"The Bio-Mage"
-Hi, It's my Semestral Exams^^.
But I still gve this CC a shot, So please like it^^.
This CC is Totally Different from my Alchemist Reject^^.
The Contents:
- The Background, Tells it's purpose in the GW Lore.
- The Status, Tells what is it's Status and General Data.
- The Attributes, Abilites or Skills which diffines this Class from the others.
- The Strength, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are good at to.
- The Weakness, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are burdened to.
The Chemist is a Potion and Medicine Master. They would use their Potions to Manipulate a Creature's Growth, Sense, Abilites also Body. But they can't Manipulate Divine and Spiritual Beings and Elements. They can use this to make the Creature vunrable to Fire, Make Armor or skin Fragile and Brittle or Fasten Creatures Regeneration Speed. They also have some Bombs which may be usefull in battle. That's why they are renwoned for their title as "Bio-Mages(Biological Magicians)" able to manipulate a Creature Body Structure, Growth and Acitivty. |
- Potions & Bombs, Potions are mainly Medicine, Drugs and Elixirs which are used to Heal your Allies and Bombs are the Offensive time of Potions unlike Potions, Bombs have Half-Range while Potions have Melee.
- Arbalester, The Arbalester is a Mini-Cannon large as your Arm, Arbalesters can Strike Adjacent Foes but only gives of Half Range, Making it Half Range Ballances your time to Affect both Allies and Foes.
- Homonculi, Homonculi are Creatures with Shapeshift, The Maximum Stage of a Homonculi is 3. The Greater the Stage the Lesser the Skills the Lesser the Stage the Greater the Skills. And Homonculi dies faster than Minnions and you'r Limited to 1 each only (All Homonculi Skills are Elite).
- Transmutation, Transmutations are Skills which Convert one thing to another Supporting the Conditional Effects of Bombs or Potions.
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 30.
-4 pipes of energy.
-Headgear(Goggles, Monocle, Glasses)
-Starter Armor: AL 15
-Low: Al 30-40
-Medium: AL 50-60
-Maximum: AL 70
-Bonus Armor +15(While Homonculus is Alive)
-Bonus Armor +5(While Equiped with 1 or more Potions)
Armor +5(While Equiped with 2 or more Potions)
Armor +5(While Equiped with 3 or more Potions)
-Bonus Armor +5(While Equiped with 1 or more Bombs)
Armor +5(While Equiped with 2 or more Bombs)
Armor +5(While Equiped with 3 or more Bombs)
Fire/Lighting/Cold/Earth Damage 9-29(req. 9 Chemistry)
3.66 seconds
Adjacent Foes
-For each rank of Potency, You'r Potions and Bombs last 1.5% Longer.
-Specializes in Dealing with Arbalesters, Bombs and Conditional Damaging.
-Specializes in Manipulating Creatures' Body Growth with Medicines and Drugs.
-Specializes in creating Homonculi and Transmutating.
Skill Listing:
Chemist's Elixir
-Potion, 5e|3c|30r : For 30 seconds, Whenever you cast a Potion you gain +15-45(50) Health and +1-3(3) Energy.
Energizing Scent
-Potion, 5e|2c|45r : For 5-15 seconds, Whenever you cast a Potion Skill on yourself, You gain +1-2(2) Energy.
Alchemical Reaction
-Spell, 10e|1c|20r : If Target Foe is under Effects of Both a Bomb and Potion, For 5-15(17) seconds, Next time a Bomb or Potion meets its effect, That Foe takes 25-50 Damage and loses all Bomb and Potion effects. If that Foe isn't under an effect of a Bomb and Potion, You gain 1-5(7) energy. This Spell has half the Normal Range.
Combustion Tube[Elite]
-Bomb Attack, 5e|2c|20r : Deal +15-50(60) Fire Damage to Target Adjacent Foes, For 5-15(17) seconds, Whenever Target Foe takes Fire Damage that Foe and Adjacent Foes take 5-25(30) Fire Damage.
Acid Terror
-Bomb Attack, 10e|1c|15r : Deal +5-45(50) Dark Damage to Target Adjacent Foes, For 5-15(19) seconds, Target Foe loses 1-10(15) Health while Moving every second. And suffer from Cracked Armor and unable to Block.
Noxious Solution
-Preperation, 10e|3c|25r : For 20 seconds, For the next 1-4(5) Times your Bomb Attacks meet their Condition, Adjacent Foes are Interupted and suffer from Daze for 1-3(5) seconds (15% Chance of Success).
-Potion, 5e|3c : This does nothing, After 3 seconds. For 5-10(12) seconds, Target Touched Ally Absorbs the next 50-200(250) Damage taken. But suffers from Weakness for 10-5(3) seconds. This Skill is Disabled for 20-15(12) seconds.
-Potion, 5e|2c : This does nothing, After 3 seconds. Target Touched Ally is healed from Poison and Disease and for 5-17(21) seconds, You are Immune up to 1-2(3) Poison or Disease. This Skill is disabled for 10-6(5) seconds.
-Potion, 5e|2c : This does nothing, After 3 seconds, Target Touched Ally is healed from all Conditions and that Ally gains +1-5(7) Health Regeneration for 5 seconds. This Skill is disabled for 17-12(10) seconds.
-Homonculus Spells are under Construction for the while^^.
Chimera Cell[Elite]
-Homonculus, 15e|3c|30r : Target Creature gains "Chimera" for 30 seconds, This does nothing. After the Creature Dies, The Corpse is exploited and Animates a Chimera for 30 seconds. The Chimera suffers from 9-4(3) Health Degeneration. This Skill is Disabled for 120-80(75) seconds. This Spell has half the Normal Range.
- Chimera I, Golden Pheonix Strike, Horns of the Ox, Falling Spider, Way of the Fox
- Chimera II, Feigned Neutrality, Shroud of Distress
Flame Transmutation
-Spell, 10e|2c|20r : For 3-12(15) seconds, Whenever Target Foe takes Damage, That Damage is Converted to Fire Damage. This Spell has half the Normal Range.
-Spell, 10e|2c|25r : For 5-15(18) seconds, Whenever Target Foe is under Effect of a Potion, Potions are treated as Bombs. Whenever Target Foe is under Effect of a Bomb, Bombs are treated as Potions. If that Foe is under Effects of more than 5-3(2) Potions when this is cast that Foe suffers from Daze for 2-5(9) seconds. This Spell has half the Normal Range.
-Potency is your Primary
-Alchemy is your Potion Skills
-Biochemy is your Transmute and Homon
-Chemistry is your Potion B
I. Arbalester System
-The Arbalester is a Mini-Cannon used to launch you'r Bombs. The Arbalester can deal damage to Adjacent Foes
- II. Bomb Attack
-Bombs are Attack Skills used by an Arbalester. Bombs are different from other Attack Skills, cause Bombs leave an effect on Foes. And some Solutions(Preperation) helps in the Amplification of the Conditional Effects of a Bomb.
Bombs additional Conditional Effects are too counted as Conditions^^.
Potion System
-Potions are Elixirs, Medicine or Drugs which helps the Body of Creatures to Regenerate Faster, Immunity and etc. Drugs with very potent Effects mostly have Side-Effects to like Dazing, chance of Burning or etc.
Homonculi System
-Homonculi are Creatures with Shapeshift, The Maximum Stage of a Homonculi is 3. The Greater the Stage the Lesser the Skills the Lesser the Stage the Greater the Skills. And Homonculi dies faster than Minnions and you'r Limited to 1 each only (All Homonculi Skills are Elite).
The Homonculus' levels through health, If it has 2 stages it changed when it reaches 50%, If it has 3 Stages when it reaches 66% and 33%.
The Deeper it gets the Homonculus loses it's Offenisve Potential but gains more Defensive Skills.
Transmutation System
-Transmutations are Skills which Convert one thing to another Supporting the Conditional Effects of Bombs or Potions.
-Coming Soon^^!!
-Coming Soon^^!!
Copyright by Shirow Masamuna and RF Online
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Hope you like it^^!