundred k on higher end armors, but until that day, Why bother? Its not like its ANYTHING more then just a skin... It has no added benefit to be worth all that game money to waste it on. If I want to see a different skin I could just as easily use Texmod and reskin my body with whatever I so choose... But what I have is fine as far as I am concerned.
I'm sorry but its true... At this point GW1 is retired and approaching abandon-ware. By the time GW2 comes out all that will be left is the cheaters if the trend continues... And that is a HUGE disapointment for many.
personally I have never seen the NEED to be rich... its just not there.
If you NEVER, and I mean NEVER make use of other players to attain your equipment or items.. Guess what? Your never broke... You may have to wait a while to get certain Greens and do some farming for the rare skin you want. But Collector or craftable equivalents are defiantly out there for our needs in the mean time for very reasonable NPC prices, If not Free from NPCs.
Indeed since I have abandoned the use of trade button for any type of commerce I have retained an average of a constant 30 to 40 k at all times for skills armors materials, and equipment over time. Just from playing the game. and trust me I have attained a fair share of greens over all the time playing that have been used on heroes or other characters replacing collector or bonus items over time... I rarely Waste gold on over expensive Armors or crazy optional stuff like minis. Even 1k Kourna armor is the same class and quality as the most prestigious of types... Sure MAYBE someday I will waste a few hundred k on higher end armors, but until that day, Why bother? Its not like its ANYTHING more then just a skin... It has no added benefit to be worth all that game money to waste it on. If I want to see a different skin I could just as easily use Texmod and reskin my body with whatever I so choose... But what I have is fine as far as I am concerned.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
The Dupe issue that I am aware of is EASILY detected. So its all a matter of how Anet put the manpower towards the problem. And since NCSoft is the ones in charge of Support now... I doubt much will be done to stop it except for those that get reported in the process.
Beyond that, manpower to catch isn't needed - data mining logs is all that is needed. That is automated and quite easy to do once it is known it is going on. People who used the reconnect feature to dupe were banned and people who took advantage of obvious bad trades were too (just remember the number of complaints of "I was banned for trading 200 armbraces for an oni-blade" type posts).
What is now left are the same ultra-rich power traders who are amassing the duped items in many "small" trades from those that did legit trades. Nothing ban-able about that, it is just the fact that the market in those high end items is on the cheap - we are in a period of over all deflation but an inflation in the very high end trade items. In such times the ultra-rich can REALLY amass commodities.
People who had earned enough to actually look at billion gold+ items legitimately can amass HUGE stacks of the stuff out there now. They can easily make large amounts of wealth by trading between the inflated/deflated markets. Add in that things like Ursanway are allowing many people who normally could not get things like gemstones and you have that even stronger.
Eventually it will balance out as those people hoard their wealth. Still, the highest end stuff will probably always go for really really high now unless there is a true money sink out there (that is, a way to remove the gold from the system totally, not just spread it around) but I don't see that happeneing without destroying game balance.
Make Armbraces not stackable?
Its been reported. And the bug duplicated for Anet staff in party... But the source is a nasty little scam site that a Guildy brought my attention too that makes Farm bots... these are also the same people that made the Always +10 health +10 energy regen scripts... And the Open storage anywhere script, Even in presearing... These Illegal mods are very easily detected when someone reports them for it... Which was the most reassuring thing I discovered when we were doing this for the Anet support staff. And they were happy to tell us that with a report they can easily look at the logs and detect it happening on the specious account. But they have to look. there is no trigger that flags them. YET!!! From what I understand it is coming however...
best advise just stay away from it... and from unscrupulous sites that are offering bot scripts and Game mods to allow cheating... its just not worth it guys... And I'm sorry but the community and Anet staff will not have sympathy for you... Just not going to happen...
Oh and for the record I did this for them on my Testing account... The one that has no active keys on it. they gave me a 14day demo key to use on it so I could duplicate the bug for them while they watched my account activity and character log.
This is not like the Gwen shortcut issue that I had been told was going to be ok to use, and then got the spin around on when it was being abused for Green Drok keys 100s at a time and Anet had no choice stop it. But at least they still let us go to CTC. So I forgave them ultimately for that one. lol No when its a bug I report it. Always and without fail. So far Anet When I talk to the right people there have been very supportive of reports of these kinds of bugs. Especially Elijah and Ryan. Those guys are the bomb... Best people I ever had the pleasure to deal with over at Anet...
best advise just stay away from it... and from unscrupulous sites that are offering bot scripts and Game mods to allow cheating... its just not worth it guys... And I'm sorry but the community and Anet staff will not have sympathy for you... Just not going to happen...
Oh and for the record I did this for them on my Testing account... The one that has no active keys on it. they gave me a 14day demo key to use on it so I could duplicate the bug for them while they watched my account activity and character log.
This is not like the Gwen shortcut issue that I had been told was going to be ok to use, and then got the spin around on when it was being abused for Green Drok keys 100s at a time and Anet had no choice stop it. But at least they still let us go to CTC. So I forgave them ultimately for that one. lol No when its a bug I report it. Always and without fail. So far Anet When I talk to the right people there have been very supportive of reports of these kinds of bugs. Especially Elijah and Ryan. Those guys are the bomb... Best people I ever had the pleasure to deal with over at Anet...
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
Its been reported. And the bug duplicated for Anet staff in party... But the source is a nasty little scam site that a Guildy brought my attention too that makes Farm bots... these are also the same people that made the Always +10 health +10 energy regen scripts... And the Open storage anywhere script, Even in presearing... These Illegal mods are very easily detected when someone reports them for it... Which was the most reassuring thing I discovered when we were doing this for the Anet support staff. And they were happy to tell us that with a report they can easily look at the logs and detect it happening on the specious account. But they have to look. there is no trigger that flags them. YET!!! From what I understand it is coming however...
best advise just stay away from it... and from unscrupulous sites that are offering bot scripts and Game mods to allow cheating... its just not worth it guys... And I'm sorry but the community and Anet staff will not have sympathy for you... Just not going to happen... Oh and for the record I did this for them on my Testing account... The one that has no active keys on it. they gave me a 14day demo key to use on it so I could duplicate the bug for them while they watched my account activity and character log. This is not like the Gwen shortcut issue that I had been told was going to be ok to use, and then got the spin around on when it was being abused for Green Drok keys 100s at a time and Anet had no choice stop it. But at least they still let us go to CTC. So I forgave them ultimately for that one. lol No when its a bug I report it. Always and without fail. So far Anet When I talk to the right people there have been very supportive of reports of these kinds of bugs. Especially Elijah and Ryan. Those guys are the bomb... Best people I ever had the pleasure to deal with over at Anet... |

Originally Posted by Tarkin
Agree... we are? 200 000? 300 000? active ppls? against 1? 3? 5? anet members... this unfair... 250 000... trying new farm ways... trying new dupe ways... new scans... lol... i say track pandas... track panda logs...
Dupping might not be a problem if the money drops and quest rewards weren't so damn cheap.
As for bots and gold sellers. I pm'ed Gaile one day and asked her why they don't ban players who seem to randomly walk up to someone and trade 100K ten times for no exchange, and later on do the same to someone else. Her reply was that "they may be a high end traders."
Her reply to me just screamed bs. I really can't see anyone making 2000K, at least, a day and trading it to someone for nothing, and anet knowing this, does nothing.
So, to me, does anet care about dupping/bots. No. Not until they get enough players complaining that this is happening. Not until they get annoyed by their community on the matter do they start to care.
As for bots and gold sellers. I pm'ed Gaile one day and asked her why they don't ban players who seem to randomly walk up to someone and trade 100K ten times for no exchange, and later on do the same to someone else. Her reply was that "they may be a high end traders."
Her reply to me just screamed bs. I really can't see anyone making 2000K, at least, a day and trading it to someone for nothing, and anet knowing this, does nothing.
So, to me, does anet care about dupping/bots. No. Not until they get enough players complaining that this is happening. Not until they get annoyed by their community on the matter do they start to care.
If there were dupers ArenaNet would know. They probably have an unique id (GUID) for every item so if ever it happens there are 2 items with the same id their report system would send the devs a message. If some people have much gold they are probably just ebayers or have mutiple accounts with bots.
Does not giving a shit make me a bad person?
Oh wait - I don't give a shit about that either!
It's just a freaking game!
Oh wait - I don't give a shit about that either!
It's just a freaking game!
I would pobally dupe if I knew how to do it, even if I wasnt sure if I could get away with it. Farming really got boring as hell.
Tamuril elansar
any evidence their still dupers? people just have luck with voltaic spears :S
Originally Posted by Tamuril elansar
any evidence their still dupers? people just have luck with voltaic spears :S
Smile Like Umean It
I'm not surprised there's could be more of them still in game. As vigilant as they were in trying to fix the problem they are still human and people are sneaky. Who's to say they aren't still working on it now?
Just because there were a few of them that jumped the gun and got caught doesn't mean that there weren't smarter ones that took their times, only did it in small amounts and spread them out to numerous people over the months that they were doing it then had those people slowing start giving them back. (is what I would have done).
And who says they all got them at the same time?
They could have gotten them from duping, hording, being a power trader and had one of their buddies leave the game and give them all their shit.
Point is, unless they actually sit there and show you how it's done, not just say it, but do it successfully, you or no one else on this forum knows for sure.
Just because there were a few of them that jumped the gun and got caught doesn't mean that there weren't smarter ones that took their times, only did it in small amounts and spread them out to numerous people over the months that they were doing it then had those people slowing start giving them back. (is what I would have done).
Originally Posted by netniwk
there are people with more ecto then you could get out of 100 r.9 volatic spears..
They could have gotten them from duping, hording, being a power trader and had one of their buddies leave the game and give them all their shit.
Point is, unless they actually sit there and show you how it's done, not just say it, but do it successfully, you or no one else on this forum knows for sure.
Originally Posted by netniwk
there are people with more ecto then you could get out of 100 r.9 volatic spears..
GodDam i just Took one!!

hmm,I think French ppl do it

To the OP:
K first of all: It's a DUPER not a DUPPER
Second: Why on earth did you add a poll? How can we 'vote' on whether they care or not? They either care or not, and they OBVIOUSLY do.
Good decisions take time to make. They can't just ban anyone who pops a stack of ecto in your tradewindow.
Stop whining and be patient.
K first of all: It's a DUPER not a DUPPER
Second: Why on earth did you add a poll? How can we 'vote' on whether they care or not? They either care or not, and they OBVIOUSLY do.
Good decisions take time to make. They can't just ban anyone who pops a stack of ecto in your tradewindow.
Stop whining and be patient.
Originally Posted by netniwk
there are people with more ecto then you could get out of 100 r.9 volatic spears..

The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by blackknight1337
I was gonna stay out of these threads, but might as well give my opinion.
To Max_gladius, I can see your point...kinda. However i'm curious why your so ticked. Yes its cheating, but if you step back and take a look at the whole thing, its JUST A GAME. Don't get me wrong here, i'm not a duper, but for crying out loud what difference does it make outside of GW? Every thread on duping that i can recall was started by known high end traders who were just furious that someone had vastly surpassed their wealth in just a matter of days. The point I see in their posts is "OMG, ban these people they're taking my uber rich status away!!! Oh noess!" Might as well come to the realization that all your collections, stacks of ectos, fow, whatever you prize in gw is a nice collection of pixels, measuring at most a few MB in Anet's servers, with little difference from an account that is filled with junk. And many dupers simply turn around and spend their ill-gotten wealth on their own collections, just changing pixels. I laugh still when i visit some of the threads in High end these days. Shill bidders, fake bidders, dupers, the whole lot and then some. One current auction, the seller scoffs at 25e bid increases, yet declines to post a s/b or b/o, and claims that real life is "kicking his ass, and he doesn't play anymore, so he doesn't want to keep his rares anymore" (thats a paraphrase btw). I must ask, if you don't play, why are you so greedy for something that does you no good in real life? Unless you want to sell your profits on ebay or whatever, which brings me to my final point. The root of all these duper threads as I see them is mostly greed, indeed even the duping is simply tied to greed. People who have the "leet collections" or stacks of ectos or w/e don't want anyone else to have stuff like that, the people who don't have it want it, and dupe to get it. I do NOT advocate that duping should be let go, it is a breach of the EULA and should be rewarded with a permaban, but what i'd worry about is not the dumb dupers who invest in collections or other gw stuff (aka bunch of pixels), its the ones who are smart and turn it into cash. The only reason this works for them is because there are a host of fat, lazy goons who will spend real money for some more pixels. As far as Anet is concerned....I believe they are more interested in building gw2, not worried about gw1's economy. BTW, they already did a prime job of wrecking gw economy, first inscriptions, then killing whatever was left with gwen....duping just tops it off, shooting the truely rare item prices through the roof, making more people stay around long enough to try and get them. Oh and I could care less how rich you are in GW, i'm not rich at all in pixelland, its who you are in the real world that makes a difference. ** Puts on full armor of +10 vs fire armor, and +10 vs flaming shield ** Also this game was created to be an enjoyment, not an obcessant (sp?). If it really bugs you about some pixels in some servers, you might rethink how much time you play GW, cause you probably have addiction problems |
CE Devilman
or 3587 Slices of Pumpkin Pie...
Tamuril elansar
Originally Posted by CE Devilman
or 3587 Slices of Pumpkin Pie...
ectos hsve been farmed in relatively big quantities for about 2 years and there is an ocean of them in the game now.
even if UB cut the time for a run you have to consider that you are only adding the relatively few additional ectos from the saved time of a run over what would have been gotten anyway/
then you have to look at the ocean of existing in game ectos you are adding this relative cupfull of additional ectos to
Swift Thief
Originally Posted by max gladius
I am totally fed up with the fact that Duppers are still ingame.... how is it possible for someone to go from less then 1 stack of ecto to over 30 stacks in the mater of months...
Diddy bow
Originally Posted by upier
Does not giving a shit make me a bad person?
Oh wait - I don't give a shit about that either! It's just a freaking game! |
As far as I'm concerned, this episode with duping has already tarnished the legacy of GW without question. But I guess it is expected when a MMORPG approaches the end of its life cycle as with many other games that lasts this long. I realize that many of us are still passionate about the game but in all honesty, time to move on.......
One wonders if Ecto's were suddenly worth 100g each?
People would get Fissure armor, and gloves of course, so what? My gloves for 1.5k is just as good. Skill over time RIGHT? (unless we are speaking of PvE grind skills)
Many of the other armors have nicer skins. Skill over time RIGHT. Most players I know who made their millions did it when UW rained Ecto's, Protective bond could be maintained without energy loss, and there was no loot scaling. Ah those were the days where people did not SCREAM balance over the truly unbalanced skill combo's we used to use to farm an area. ORIGINAL EOE ANYONE?
Considering GW is dead, and there is a mass exodus out of GW for other better games I'd say this situation is moot. GW2 will be here and all that cheating will be in vain. Honestly do you really believe that filling out your hall will give you some kind of advantage? ANET has already said it won't.
People would get Fissure armor, and gloves of course, so what? My gloves for 1.5k is just as good. Skill over time RIGHT? (unless we are speaking of PvE grind skills)
Many of the other armors have nicer skins. Skill over time RIGHT. Most players I know who made their millions did it when UW rained Ecto's, Protective bond could be maintained without energy loss, and there was no loot scaling. Ah those were the days where people did not SCREAM balance over the truly unbalanced skill combo's we used to use to farm an area. ORIGINAL EOE ANYONE?
Considering GW is dead, and there is a mass exodus out of GW for other better games I'd say this situation is moot. GW2 will be here and all that cheating will be in vain. Honestly do you really believe that filling out your hall will give you some kind of advantage? ANET has already said it won't.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Nuj08
As far as I'm concerned, this episode with duping has already tarnished the legacy of GW without question. But I guess it is expected when a MMORPG approaches the end of its life cycle as with many other games that lasts this long. I realize that many of us are still passionate about the game but in all honesty, time to move on.......
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
I love how so many people seem to know without a doubt that duping most certainly is going on.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
Yeah. It died for me when factions was released.
max gladius
The bothersome part, is the fact that people are getting away with it....
Think back when u were in school, you study your arse off for a test, spent a full week of your vacation time, you get a 90 on it, you know that a few people cheated on it and got a 95... did it effect you? you still passed the test, you still got a nice score... but did it in any effect you?
Should that person be aloud to keep that score and no one tell on them? Suppose the teacher even found out they cheated, should they just get a retest?
I mean really, you still passed, there is no real effect on you at all right. Its not like that effects you outside of the school. Who cares if you waisted a week of your life to almost get what they got on it when they just wrote their notes on some paper and used it on the test...
Oh wait, lets just convince the teacher to make all tests open book... or better why not everyone just cheat on the test...
That is the situation at hand, anet banned some ppl, temp banned others, and totally let others get away with it... now, there is a newer dup that was or is going on, and from the appearance of it, anet is not doing anything to fix the situation....
Think back when u were in school, you study your arse off for a test, spent a full week of your vacation time, you get a 90 on it, you know that a few people cheated on it and got a 95... did it effect you? you still passed the test, you still got a nice score... but did it in any effect you?
Should that person be aloud to keep that score and no one tell on them? Suppose the teacher even found out they cheated, should they just get a retest?
I mean really, you still passed, there is no real effect on you at all right. Its not like that effects you outside of the school. Who cares if you waisted a week of your life to almost get what they got on it when they just wrote their notes on some paper and used it on the test...
Oh wait, lets just convince the teacher to make all tests open book... or better why not everyone just cheat on the test...
That is the situation at hand, anet banned some ppl, temp banned others, and totally let others get away with it... now, there is a newer dup that was or is going on, and from the appearance of it, anet is not doing anything to fix the situation....
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by max gladius
but if u read his stuff, he was very accurate on prior accusations and such.
Which does not mean that gold-selling companies are not making money out of GW (which is the only explanation I can find for this madness of "high-end market" where people play/bid/sell/buy at financial amounts that are completely beyond the normal player's reach). Greediness is at the root of this alternate GW world.